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Friday 10 November 2023 locAl

            Visit the island’s popular cave sites!

            (Oranjestad)—Among  the  the undying love between                                                                   sible of all three caves. This
            endless sea of dark brown  the  chief’s  daughter  and                                                              cave  had  five  chambers,
            sand  and  cacti,  there  are  her  beloved.  As  legend                                                            including one that is heart-
            two  caves  hidden  in  the  would  have  it,  the  chief                                                           shaped. This cave had nar-
            outskirts  of  San  Nicolas,  in  disapproved  of  his  daugh-                                                      row  stairs  that  led  to  long
            the  north-eastern  area  of  ter’s  choice  of  lover,  as                                                         pathways  deep  into  the
            the  island.  These  caves,  he  thought  him  unworthy.                                                            cave, with a staircase lead-
            The Quadiriki cave and The  Stubborn and filled with an-                                                            ing to the exit on the other
            Fontein  Cave  are  open  to  ger,  the  daughter  refused                                                          side.  In  one  of  the  cham-
            visitors  of  the  Arikok  Na-  to turn away her beloved.                                                           bers, there used to be the
            tional  Park,  so  if  you  ever                                                                                    carving of the Virgin Mary,
            decide  to  take  an  “off-  So,  the  chief  decided  to                                                           put there for the protection
            road”  tour  in  the  park,  be  lock her up in the Quadirikiri                                                     of the cave.
            sure  to  visit  these  prehis-  Cave,  in  hopes  that  she
            toric caves…and be sure to  would  soon  calm  down                                                                 However, the Huliba Cave
            bring a flashlight!          and  turn  away  her  lover.                                                           has   been    permanently
                                         Her  beloved,  in  turn,  was                                                          closed for a few years now,
                                         locked away in the Tunnel                                                              as  a  way  to  preserve  the
                  Quadirikiri Cave       of Love (Now known as the                                                              bat  population  that  lives
            Known  for  its  two  cham-  Huliba Cave).                                                                          in  the  cave.  These  Long
            bers  accompanied  by  a                                                                                            Tongue  Fruit  Bats  and  In-
            skylight, the Quadikiri Cave  Through  the  pathways  un-                                                           sect Eater Bats are very im-
            is  the  most  popular  cave  derneath  the  Tunnel  of                                                             portant to the ecosystem of
            among  locals  and  tourists,  Love  running  up  to  the                                                           the island. Though this cave
            as it is easy to walk through  Quadiriki  cave,  the  two                                                           is  no  longer  accessible  to
            and provides great lighting  love bird found each other,                                                            the public, it surely is inter-
            for pictures.                and  refused  to  let  each                                                            esting to learn more about
                                         other  go.  Because  of  their                                                         the  history  of  these  caves
            As with all prehistoric or an-  stubbornness,  they  both                                                           and the Awarak tribes that
            cient  sites,  there  is  always  died in the Quadiriki Cave,                                                       resided or utilized them.
            a folk legend that adds to  their ascending spirits burn-
            the lore and mystery of the  ing two holes in the ceiling                                                           Do  note  that  these  caves
            site.  The  Quadirikiri  cave  of the cave. This is why the                                                         are  very  dark,  humid,  hot,
            is  no  different.  The  most  cave has two holes through                                                           and are inhabited by bats.
            well-known  legend  behind  which     sunlight   passes                                                             Do    wear    comfortable
            the cave could be consid-    through  to  illuminate  the                                                           clothing and shoes, as the
            ered  as  Aruba’s  first  love  chamber.                                                                            pathways  in  these  caves
            story,  as  it  tells  the  tale  of                                                                                may be rough and bumpy,
                                                                                                   the  public,  and  was  the   and don’t forget to bring a
                                                                      Though  there  have  been  biggest  and  most  acces-     flashlight!q
                                                                      discoveries  of  Amerindian
                                                                      drawing on the wall, these
                                                                      have  mostly  been  ruined
                                                                      by  vandalism.  However,
                                                                      the  Fontein  Cave  further
                                                                      up north, provides a better
                                                                      glimpse in prehistoric Amer-
                                                                      indian paintings.

                                                                             Fontein Cave
                                                                      Longer than the Quadirikiri
                                                                      Cave,  the  Fontein  Cave
                                                                      contains  pathways  that
                                                                      stretch  to  the  limestone
                                                                      walls  further  down.  Here
                                                                      is  also  where  prehistoric
                                                                      drawings  can  be  seen.
                                                                      Though this cave does not
                                                                      have  its  own  legend,  this
                                                                      was  speculated  to  have
                                                                      been    occupied—or     at
                                                                      least used by prehistoric Ar-
                                                                      awak settlers on the island
                                                                      for rituals and other spiritual

                                                                           The Huliba Cave/
                                                                            Tunnel of Love
                                                                      The  Huliba  Cave,  formerly
                                                                      known  as  the  Tunnel  of
                                                                      Love,  was  once  open  to
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