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local Friday 10 November 2023
Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort Celebrates Sponsorship of the
31st Festival of Book for Kids in Aruba
Oranjestad, Aruba – November 10, 2023 – Am-
sterdam Manor Beach Resort is proud to an-
nounce its sponsorship of the 31st edition of the
Aruba Children’s Book Festival (Festival di Buki
pa Mucha), an event organized annually by
the National Library of Aruba. The festival be-
gan with an extraordinary opening show at Cas
di Cultura on Saturday, November 4, and was
broadcasted on the local channel TeleAruba.
The Aruba Children's Book Festival was held from
November 4th to 10th. During the week of No-
vember 6th to 10th, a total of 16 authors, illustra-
tors, and storytellers visited numerous schools in
Aruba. In the afternoons of this week, presenta-
tions were also given at the libraries in Playa and
San Nicolas. Additionally, the National Library of
Aruba promoted its second-hand book market.
Representing Aruba, several talented authors and since the official opening of the Aruba Chil- tunity to mingle and exchange ideas and was
showcased their works, including Olga Buck- dren’s Book Festival, it can be obtained for free Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort’s way of show-
ley, Desiree Correa, Emerita Emerencia, Irmgard by purchasing a book at DeWit & VanDorp and ing gratitude to the authors for their valuable
Frans, Vanessa Paulina, Esmeralda Tromp-Ja- Plaza Bookshop stores. participation and contribution to the Aruba
cobs (Tanchi Esmé), Ruthy Vrieswijk, and Sheila The festival aimed to inspire children to be cre- Children’s Book Festival. The resort is honored
Werleman. From Bonaire, Boi Antoin and De- ative, kind, and curious about knowledge while to be part of this inspirational literature wave ini-
nise de Jongh-Rekwest participated, and Pedro promoting respect for cultural heritage and co- tiated by the National Library of Aruba. Without
Vargas represented Colombia. Curacao was existence. Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort was the authors' involvement, the event would not
represented by Alvin Inecia (Tio Ali) and Crisen delighted to offer comfortable accommoda- have been as extraordinary as it was.
Schorea, while Jeroen Hoogerwerf and Mariska tion in our beautiful Manor Studios to all interna-
Hammerstein were from the Netherlands. Misha tional authors participating in the festival. Our Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort is honored to
Spanner came from St. Eustatius. exceptional guests enjoyed top-quality service support and celebrate the Aruba Children’s
and a warm, welcoming atmosphere for their Book Festival, which aims to encourage a love
A highlight of the festival was the gift to the Aru- six-night unforgettable Caribbean experience. for reading and creativity among the youth
ban childrens, a book titled "Na cas di Carmen A grand finale cocktail party was organized at of Aruba and is excited to continue promot-
y Carlos" (At Home with Carmen and Carlos) by Horizons Lounge to celebrate the successful col- ing and supporting such extraordinary literary
Jeroen Hoogerwerf and Vanessa Paulina. This laboration among the authors and the National events in partnership with The National Library
book was made available to Aruban children Library of Aruba. The party provided an oppor- of Aruba.q
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