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P. 43

                                                                                                                    Monday 15 February 2016

Loyal visitors honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort

Recently the Aruba Tour-                                                                                               Divi Phoenix is their home
ism Authority had the great                                                                                            away from home. The cer-
pleasure of honoring a                                                                                                 tificates were presented by
group of loyal and friendly                                                                                            Mr. Ernest Giel representing
Visitors of Aruba, at the Divi                                                                                         the Aruba Tourism Author-
Phoenix Beach Resort, as                                                                                               ity together with  Mr. Gerrit
Ambassadors of Goodwill.                                                                                               Griffith GM and Staff mem-
The symbolic honorary title                                                                                            bers of the Divi Phoenix
is presented in the name                                                                                               Beach Resort.q

                                of the Minister of Tourism as  and Mrs. Becky Schmolke     love Aruba very much be-
                                a token of appreciation to     from Coon Rapids MN, Mrs.   cause of the friendly peo-
                                guests who visit Aruba for     Kathleen Peterson and Mrs.  ple, the climate, beaches,
                                20 to 34 consecutive years.    Sheila Taraska from Nor-    restaurants, Casinos and
                                The honorees were Mr. Rich-    wich Vermont. All the hon-  Aruba feels like a second
                                ard and Mrs. Mary Bart from    orees are loyal members of  home, the people are like
                                Haydenville Ma, Mr. Ron        the Divi Phoenix and they   a family to them and the
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