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               Wednesday 31 January 2024

             Taking it easy: The Chiefs are back in the Super Bowl because of a

             simplified offensive approach

            By DAVE SKRETTA                                                                                                     were  repeated  four  times:
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    from Reid on the sideline to
            KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  —                                                                                         Nagy in the coaches’ box,
            There was a moment back                                                                                             back  to  Mahomes  on  the
            on Christmas Day, long be-                                                                                          field,  and  one  last  time  to
            fore the Kansas City Chiefs                                                                                         the rest of the team in the
            could  even  start  thinking                                                                                        huddle.  By  the  time  they
            about playing in the Super                                                                                          broke it and got to the line
            Bowl  again,  when  Patrick                                                                                         of  scrimmage,  there  were
            Mahomes  broke  the  hud-                                                                                           just  a  few  seconds  left  on
            dle in a game against the                                                                                           the  play  clock  and  the
            Las Vegas Raiders.                                                                                                  Chiefs  were  rushing  to  get
            His team was in total disar-                                                                                        the snap off.
            ray.  Players  were  coming                                                                                         By  simplifying  things,  the
            off the sideline, then racing                                                                                       Chiefs  have  gotten  to  the
            back,  only  to  turn  around                                                                                       line  of  scrimmage  in  the
            and  rush  back  onto  the                                                                                          playoffs  with  15  or  20  sec-
            field.  Nobody  knew  where                                                                                         onds  on  the  clock,  and
            to line up. And all the while,                                                                                      that  has  given  Mahomes
            the play clock was quickly                                                                                          time to survey the defense,
            clicking down to zero.                                                                                              change  protections  or  au-
            That  moment  may  have                                                                                             dible to an entirely different
            changed the course of the                                                                                           play if necessary.
            entire  season  for  Kansas   Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid gestures as he walks off the field after defeating   “Nobody  took  offense  to
            City.                        the Baltimore Ravens in the AFC Championship NFL football game, Sunday, Jan. 28, 2024, in   any  of  it,”  Nagy  said.  “We
            In the midst of that deflat-  Baltimore.                                                                            said, ‘How can we get bet-
            ing loss to the Raiders, their                                                                     Associated Press   ter?’  And  we  started  with
            fifth in eight games, Chiefs   points against the Bills and  designing  creative  plays  ed.  In  fact,  former  quar-  that.
            coach  Andy  Reid  and  his   Ravens on the road to earn  and  share  the  same  go-   terback  Alex  Smith  used   There’s a lot of other things
            offensive  brain  trust  came   a  spot  opposite  the  San  for-broke  attitude.  When  to  warn  his  teammates  in   that go into it, with execu-
            to the realization that their   Francisco 49ers on Feb. 11  rookies show up to training  the huddle that he had “a   tion  and  play  design  and

            famously  complex  offense   in Las Vegas, of all places.  camp  each  July,  they  are  doozy”  so  that  they  could   everything, but put it all to-
            had grown  well, too com-    “When you see some of the  hit  with  the  entirety  of  the  pay  attention  as  he  deliv-  gether and see what hap-
            plex. There were too forma-  things  that  happened  on  offensive  playbook,  and  ered the entire word salad.     pens.”
            tions.  Too  many  motions.   tape, like that game where  it  usually  leaves  their  eyes  “There’s so much verbiage   What happened was back-
            Too many route concepts.     we  had  trouble  getting  spinning  like  slot  machines  in  this  playbook  and  so   to-back  wins  to  clinch  the
            In  fact,  there  were  too   in  and  out  of  the  huddle,  and their brains feeling like  much  dialogue,”  Chiefs   AFC  West  and  the  No.  3
            many  words,  often  more    whether  it’s  personnel  or  mush.                       general   manager     Brett   seed  in  the  playoffs.  And
            than 15 to spit out a single   what  we  have  in  the  play  “It’s a complex offense. It’s  Veach acknowledged last   three  more  wins  there,  in-
            play.                        call  I think it is a combina-  hard for young guys to do,”  fall,  “and  there’s  so  many   cluding the past two on the
            So the Chiefs simplified ev-  tion  of  all  that,”  Chiefs  of-  Mahomes admitted.    tweaks  to  every  assign-   road  the first road playoff
            erything. And they haven’t   fensive  coordinator  Matt  There  are  unusual  forma-   ment  in  regard  to  where   games  of  Mahomes’  ca-
            lost since.                  Nagy  said.  “So  sometimes  tions.  A  wide  range  of  they  align  and  how  they   reer    when  the  decibel
            While their offense still may   that  stuff  makes  you  look  personnel  groups.  Lots  of  look at coverage and how   level  inside  the  opposing
            not be the juggernaut that   back and think, ‘What can  shifts  and  movements,  de-   they  alter  routes.  It’s  super   stadium should make com-
            carried the Chiefs to three   we  do  different  to  help  signed  to  both  confuse  complicated.”                 munication  for  an  offense
            previous Super Bowls in four   these guys out?’”          the defense and provide a  Fast  forward  to  Christmas   even more challenging.
            years,  it  has  at  least  be-  In some ways, the decision  tell as to what it might do.  Day.  One  of  the  problems   “I  don’t  like  losing  any
            come  efficient,  and  that’s   to  pare  back  everything  There  are  ghost  motions.  the Chiefs had against the   games,  so  every  loss  I  feel
            all  it  needed  to  be  along-  goes   against   common  And even when a wide re-     Raiders was the time it took   like  is  tough,”  Mahomes
            side the league’s No. 2 de-  sense.                       ceiver  knows  the  route  he  to get plays into the game.   said,  “but  we  always  had
            fense.  The  Chiefs  gained   Shouldn’t an offense that is  is supposed to run, it could  Reid is usually calling them   everything  we  wanted  in
            more  than  400  yards  in  a   more complex be more dif-  change    mid-stride   de-  from  the  sideline,  but  it  is   front of us, and we had that
            wild-card  win  over  Miami,   ficult to defend?          pending  on  what  the  sec-  Nagy  whose  radio  is  con-  mindset,  and  Coach  Reid
            or more than 100 than they   It also seemed to go against  ondary is doing.            nected  to  Mahomes’  hel-   preaches  that  every  day
            did  that  day  against  Las   the  instincts  of  both  Reid  No  wonder  the  play  calls  met.                   we come into the building.
            Vegas, and put up enough                                                                                            No one hung their head.q
                                         and  Mahomes,  who  relish  themselves  get  long-wind-   So, those long-winded plays
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