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Diaranson, 17 Maart 2021                                     AWEMainta                                                                       7

                                                           gobernante anterior en vez di tuma full         Credit Rating Agency Standard & Poors
                                                               responsabilidad pa su maneho.               a rate Aruba lagando e baby di Gobierno

                                                               ++++++++++++++++++++++                     mr. Evelina Wever-Croes cu yama refineria
                                                                Na caminda pa elecion 2021:                afor, pakico anto? No tin confiansa den e
                                                          Corda cu Hulanda ta bai pone presion pa                     dream project aki?
                                                          pasa botte bijl den e aparato personal di              ++++++++++++++++++++
                                                         gobierno. Baha salario di ambtenaarnan y                Na caminda pa elecion 2021:

                                                        contractantnan no ta suficiente. Cierto amb-       What is more important, your standard of
                                                         tenaar y contractantnan mester exit volun-         living or living a life with correct stan-
                                                        tariamente o obligatoriamente. Corda bisa e                          dards?

                                                                      pueblo e berdad.                    It pays to be smart- but it pays more to be
                                                                ++++++++++++++++++++                       determined, disciplined, dependable and
           Elkaar begrijpen is jezelf begrijpen.                      Emotional health:                                     driven.
             ++++++++++++++++++++++                           What you see, read, hear and eat.                          -Adam Grant
       It is better to have a great team, than a team             +++++++++++++++++                              ++++++++++++++++++++

                         of greats.                     Den tur e discusionnan den enseñasa e Min-         Negative relationship are unpleasant, but
            In all respects keep giving respect.        ister actual dr. Lampe, the bulldozer, ta haci                    predictable.
         Some people never mature because of a          su mes manera un wantoba (vogelschikker)                         -Adam Grant
       fear aging, and some because they refuse to                core cu tur e maestronan.                       +++++++++++++++++++

                   accept responsibility.                 Hundi Partido MEP a keda pa defende e             An honest man never fears the eyes of
       In the long run the most difficult thing is to    maestronan di scol? Hende ta central tog?                         strangers.
               search for an easy way out.                    Y e alumnonan tambe ta central?             Attract whay you want by being what you
       Never blame others to protect yourself, for                ++++++++++++++++++                                         want.

         TIME has a way of revealing TRUTH.                Na Lider nobato di partido POR Allan           The One who is honest and has a true heart
              +++++++++++++++++++++                     Howell dos palabra di dia: Zelfredzaamheid          will always feel light and tension-free.
        Den politica hopi biaha tin mandatario ora      & waakzaamheid. Cuminsa bebe multivita-                   I totally agree with myself.
         mester goberna ta manera zielige Alfred                    mina a resisti derota.                          Have a wonderfull day.

         Jodocus Kwak, keda yora y keha riba e                 ++++++++++++++++++++++                          ++++++++++++++++++++++++

                                               Prudential Supervision Examiner

                  Insurance Companies, Pension Funds & Investment Institutions

             Main responsibilities                                Requirements                                 Competencies
             •  Conduct onsite examinations                       •  Master’s degree in Business Economics, preferably   •  Strong analytical and advisory skills
                                                                     complemented with a post-master degree in Accountancy
             •  Analyze the financial and regulatory reports                                                   •  Strong oral and written communication skills
                                                                  •  Relevant work experience
             •  Process requests pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations                               •  Able to work under pressure
               and handle correspondence with relevant parties    •  Good understanding of the financial sector  •  Flexible and accurate
             •  Conduct risk assessments, and establish the ensuing risk profile, and,  •  Ample knowledge of the relevant supervisory laws and   •  Able to work independently and in a team
               based hereupon, design, and execute supervisory plans  regulations
                                                                                                               •  Solution- and result-oriented
             •  Conduct internal and external presentations and participate in   •  Ample knowledge of the international supervisory
               reach-out sessions                                    standards, especially in the area of insurance supervision
             •  Participate in committees and working groups
            Qualifying candidates should send their motivation letter and CV to the President of the Centrale Bank van Aruba, Mrs. Jeanette Semeleer via
            An interview, assessment, pre-employment screening, as well as a medical test form part of the procedure

            More information?
            For further information you can contact Mrs. Laïndhra Garcia, Manager Prudential Supervision Insurance Companies, Pension Funds & Investment Institutions,
            via telephone: +297 525 2176 or e-mail:

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