P. 10

A4   U.S. NEWS
              Thursday 8 February 2018

            Trump flirts with flashy military parade long eschewed by US

             By JOSH LEDERMAN                                                                                                   notion that it was anything
             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For                                                                                           beyond an idea Trump had
             generations,  as  America's                                                                                        floated  "in  a  brainstorming
             authoritarian  rivals  strutted                                                                                    session"  to  help  Americans
             their  tanks,  troops  and  jets                                                                                   express gratitude and pride
             through  main  thorough-                                                                                           for the military. White House
             fares in dramatic displays of                                                                                      spokeswoman Sarah Huck-
             strength,  the  United  States                                                                                     abee  Sanders  said  there
             watched from afar, but did                                                                                         had  been  no  final  deci-
             not emulate.                                                                                                       sion.  And  Trump's  legisla-
             Widely  accepted  as  the                                                                                          tive director said it was too
             world's  mightiest,  the  U.S.                                                                                     early to even guess about
             military  has  no  tradition  of                                                                                   potential  costs,  though  it's
             putting  itself  on  parade                                                                                        assumed it would cost mil-
             like  in  Russia,  North  Korea                                                                                    lions.
             or  China.  But  President                                                                                         "We've  been  putting  to-
             Donald  Trump  does  not                                                                                           gether  some  options.  We'll
             often  stand  on  tradition.                                                                                       send them up to the White
             So Trump's directive to the                                                                                        House for a decision," said
             Pentagon  to  draft  options                                                                                       Defense Secretary Jim Mat-
             for a massive march rever-                                                                                         tis  as  reporters  peppered
             berated  across  Washing-                                                                                          him  with  questions  at  the
             ton on Wednesday like the                                                                                          White  House.  "The  presi-
             thud of a discharged can-   President Donald Trump listens during a meeting with law enforcement officials on the MS-13 street   dent's respect, his fondness
             non, as lawmakers and mili-  gang and border security, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2018, in   for  the  military  I  think  is  re-
             tary  leaders  mused  about                                                                 (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  flected  in  him  asking  for
             the  cost,  the  risk  and  the                                                                                    these  options."  In  the  na-
             purpose.                    in  an  interview.  "We  don't  parade  this  year  to  rival  Graham told CNN that the  tion’s capital, officials were
             "People  will  wonder,  'Well,  have  to  show  off  to  make  the  Bastille  Day  celebra-  parade  risked  being  "kind  scrambling  to  identify  po-
             what  are  they  afraid  of  a point."                   tion  in  Paris  that  made  a  of  cheesy  and  a  sign  of  tential implications for such
             now?  What  are  they  try-  It was a critique voiced by  distinct impression on him in  weakness"  if  it's  just  about  a parade, such as whether
             ing to prove?'" Del. Eleanor  both  Democrats  and  Re-  July. Democratic Sen. Dick  showing off military muscle.  D.C. streets could even ac-
             Holmes  Norton,  who  rep-  publicans the day after The  Durbin  called  it  a  "fantas-  The president did not seem  commodate  heavyweight
             resents  the  District  of  Co-  Washington  Post  revealed  tic waste of money," while  deterred, although his aides  tanks  and  other  equip-
             lumbia  in  Congress,  said  Trump wants an elaborate  Republican  Sen.  Lindsey  rushed  to  downplay  the  ment. q

             Pelosi stages 8-hour speech to push for vote for 'dreamers'

            By STEVE PEOPLES             deportation is set to expire  at the liberal wing of Pelosi's  address  a  liberal  priority  Schumer  by  name.  Some
            ALAN FRAM                    next  month.  The  California  own  party,  who  seethed  in   Republican-controlled  scoffed  at  Pelosi's  speech,
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  Democrat quoted from the  Wednesday  as  Democrats  Washington.                         intended to elicit a promise
            House    Minority   Leader  Bible and Pope Francis, as  in  the  Senate  cut  a  bud-  "I'm not a loyal Democrat,"  from  House  Speaker  Paul
            Nancy  Pelosi  staged  a  re-  Democrats took turns sitting  get deal that could quickly  Linda  Sarsour,  a  political  Ryan  to  allow  a  vote  on
            cord-breaking,  eight-hour  behind  her  in  support.  The  steal  the  momentum  be-  activist who co-chaired the  subsequent  legislation  to
            speech  Wednesday  in  an  Office  of  the  House  Histo-  hind  the  effort  to  resolve  2017  Women's  March,  de-  protect  the  younger  immi-
            attempt  to  force  a  House  rian said it was the longest  the Dreamers' plight.      clared  during  a  fiery  rally  grants. Ryan's promise, ac-
            vote on protections for the  continuous  speech  in  the  While  she  spoke  on  the  near Capitol Hill. "We will be  tivists noted, was far from a
            "Dreamer"  immigrants  —  chamber on record.              House  floor,  immigration  joining  primaries  this  year  guarantee.
            and to prove to an increas-  "You  see,  these  people  activists  rallied  in Washing-  and we will primary Demo-  "What  are  they  thinking?
            ingly angry wing of progres-  are  being  deported,"  Pe-  ton  and  threaten  political  crats who did not have the  They're  giving  up  their  le-
            sives and activists that she  losi said around hour six of  retribution against the con-  spine  or  the  courage  to  verage,"  said  a  frustrated
            has done all she could.      her  speech.  "We  can  do  gressional  Democrats  who  stand  up  for  our  undocu-   Angel Padilla, policy direc-
            Wearing  four-inch  heels  something today to at least  abandoned  the  strategy  mented family."                   tor for the liberal group In-
            and  forgoing  any  breaks,  make whole the children."    of demanding that a bud-     The  activists  who  filled  divisible. "All of these votes
            Pelosi  spent  much  of  the  The  performance  had  no  get deal be paired with an  a      Washington    church  will  matter  come  Novem-
            rare   talkathon   reading  immediate  impact  on  Re-    immigration deal. The fresh  Wednesday,     like   liberal  ber."  Pelosi  started  her  re-
            personal  letters  from  the  publican leaders who have  threats  exposed  deepen-     leaders nationwide, called  marks  just  about  10  a.m.
            young  immigrants  whose  not agreed to a vote. But it  ing divisions within a Dem-    out  Pelosi  and  Senate  and  yielded  the  floor  at
            temporary protection from  was perhaps equally aimed  ocratic  Party  struggling  to  Minority   Leader    Chuck  6:11 p.m.q
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