Page 6 - AM210317
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6                                                           AWEMainta                                        Diaranson, 17 Maart 2021

                                                                                  Despertar ya es un motivo para darle gracias a Dios.

                                                                                                 To forget your troubles.
                                                                                                     Remember God.
                                                                     Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never
                                                                                                      Essential Food

                                                                     Nothing can survive without food. Everything we consume acts either to heal
                                                                      us or to poison us. We tend to think of nourishment only as what we take in
                                                                     through our mouths, but what we consume with our eyes, our ears, our noses,

                                                                                        our tongues, and our bodies is also food.
       Nos ta den campaña y esaki ta notable, ora cu un bi-                         Violence at home can lead to blood in the streets.
      jeenkomst a keda convoca pa TUR Minister bin splica                                 Community strengthens compassion.

        nan respectivo proyectonan pa Pariba di Brug. Tur                    Slaying the three dragons: overcoming doubt, worry and fear.
                     proyecto cu tin, ta di AVP.                         We used to say, “As innocent as a child”. These days what we can say?
                      +++++++++++++++++                                                     ++++++++++++++++++++++++
       The Secret, di Otmar Oduber no a ni cuminsa cune, y                                    Na caminda pa elecion 2021:
       awor e otro Oduber ta anuncia cu lo bin dos Boutique            Tur loke bo haci, haci’e cu amor y no pa placa so. No sea goloso pa placa.

        Hotel na Baby Beach, siendo cu ni un hotel no por                                     +++++++++++++++++++++
                  keda cla ainda. Bay gaña baca.                            Your speciality influences others, so use it the best way you can.
                  ++++++++++++++++++++++                                              Self-control will give you unlimited control.

              Sobran rasones para dar gracias a Dios.
                                                                                          Tempo para todo menos para rendirse.
                                                                                                   Sabiduria de la vida:
                A N U N C I O                                                                     El poder del Silencio.

                SETAR ta informa orario adapta pa su                                    Tu ventaja es que no haya nadie como tú.
                Teleshopnan diaranson 17 di maart 2021:                                      ++++++++++++++++++++++

                   Teleshop Seroe Blanco lo ta habri di                           See the beauty in everything and begin with yourself.
                   7.45 am pa 3.00 pm.
                   Teleshop Noord, Irausquin Plein, Santa                                    ++++++++++++++++++++++
                   Cruz y San Nicolas lo ta habri di 9.00                        Fouten maken of alleen werken op olympisch niveau?
                   am pa 3.00 pm.
                                                                                       Wat kost dat eigenlijk: fouten voorkomen?
                E Kiosk na Airport y e Contact Center lo                                          Of, er niet van leren?
                keda duna servicio orario normal. Pa
                cualkier pregunta por yama 114 of                                         ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                Whatsapp na 597-9999.
                                                                          Belasting betalen is een gunst, minder belasting betalen is een kunst.
                                                                                           No hay mal que por bien no venga.

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