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               Thursday 20 February 2020
            Claws of health? Lobster blood could play role in new drugs

            PORTLAND,  Maine  (AP)  —                                                                                           lobsters  eclipse  any  previ-
            Maine  lobsters  have  long                                                                                         ous  decade  by  many  mil-
            delighted  tourists  as  the                                                                                        lions  of  pounds.  The  rem-
            state’s  most  beloved  sea-                                                                                        nants from processing them
            food.  But  one  company                                                                                            are used in everything from
            thinks the crustaceans can                                                                                          Christmas decorations and
            save  human  lives  by  pro-                                                                                        gardening  soil  to  cooking
            viding their blood for use in                                                                                       stock.  Using  them  in  medi-
            new drugs.                                                                                                          cine represents a new fron-
            The  effort,  involving  a                                                                                          tier, Bayer said.
            longtime  lobster  scientist,                                                                                       Invertebrate biology is very
            wouldn’t  be  the  first  ex-                                                                                       different from that of mam-
            ample  of  coastal  inverte-                                                                                        mals,  but  there  are  some
            brates  being  used  to  aid                                                                                        commonalities  that  could
            human  health.  Horseshoe                                                                                           make  it  possible  to  use
            crabs  are  harvested  be-                                                                                          lobster  products  in  medi-
            cause their blood contains                                                                                          cine,  said  Diane  Cowan,
            a  protein  used  to  detect                                                                                        a  Maine-based  lobster  bi-
            contamination  in  medi-                                                                                            ologist  not  involved  in  the
            cal  products.  A  different                                                                                        Lobster  Unlimited  project.
            startup company in Maine                                                                                            Those commonalities make
            announced  in  2016  that  it                                                                                       it  possible  to  use  animals
            would develop a bandage      In this Friday, Feb. 14, 2020 photo, Dr. Robert Bayer holds a jar of frozen lobster blood in his lab in   such as lobsters and horse-
            coated  with  a  substance   Orono, Maine.                                                                          shoe  crabs  to  aid  human
            extracted  from  crushed                                                                           Associated Press  health, she said.
            lobster  shells.  And  the  U.S.                                                                                    Lobsters, like humans, have
            Army has made use of field  uct  of  lobster  processing,  use  compounds  derived  company filed with the U.S.  circulatory  fluid,  though
            bandages  treated  with  a  company      head    Robert  from  hemolymph,  which  patent office.                    lobster’s  is  a  kind  of  bluish
            blood  clotting  compound  Bayer  said.  Lobster  blood  is  lobster  circulatory  fluid,  The  next  step  is  to  find  gray  as  opposed  to  red,
            processed    from    shrimp  is  likely  a  long  way  from  to  improve  human  health  partners in industry to work  Cowan  said.  “So  to  have
            shells.                      playing a role in new drugs,  and  possibly  the  health  of  on  the  development  of  an idea that you can take
            The  company  working  on  Bayer said, but there’s “no  other  mammals.  Lobster  new  drugs,  because  the  something from one animal
            the  lobster  blood  project,  question it has antiviral and  Unlimited’s looking for part-  company  doesn’t  plan  to  and use it for another is not
            Lobster Unlimited of Orono,  anticancer      properties”  ners in the pharmaceutical  manufacture or sell its own,  outrageous,” she said. “The
            is  investigating  whether  based on research needed  industry to work with on the  said Cathy Billings, another  circulatory  fluid  that  runs
            lobster blood can be used  to apply for the patent.       development of drugs.        member  of  Lobster  Unlim-  through all bodies of all liv-
            as  a  potential  weapon  “Right  now,  this  blood  is  Scientists  with  the  com-   ited.  New  products  would  ing animals is very similar.”
            against  viruses  and  can-  literally  thrown  out  on  the  pany  have  found  that  he-  also  need  to  stand  up  to  Steve  Train,  a  Long  Island,
            cer.  Representatives  with  floor  and  goes  down  the  mocyanin, a protein in the  testing  and  then  win  ap-  Maine,  lobsterman,  was
            the  company  said  results  drain,” said Bayer, a profes-  fluid,  works  as  a  powerful  proval by the U.S. Food and  a  little  surprised  when  he
            are  promising  —  the  U.S.  sor emeritus of Animal and  stimulant  for  the  immune  Drug Administration.         heard about the possibility
            Patent  and  Trademark  Of-  Veterinary Sciences at Uni-  systems, Bayer said. For ex-  Interest in developing non-  of  lobster  blood  playing  a
            fice  issued  them  a  patent  versity  of  Maine.  “We  can  ample,  experiments  show  food products from lobsters  role in new drugs.
            in  late  October  related  to  collect millions of pounds of  the substance can reduce  has  grown  in  recent  years  But  if  it  can  help  people,
            their work.                  it,  which  makes  it  a  viable  the viral load of herpes sim-  as Maine’s haul of the crus-  “I  hope  it’s  true,”  he  said,
            The blood is easy to come  product worth pursing.”        plex virus-infected cells, ac-  taceans  has  grown.  The  adding,  “These  scientists
            by  because  it’s  a  byprod-  The  company  proposes  to  cording  to  documents  the  2010s saw Maine’s catch of  know more than I do.”q

            Courtroom psychology tests may be unreliable, study finds

            By CHRISTINA LARSON          judges  or  juries  and  influ-  found that a third of those  the courts, but it's not being  search Council released an
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  ence  whether  someone  exams  weren't  reviewed  filtered out," said Neal.             extensive  report  on  court-
            Courts  are  not  properly  gets  custody  of  a  child  or  in  the  field's  most  promi-  Legal challenges to the va-  room  science  that  found
            screening  out  unreliable  is eligible for bail or capital  nent  manuals.  Of  those  lidity of psychological tests  that  "testimony  based  on
            psychological and IQ tests,  punishment.                  that  were  reviewed,  just  occurred  in  less  than  3%  faulty   forensic   science
            allowing  junk  science  to  The  scientists  looked  at  40%  were  graded  favor-    of  cases,  the  researchers  analyses may have contrib-
            be  used  as  evidence,  re-  hundreds  of  different  psy-  ably. Nearly a quarter were  found.                    uted  to  wrongful  convic-
            searchers  have  conclud-    chological  tests  used  in  deemed unreliable.           "This  paper  is  highly  sig-  tions of innocent people."
            ed.  Such  tests  can  sway  recent  court  cases  and  "There's  huge  variability  nificant,  in  part  because  The critique prompted calls
                                                                      in  the  psychological  tools  many  people's  fates  are  for reform, and only partial
                                                                      now  being  admitted  in  determined by these tests,"  progress  has  been  made,
                                                                      U.S. courts," said Tess Neal,  said Dan Simon, an expert  said Simon.
                                                                      an  Arizona  State  University  on law and psychology at  "Courts are supposed to sift
                                                                      psychology  professor  and  the  University  of  Southern  out  the  junk  science  from
                                                                      co-author of the study pub-  California Law School, who  the  good  science,  as  laid
                                                                      lished Saturday in the jour-  was not involved in the re-  out  in  the  federal  rules  of
                                                                      nal  Psychological  Science  search.                      evidence"  —  a  set  of  na-
                                                                      in the Public Interest.      The new study is not the first  tional  guidelines  that  re-
                                                                      "There's  a  lot  of  stuff  that  critique  of  how  science  is  quire that "testimony is the
                                                                      looks  like  it's  junk  and  used in the courts.         product  of  reliable  princi-
                                                                      should  be  filtered  out  by  In  2009,  the  National  Re-  ples and methods."q
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