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PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 20 February 2020
‘Good Times’ Ja’Net DuBois dies; co-wrote ‘Jeffersons’ theme
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ja’Net DuBois had a prolific ca-
DuBois, who played the vi- reer beyond the 1970s hit
vacious neighbor Willona “Good Times,” winning two
Woods on “Good Times” Emmy Awards for her voice
and composed and sang work on the WB series “The
the theme song for “The PJs.”
Jeffersons,” has died. DuBois’ Willona was the sin-
DuBois’ song “Movin’ on gle, sexy neighbor and best
Up” provided a joyous intro friend to star Esther Rolle’s
to “The Jeffersons” during Florida Evans. Though the
the show’s 10-season run. comedy had plenty of
BernNadette Stanis, who one-liners, DuBois’ appear-
played Thelma Evans An- ances gave an extra dose
derson on “Good Times” of comedic relief. DuBois
and remained close to Du- showed off more of her dra-
Bois, said she learned of her matic skills when a young
death Tuesday from the Janet Jackson joined the
actress’ daughter. show as the abused child
“She used to keep us laugh- Penny; DuBois’ character
ing all the time,” Stanis said, would go on to adopt Pen-
warmly recalling her friend. ny, and the story line also
“She was very, very talent- forged a long, close rela-
ed. If she wasn’t singing ... tionship between DuBois
she was creating a charac- and Jackson, who would
ter to make us laugh.” go on to become a mul-
Police in Glendale, Cali- tiplatinum superstar; she In this Feb. 17, 2013, photo, Ja'Net DuBois attends Los Angeles Premiere of "Free Angela and All
Political Prisoners" at Pan African Film Festival at Rave Cinemas Baldwin Hills in Los Angeles, Cali-
fornia, said they received cast DuBois as her mother fornia.
a report about DuBois’ in her 1986 “Control” video. Associated Press
death late Monday. She Jackson paid tribute to Du-
appeared to have died of Bois in an Instagram post on “Good Times” that aired on according to a biogra- She was credited in numer-
natural causes and no in- Tuesday. ABC in December, posted phy on her website. A ous other films as varied as
vestigation is ongoing, po- “I am so very saddened a picture of herself, Du- performance in “The Hot “Basic Instinct,” “Next Fri-
lice Sgt. Dan Stubbs said. to hear my longtime friend Bois, Stanis, Tiffany Haddish l Baltimore” in Los Ange- day” and “Tropic Thunder,”
No additional details, in- Ja’Net DuBois has passed (who played Willona) and les caught the eye of Nor- which included “Movin’
cluding her age, were im- away. I saw first hand how Corinne Foxx on the set of man Lear, who developed on Up.” DuBois was a co-
mediately available. she broke stereotypes and the broadcast. “Good Times” and “The founder of the Pan African
Stanis said DuBois ap- changed the landscape “Oh man!!! Just saw you! Jeffersons.” Film Festival, which since
peared to be in good for Black women in enter- What a pleasure it was to DuBois’ Willona was a “true 1992 has showcased films
health when they ap- tainment,” she wrote. “I’m meet you,” she wrote. “You diva back then, fancy meant to promote a great-
peared two weeks ago at grateful in recent years I shaped so much of the best dressing, the wigs, doing er cultural understanding of
a signing event. Her birth had a chance to see her memories of my childhood! the thing. ... the real woman people of African descent.
date was something she and create more lasting God bless you, Ja’net Du- woman,” said Stanis. “She The festival, which is being
kept to herself, Stanis said. memories. I pray for com- Bois!” brought it, didn’t she?” held in Los Angeles and
“Nobody really knows,” fort for all her family and DuBois’ career started in Her film credits included runs through Sunday, on
said Stanis, who recalled friends.” theater, where she ap- 1970’s “Diary of a Mad Tuesday released an im-
telling DuBois, “’Oh, you’re Oscar-winner Viola Da- peared in Broadway pro- Housewife,” “I’m Gonna age mourning DuBois, call-
so lucky. Nobody knows vis, who played the role of ductions of “Golden Boy” Git You Sucka” and “Char- ing her “Our Founder, Now
your age, girl!’” Florida in the live version of and “A Raisin in the Sun,” lie’s Angels: Full Throttle.” Our Angel.”q
Burger King breaks the mold with new advertising campaign
By DEE-ANN DURBIN goes beyond the print ads to, mayonnaise and pick-
AP Business Writer that show a 28-day-old les, all of which will contain
Burger King is breaking the burger — a week beyond. no artificial preservatives.
mold in its new advertising Early reaction to the cam- By the end of this year,
campaign. paign Wednesday was a Burger King said all food
The burger chain is portray- mix of applause for the shift items — including sand-
ing its Whopper covered away from preservatives, wiches, sides and desserts
in mold in print and TV ads to disgust. — will be free from artifi-
running in Europe and the The restaurant, based in cial colors, artificial flavors
U.S. The message: Burger Miami, Florida, says it has and artificial preservatives
King is removing artificial removed artificial preser- in the U.S. and select Euro-
preservatives from its signa- vatives from the Whopper pean countries, including
ture burger. in several European coun- Germany and the United
The company, already tries — including France, This undated image provided by Burger King shows an advertis- Kingdom.
known for irreverent ad Sweden and Spain — and ing campaign image with the Whopper hamburger. McDonald's announced in
campaigns, turned it up around 400 of its 7,346 U.S. Associated Press 2018 that it was removing
a notch, including a time- restaurants. artificial colors, flavors and
lapse of a decaying burger It plans to remove preserva- in all of its restaurants this The Whopper is topped preservatives from seven of
on Twitter. That imagery tives from Whoppers served year. with onions, lettuce, toma- its burgers.q