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LOCAL Saturday 20 auguSt 2022
The Ostrich Farm
Matividiri – One of the most entertaining baby emus, chicken and ducks, and
vacation activities is a visit to the Ostrich even a land turtle!
Farm, a popular stopover on most island It was a National Geographic moment
jeep tours. when on cue Mr. Ostrich flapped his
wings excitedly and poked around the
Locals and visitors enjoy the guided ground with his bill, triggering Mrs. Os-
ostrich tour at the farm and features a trich who ran around in circles, flapped
well-stocked locally crafted and pro- her wings and also poked around, be-
duced Art Boutique. The highlight of the fore collapsing on the ground in a heap
visit is always the fun interaction with of feathers, allowing him to mount her,
the resident ostriches and emus, includ- shaking, winding and spiraling his head
ing a trip to the incubators and the bird in all direction!
kindergarten, housing baby ostriches, Mr. Ostrich concluded his unexpected
performance with a loud honking, his
eyes rolling, then got up in a huff to non-
chalantly strut away, leaving his wife
and the scrutiny of our cameras.
It was a surprise reality TV moment, and
not usually included in the regular pro-
gram. Feeding the Ostriches is however
always on the program, and they are
eternally hungry, and fun!
Tours are available daily every half hour
from 10– 3pm. No reservations needed
for small groups. q
Matividiri 57, Open daily from 10:00 AM
till 4:00 PM
Telephone: 5859630
For more information go to the website:
Aruba’s underwater wonderland
ORANJESTAD - Exploring many fascinating under beach, located on the
the underwater wonders is water spots, where you north-western side of the
something you should def- can take your snorkeling island, approximately 5 to
initely do during your stay gear and we selected the 10 minute drive from Palm
in Aruba. The underwater top spots for you. Beach. From the unique
world has everything to steps you can easily walk
offer that makes a snorkel Tres Trapi over the beach into the
trip so exceptional; an im- Tres Trapi means tree steps clear and turquoise blue
pressive, colorful sea life in Papiamento, Papia- ocean. While snorkeling
with exotic fishes, turtles mento is together with you will encounter all kind
and beautiful coral reef. Dutch the official lan- of tropical fishes and sea
The historic shipwrecks, lo- guage spoken on Aruba. stars. The kind of starfish
cated on the Aruban sea- The beach is called Tres you will find in the Aruban the Caribbean sea and if Respect the animal, keep
bed are also worth a visit. Trapi because it is ac- waters is the red cushion you are lucky during your your distance and enjoy
Aruba is known for its white cessible by the tree steps sea star. This is a starfish snorkeling visit to Tres Trapi, the view. Also remember;
beaches and blue oceans, carved into the rocks. that is commonly found you may come across one it is a once in a life time ex-
which means there are Tres Trapi is a small rocky in the shallow waters of of the green sea turtles. perience. q