P. 9
Thursday 8 February 2018
Tillerson: US encouraged by Colombia efforts to reduce coca
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — work in reducing coca
U.S. Secretary of State Rex production, telling Tillerson
Tillerson said Tuesday he is that the nation has forc-
encouraged by Colombia's ibly eradicated 54,000
efforts to slash the amount hectares of the crop and
of cocaine produced in signed collective agree-
the South American nation ments with 120,000 families
but cautioned that "we to substitute coca. He also
need to see results." stressed that U.S. efforts in
In a joint appearance with reducing demand are key
Colombian President Juan to resolving the problem.
Manuel Santos, Tillerson The U.S. is the world's larg-
said that as a primary con- est consumer of cocaine
sumer of illicit drugs the U.S. originating from Colombia.
shares a responsibility in "We are working together
combatting the narcotics on a problem and chal-
trade and will continue to lenge that needs coopera-
support Colombia's efforts. tion from both countries,"
His conciliatory remarks Santos said. Tillerson is on
came months after Presi- a five-nation tour of the re-
dent Donald Trump threat- Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos, left, listens to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson dur- gion that thus far has been
ened to decertify Colom- ing a press conference after a meeting at the presidential palace in Bogota, Colombia, Tuesday, dominated by concerns
Feb. 6, 2018.
bia as a partner in the war (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara) about Venezuela's mount-
against drugs unless the ing political and economic
nation reversed a record tion. "We need to see the way," Tillerson said. "That's as well." A White House re- crisis. The secretary of state
surge in cocaine produc- metrics going in the right all President Trump wants port found cultivation of said Tuesday that he had a
the plant used to make "very extensive exchange"
cocaine rose to levels un- with Santos on how the U.S.
seen in Colombia in nearly and Colombia can work
two decades of U.S. eradi- with others in the region
cation efforts in 2016. The to restore democracy in
coca boom has tested the Venezuela, which he de-
relationship between the scribed as "our only objec-
staunch allies. The U.S. has tive." Last week, Tillerson
spent more than $10 billion remarked in a speech at
in counter-narcotics work in the University of Texas that
Colombia. The rise in coca throughout the course of
growth coincided with Co- Latin America's history it has
lombia's peace deal with often been the military that
leftist rebels that provides has stepped in to "man-
benefits to coca farmers age a peaceful transition."
who agree to substitute “We are all heartbroken by
their crops and a decision what we see happening in
by Santos to stop the use of Venezuela,” Tillerson said.
crop-destroying herbicides “And we are also heartbro-
over health concerns. San- ken to see the impact it is
tos defended Colombia's having in Colombia.” q
Russian FM says Russia wants
constructive dialogue with US
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's the Ukrainian conflict, the
foreign minister says Mos- Syrian war and allegations
cow is open to a construc- of Russian meddling in the
tive dialogue with Washing- 2016 U.S. presidential elec-
ton and wants to preserve tion.
a landmark Cold War-era Lavrov said that "we don't
nuclear arms accord. want an escalation of con-
Sergey Lavrov insisted frontation."
Wednesday that Moscow He said that Washington
has honored the 1987 In- expects Moscow to simply
termediate Range Nuclear accept its arguments while
Forces (INF) Treaty, reject- discussing international cri-
ing U.S. claims of Russian ses and nuclear-related is-
violations of it. He argued sues, adding that common
that grievances should be ground can be found only
discussed in talks. on the basis of balance
Russia-U.S. ties have sunk of interests and mutual re-
to post-Cold War lows over spect. q