Page 5 - Min.TTC Maart2, 2015
P. 5
LOCALMonday 2 March 2015
Mrs. Alice Kramer Honored at the Radisson Aruba Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently of the Minister of Tourism the Aruba Tourism Author-
the Aruba Tourism Author- as a token of appreciation ity together with General
ity had the great pleasure to guests who visit Aruba Manager Mr. Mark Lyttle-
of honoring a loyal and for 10-to-19 consecutive ton-Frances and Guest Re-
friendly guest at the Radis- years. lations Manager Mrs. Ger-
son Aruba Resort, Casino, The honoree is Mrs. Alice maine Wever, representing
& Spa as a Distinguished Kramer, resident of New the Radisson Hotel, and Mr.
Visitor of Aruba. York. Fernando Mansur of House
The symbolic honorary title Mrs. Kramer is a loyal visitor of Mosaic. Alice has her
is presented in the name of the Radisson and what own business called Dis-
keeps her coming back to cerning Designs - Unique
Aruba is the feeling of be- Jewelry Creations by Alice
ing at home on vacation. K. Her designs are one-of-
She enjoys the quiet sound a-kind pieces of jewelry
of the Caribbean sea while focusing on exotic colored
laying on the beach under gems and diamonds set in
her Palapa, the wonderful 18K and platinum. Her first
dining and the beautiful piece was made in Aruba
people she has met over in 2001, assisted by Michael
the years. Douglas. Now she works
The certificates were pre- with Fernando Mansur of
sented by Ms. Darline S. House of Mosaic where her
de Cuba representing pieces can be viewed.q
LOCALMonday 2 March 2015
Mrs. Alice Kramer Honored at the Radisson Aruba Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently of the Minister of Tourism the Aruba Tourism Author-
the Aruba Tourism Author- as a token of appreciation ity together with General
ity had the great pleasure to guests who visit Aruba Manager Mr. Mark Lyttle-
of honoring a loyal and for 10-to-19 consecutive ton-Frances and Guest Re-
friendly guest at the Radis- years. lations Manager Mrs. Ger-
son Aruba Resort, Casino, The honoree is Mrs. Alice maine Wever, representing
& Spa as a Distinguished Kramer, resident of New the Radisson Hotel, and Mr.
Visitor of Aruba. York. Fernando Mansur of House
The symbolic honorary title Mrs. Kramer is a loyal visitor of Mosaic. Alice has her
is presented in the name of the Radisson and what own business called Dis-
keeps her coming back to cerning Designs - Unique
Aruba is the feeling of be- Jewelry Creations by Alice
ing at home on vacation. K. Her designs are one-of-
She enjoys the quiet sound a-kind pieces of jewelry
of the Caribbean sea while focusing on exotic colored
laying on the beach under gems and diamonds set in
her Palapa, the wonderful 18K and platinum. Her first
dining and the beautiful piece was made in Aruba
people she has met over in 2001, assisted by Michael
the years. Douglas. Now she works
The certificates were pre- with Fernando Mansur of
sented by Ms. Darline S. House of Mosaic where her
de Cuba representing pieces can be viewed.q