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SPORTS Wednesday 31 January 2024
Vladimir Guerrero Jr. looking forward to setting arbitration record
win or lose
By IAN HARRISON because he’s my good
Associated Press friend, and now I can give
TORONTO (AP) — Although him a hard time about it,”
he’s never gone through Guerrero said.
the process before, Vladi- Guerrero and Hernández
mir Guerrero Jr. doesn’t were Blue Jays teammates
seem too unsettled about for four seasons, reaching
the possibility of his 2024 the playoffs together in
salary being decided by 2020 and 2022.
a three-person arbitration A three-time All-Star and
panel. the reigning Home Run
That’s probably because Derby champion, Guerrero
whether Guerrero wins or said he’s made some minor
loses, the Blue Jays slug- mechanical adjustments to
ger stands to set a record his swing this offseason af-
for the highest salary ever ter a second straight year
awarded in arbitration. of declining productivity.
Guerrero has asked for He set career-highs with
$19.9 million and been of- 48 home runs and 111 RBIs
fered $18.05 million, mean- in 2021, then followed up
ing he’s guaranteed to top with 32 homers and 97 RBIs
the $14 million former To- in 2022. Guerrero had 26
ronto teammate Teoscar homers and 94 last season.
Hernández received from Toronto Blue Jays’ Vladimir Guerrero Jr. celebrates his two-run home run against the Texas “I improved my mechanics
Seattle after Hernández lost Rangers during the first inning of a baseball game Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023, in Toronto. to have as little movement
Associated Press
his hearing last year. as possible,” Guerrero said.
“I feel very happy,” Guerre- in an interview to promote cover of the 2024 edition Show. “To the naked eye, you
ro said through a translator his appearance on the of the video game MLB The “I feel even more happy might not even notice.q I
Eighteen current WNBA players on Athletes Unlimited rosters this
By DOUG FEINBERG overseas because of the Officer Colie Edison. “We (Atlanta Dream); Kelsey las Wings); Odyssey Sims
AP Basketball Writer situation in Israel, the ongo- are proud to have the Mitchell (Indiana Fever); (Dallas Wings) and Evina
The WNBA and its players ing Russia-Ukraine war and WNBA App serve as the Tiffany Mitchell (Minnesota Westbrook (Los Angeles
are once again a big part the WNBA’s prioritization free, live streaming partner Lynx); Maddy Siegrist (Dal- Sparks).q
of the Athletes Unlimited rule that requires players of AU Pro Basketball.”
basketball season. to be in training camp or Current WNBA players
Eighteen players in the not be able to play in the competing this season in-
40-person league finished upcoming season, AU has clude: Laeticia Amihere
last season on a WNBA become a more attractive (Atlanta Dream); Kierstan
roster while 11 others, in- option. Most of the games Bell (Las Vegas Aces); Ka-
cluding two-time Olym- in the league will be avail- lani Brown (Dallas Wings);
pic champion Angel Mc- able to watch for free on Lexie Brown (Los Angeles
Coughtry, have experi- the WNBA App. It’s a sec- Sparks); Rae Burrell (Los
ence in the league. ond year of a collaboration Angeles Sparks); Natasha
There has been a growth between the two leagues. Cloud (Washington Mys-
in the amount of WNBA “The WNBA is thrilled to col- tics); Sydney Colson (Las
players competing in the laborate with Athletes Un- Vegas Aces); Zia Cooke
four-week league from its limited Pro Basketball for a (Los Angeles Sparks); Alli-
inception in 2022. Originally second consecutive sea- sha Gray (Atlanta Dream);
34% had some WNBA ties son, unlocking access to Isabelle Harrison (Chicago Las Vegas Aces’ Sydney Colson (51) plays during the second
with that number increas- more women’s basketball Sky); Ruthy Hebard (Chi- half in Game 4 of a WNBA basketball final playoff series
ing to 72.5% this year. for fans across the globe,” cago Sky); Lexie Hull (Indi- against the New York Liberty Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, in New
With less options to play said WNBA Chief Growth ana Fever); Haley Jones Associated Press