Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
Thursday 20 February 2020
AP source: Barr tells people he might quit over Trump tweets
By MICHAEL BALSAMO and that. I think that's true," he
ZEKE MILLER said. "He's a very straight
Associated Press shooter. We have a great
WASHINGTON (AP) — At- attorney general, and he's
torney General William Barr working very hard. ... But I
has told people close to will say this: Social media,
him he's considering quit- for me, has been very im-
ting his post after President portant because it gives
Donald Trump wouldn't me a voice, because I
heed his warning to stop don't get that voice in the
tweeting about Justice De- press. In the media, I don't
partment cases, an admin- get that voice. So I'm al-
istration official told The As- lowed to have a voice."
sociated Press. Barr, serving in his second
The revelation came days stint as attorney general,
after Barr took a public sought to paint himself as
swipe at the president, say- an independent leader
ing in a television interview who would not bow to po-
that Trump's tweets about litical pressure. But Demo-
Justice Department cases crats have repeatedly ac-
and staffers make it "im- cused Barr of acting more
possible" for him to do his like the president's personal
job. The next day, Trump attorney than the attorney
ignored Barr's request and In this Feb. 10, 2020. file photo, Attorney General William Barr speaks at the National Sheriffs' As- general. Barr proved to be
insisted that he has the sociation Winter Legislative and Technology Conference in Washington. a largely reliable Trump ally
"legal right" to intervene in Associated Press and defender of presiden-
criminal cases and sidestep tial power.
the Justice Department's those involved in special "I'm happy to say that, in "total confidence in my at- Trump would likely face a
historical independence. counsel Robert Mueller's fact, the president has nev- torney general" but insisted challenge trying to find a
The administration official Russia investigation and er asked me to do anything that "everybody has the replacement for Barr, who
was not authorized to dis- opined that his confidant in a criminal case," Barr said right to speak their mind." is overseeing several inves-
cuss Barr's private remarks Roger Stone deserved a in the ABC News interview. He added: "And I probably tigations that are important
and requested anonymity. new trial after being con- "However, to have pub- wouldn't have gotten here to the president, includ-
It's unclear how seriously victed of witness tampering lic statements and tweets without social media be- ing a criminal investigation
Barr has considered resign- and obstruction. made about the depart- cause I certainly don't get into the origins of the Rus-
ing or whether he is instead Barr's comments about ment, about our people ... fair press." sia probe. Any nominee
trying to pressure Trump to Trump's tweets came dur- about cases pending in the "Yeah, I do make his job would face a grilling in the
back off his provocative ing an interview with ABC department, and about harder. I do agree with Senate.q
tweets about the Justice News just days after his judges before whom we
Department. Barr's spokes- Justice Department over- have cases, make it impos-
woman said late Tuesday ruled its own prosecutors sible for me to do my job
that the attorney general — who had recommended and to assure the courts
"has no plans to resign." in a court filing that Stone and the prosecutors in the
Barr is one of the presi- be sentenced to seven to department that we're do-
dent's closest allies in the nine years in prison — and ing our work with integrity."
administration and has took the extraordinary step The attorney general had
been a staunch defender of lowering the amount of been sharing the same sen-
of Trump's policy decisions. prison time it would seek. timent privately with Trump
But considering resigning All four prosecutors from for several weeks, a person
from his post suggests he Stone's trial quit the case familiar with the matter told
sees the Justice Depart- and one left the Justice De- The Associated Press. The
ment's reputation as an partment altogether. person was not authorized
institution that makes de- The reversal came after to discuss Barr's private
cisions on criminal cases Trump blasted the original conversations and request-
independently, unmoved sentencing recommenda- ed anonymity.
and unbound by political tion as "very horrible and Speaking to reporters ear-
sway, as more important unfair," though officials lier Tuesday, Trump said
than his allegiance to the have insisted the decision he understood his tweets
president. to make a new recom- makes Barr's job harder,
Trump tweeted on Tuesday mendation came before but he showed no signs of
that he's considering suing Trump's tweet. relenting. He said he had