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                                                                                                           local Saturday 20 auguSt 2022
            Fabio Alexander,
            An 11-year-old with a big dream of playing professional soccer

            Soccer  is  one  of  the  most  team of Real Madrid.”     had to pay for his spot. “This
            popular  sports  around  the                              year, a man contacted me
            world and also in Aruba. A  Alexander said also that his  asking  if  I  was  interested
            lot  of  young  people  share  favorite aspect of the clinic  in a free spot for the clinic
            the  dream  of  playing  pro-  was that the coaches were  of  the  Real  Madrid  Foun-
            fessionally  for  big  teams.  very kind. He said he had a  dation this year. I said yes,
            Recently  in  Aruba  a  soc-  great time and he learned  that my son was very inter-
            cer clinic was held by Real  new  techniques  which  will  ested.”
            Madrid  Foundation,  during  help him improve his skills to
            which  a  group  of  young  play soccer.                  During the clinic there were
            sportspeople  got  the  op-                               different  categories,  each
            portunity  to  receive  differ-  Alexander  plays  with  a  with  around  12  children
            ent  techniques  according  well-known  local  team,  participating. By the end of
            the philosophy of discipline  and  his  position  is  defense  the clinic, of all the children
            and  the  play  style  of  the  although he can also play  who participated, one who
            soccer team Real Madrid.     midfield,  defensive  mid-   stood  out  was  selected  to
                                         field. He doesn’t hesitate to  travel  to  Madrid  for  free
            One  of  the  participants  at  defend his team’s goal until  and to take part in a cham-
            the  clinic,  Fabio  Alexan-  the end.                    pionship  in  Madrid.  Aside
            der  Montilla,  an  11-year-                              from that, another ten kids
            old    soccer  player  with  Despite  his  newfound  love  will  also  receive  an  invita-
            the  dream  of  becoming  of  Real  Madrid,  his  favor-  tion to go to Madrid.
            a  professional  player,  told  ite  team  is  Barcelona  and  “We  are  waiting  for  the
            our  reporter  about  his  ex-  his  favorite  player  is  Lionel  end of the month to see if
            perience  during  the  clinic,  Messi.  Our  reporter  asked  he  gets  an  invitation.  On
            what he learned and what  what he would do if in the  the last day of training they
            his dream is.                future  he  gets  an  offer  to  do the closing of the clinic,
                                         play  for  Real  Madrid,  but  they  hand  out  the  prizes,
            When  he  was  only  two  his  favorite  team  is  Barce-  certificates,  the  balls.  They
            years  old,  he  received  his  lona.  Alexander  laughed  select  one  child  in  each
            first soccer ball, and by the  and  answered:  “I  would  category  who  is  going  to
            time  he  was  three  he  was  play  for  Real  Madrid.  I  like  Madrid  for  free,  and  for
            already  part  of  a  soccer  them  a  lot  as  well;  it’s  just  those  who  get  an  invita-
            team in Aruba.               that since I was very young  tion,  they  send  an  e-mail
                                         my  father  would  show  me  after  one  or  two  weeks.
            He said that his experience  Barcelona before Real Ma-    They send the list of invitees,
            during the clinic of the Real  drid.  Becoming  a  profes-  which  is  around  ten  chil-
            Madrid  Foundation  was  sional  player  is  my  dream  dren”, Meriño explained.
            very good and he learned  and I am working very hard
            a lot of new things. “It went  to reach it.”              For his part, Alexander says
            really  well,  I  had  a  lot  of                         that he is waiting anxiously
            fun  and  I  think  if  possible  Claudia  Meriño,  Alexan-  and hopes that he can be
            I  would  like  to  go  again  der’s mother, explained to  one  of  the  invitees  to  go
            next year”, he said. “I knew  our  reporter  that  Alexan-  play soccer in Madrid, an-
            a  couple  of  things,  but  I  der  received  an  invitation  other  dream  which  could
            learned more which makes  this year to take part in the  come  true.  “If  they  invite
            things easier, and I feel like  clinic, because last year he  me to go to Spain, I will go”,
            we played just like the first  also  participated  but  they  he said.q
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