Page 53 - MIN ECEM
P. 53
LOCAL Monday 25 SepteMber 2017
more to Aruba than this. It across the islands char- known only to insiders. And
has a fascinating history, a acteristic cunucu houses of course this guide also
diverse culture and a rich wherever you go. This provides historical back-
architecture. Traces can guide will lead you through grounds and practical in-
still be found of the origi- this wonderful cultural heri- formation.
nal indigenous inhabitants, tage along three routes: ‘Modern Caribbean Fla-
and of the gold indus- one driving route around vors’ by Helmi Smeulders
try and aloe plantations. the entire island, and two This is “the” book about
The islands architectural walking routes in the cit- the contemporary Carib-
heritage includes historic ies of Oranjestad and San bean kitchen with healthy
churches, a fort and a light- Nicolas. recipes made with fresh
house. And you will come You will discover places and local ingredients. With
recipes for Tropical Qui- gria or Plantain Soup, the
noa Salad with Mango Caribbean vibe enters your
& Pomegranate Seeds, kitchen, and you feel for
Sweet Potato Salad, Goat a bit you are back in the
Merguez, Watermelon San- tropics again….q