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                                                                                                                           Monday 25 SepteMber 2017

            Aruban trendsetters have a new gathering place:

            L.G. Smith launches the anticipated  ‘Attitude is Everything’ mural

            ORANJESTAD - AUG–            nary and fashion events.
            After    the   reopening     Honoring  the  theme,
            of  LG  Smith’s  Steak  &    ‘Attitude  is  Everything’,
            Chop  House  guests  of      Aruban artist Paul Wong,
            the  restaurant  were  in    better  known  as  Kwok-
            awe and had only posi-       fai, airbrushed an exclu-
            tive feedback about the      sive mural for LG Smith’s.
            ambiance,  trendy  at-       Kwokfai  has  more  than
            mosphere  and  the  new      20  years  of  experience
            menu.                        with  the  airbrush  tech-
            Nowadays,  the  steak        nique.
            and chop house offers a      After finishing his studies
            new  dining  experience      at the Art Institute in Fort
            which  includes  a  new      Lauderdale,  he  came
            brunch concept, a new        back to Aruba and has
            Happy  Hour  and  signa-     since then ‘wowed’ the
            ture cocktails – designed    crowd with his paintings.
            solely  for  LG  Smith’s-  a   Having  Kwokfai  do  a
            perfect  excuse  to  have    mural  at  the  LG  Smith’s
            a  drink  before  noon!      was  just  topping  of  the

                                                                                                   iceberg in completion of     mystic  and  trendy  lady
                                                                                                   the new concept.             who will for sure draw at-
                                                                                                     The  ‘Attitude  is  Every-  tention,  as  soon  as  the
                                                                                                   thing’  mural  portrays  a   guests walk in to the res-
                                                                                                                                Trendsetters  are  invited
                                                                                                                                to the ‘Attitude is Every-
            The interior of LG Smith’s                                                                                          thing’ happy hour at the
            is upscale, but still trendy                                                                                        LG Smith’s Steak & Chop
            and  playful;  the  restau-                                                                                         House  on    Friday  Sep-
            rant  recently  added  a                                                                                            tember 29th - and after-
            mural  that  includes  an                                                                                           wards every Friday from
            exclusive  ‘street  art’  –                                                                                         5PM to 8PM.
            absolutely  ‘steak  of  the                                                                                         LG Smith’s Steak & Chop
            art’!                                                                                                               House is open from Mon-
            Only on Friday’s the res-                                                                                           day  to  Thursday  from
            taurant will open at 5PM                                                                                            6PM to 11PM and Fridays
            and  will  host,  what  will                                                                                        as off 5PM and has a live
            soon be the hottest and                                                                                             DJ every night.
            most trendy happy hour                                                                                                Sunday  Brunch  A-la-
            on the island.                                                                                                      Carte  is  served  every
            It  embodies  the  theme                                                                                            week  from  11AM  to
            ‘Attitude is Everything’!                                                                                           2:30PM.
            You’ll  need  to  visit  this                                                                                       Adjacent  to  LG  Smith’s
            happy hour; trendsetters                                                                                            Steak  &  Chop  House  is
            come together to ‘shut-                                                                                             the Midnight Grill Lounge
            down’ the week.                                                                                                     with a view on the Crys-
             Renaissance Aruba Re-                                                                                              tal  Casino;  dance  the
            sort  is  committed  to  el-                                                                                        night  away  until  the
            evate  the  lifestyle  of  all                                                                                      early morning hours! For
            guests and does this by                                                                                             more  information  or  to
            creating a perfect fusion                                                                                           make  a  reservation  visit
            between  musical,  culi-                                                                                  
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