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                                                                                                           local Saturday 20 auguSt 2022

            Minister of Economic Affairs announces national program for

            financial education

            ORANJESTAD  –  Minister  of
            Economic Affairs, Commu-
            nication  and  Sustainable
            Development,      Geoffrey
            Wever announced during a
            press conference on Thurs-
            day  the  introduction  of  a
            program  of  financial  edu-
            cation,  “Finanzas  den  mi

            Wever  highlighted  that  fi-
            nancial education is a very
            important  topic  for  every
            citizen’s  wallet.  In  Aruba,
            financial  education  as  a
            concept  is  still  not  part  of
            the education system, and
            as  a  consequence,  many
            people  confront  financial
            hardship. As minister of Eco-
            nomic Affairs, he believes it
            is  important  for  consumers
            to  be  well  prepared,  for
            them  to  know  their  rights
            and  to  have  financial
            “As  minister  of  Economic
            Affairs,  on  the  one  hand
            you stimulate and you want
            a strong economy, but you
            also  want  to  have  a  con-
            sumer  who  is  aware  of  his
            rights,  a  consumer  who  is
            well  protected  and  knows
            his  position  in  the  market”,
            Wever said.                                               25% of citizens, one in four  in the training. Participation  about  tomorrow,  to  invest
                                         “In this context, we decid-  households,  don’t  have  a  is  free  and  will  deal  with  in his children’s’ education.
            In this context, the Govern-  ed to come up with a finan-  pension arrangement. Less  four topics of finances.      And  the  last  topic  is  “ba-
            ment of Aruba finds it very  cial  education  program  in  than  2%  of  households  is                             sic  budget”,  which  will  be
            important  to  stimulate  the  order  to  give  the  citizens  considered  financially  fit,  The  first  topi  is  “I  am  ef-  based on the topic of how
            ability and financial knowl-  who  are  interested  in  par-  while  16%  are  financially  fective  in  my  household”,  to  create  a  monthly  bud-
            edge of every citizen, par-  ticipating in it the possibility  stable,  34%  are  financially  which  is  focused  on  how  get for the household and
            ticularly in his role as minis-  to  receive  a  type  of  train-  dependent,  and  20%  are  the citizen spends the mon-  how  the  citizen  spends  his
            ter  of  Economic  Affairs  he  ing  that  perhaps  before  financially disturbed.     ey that he has at home in  income.
            believes that the economic  they didn’t have access to.                                his own household. The sec-
            formation and wellbeing of  The  government  thinks  it  is  With this information, minis-  ond topic reflects the sub-  The program “Finanzas den
            each  citizen  is  important,  important to facilitate this”,  ter Wever emphasizes that  ject  of  “debt  payment”.  mi Hogar” will take about a
            and the government wants  he said.                        he  wants  to  illustrate  that  Wever  highlights  that  a  year to be completely exe-
            to contribute to that.                                    there  are  families  going  lot  of  citizens  have  debt  cuted. Each neighborhood
                                         The  minister  of  Economic  through  difficult  situations  in  various  financial  institu-  will receive these four top-
            Wever  commented  that  Affairs also presented some  and are not well equipped  tions and many times they  ics and there will be differ-
            the  current  situation  is  not  numbers  illustrating  why  a  financially.  “With  this  in-  have  so  much  debt  that  ent nights during one year
            easy  in  Aruba  or  in  the  financial  education  pro-  formation   we    reached  they cannot pay their dues.  where they will receive ed-
            world.  Price  of  gasoline,  gram  for  the  citizens  is  rel-  the  conclusion  that  as  a  The goal of this part of the  ucation on this field.
            water  and  electricity  has  evant and necessary.        government  we  have  the  course  is  to  teach  the  citi-
            gone  up  as  well  as  infla-  He  referred  to  a  report  duty  to  do  this  for  our  citi-  zen  that  when  they  are  in  With this program, the gov-
            tion,  and  in  this  context,  based on a survey execut-  zens, and for this reason we  such a situation, they need  ernment of Aruba wants to
            the  citizen  keeps  seeing  ed by Central Bank of Aru-   came up with the program  to  approach  institutions,  demonstrate that the finan-
            his  purchasing  power  re-  ba,  called  “The  Financial  of  financial  education  ‘Fi-  reach   payment   agree-  cial  wellbeing  of  the  citi-
            duced, he sees he was less  Wellbeing  of  Households”,  nanzas den mi Hogar””, he  ments, and avoid that the  zens  is  important  and  that
            money to spend. And in this  which  indicates  that  36%  added.                       problem accumulates.         they believe in investing in
            context, Wever believes it is  of  households  have  finan-                                                         the  people.  “This  is  a  very
            important for the citizen to  cial  worries.  Tree  of  each  The  program  will  be  avail-  The  third  topic  is  “I  invest  small step, it’s not a solution
            become  more  aware  of  household  spends  more  able  in  six  districts:  San  in  my  future”.  Wever  indi-    for  the  financial  problems,
            the way in which he spends  money  than  they  make,  Nicolas,  Savaneta,  Santa  cated that a lot of citizens  but  it’s  part  of  a  greater
            his  money,  how  he  enters  and  half  of  these  house-  Cruz, Paradera, Oranjestad  don’t  think  about  tomor-  context”, Wever said.
            financial    commitments  holds are financially fragile  and Noord and will give the  row  and  spend  everything
            which will have a long-term  and have too much debt.      possibility to 50 participants  today. This is an element to
            impact.                                                   in each district to take part  teach  the  citizen  to  think
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