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P. 44
LOCALMonday 15 February 2016
Patricia Lehman honored ored at the Marriott Ocean the beaches.
at the Tropicana Club
(attached pictures Ocean
Recently Jonathan Boek- Recently a group of loyal Club 2 & 3)
houdt with Aruba Tourism visitors were honored at
Authority had the great the Marriot Ocean Club. Loyal Ambassadors hon-
pleasure to present Patricia The ceremony was con- ored at the Marriott Ocean
Lehman with the “Goodwill ducted by Jonathan Boek-
Ambassador Certificate” houdt with Aruba Tourism Club
The honorary title is given in Authority in the presence Recently a group of loyal
the name of Aruba Tourism of Hotel GM Erwin and his Aruba ambassadors were
Authority and the Ministry Executive Assistant Lisette. honored at the Marriott
of Tourism to loyal Aruba The honorees in this case Ocean Club.
visitors with 20+ consecu- were James and Ann Ma- Anthony and Antoinette Li-
tive years visits. Patricia rie Girard together with frieri who have been com-
hails from Wisconsin and Francis and Paula Nugent. ing to Aruba for over 30
love the island especially They were all presented years were presented with
for the friendly people, with the ‘Distinguished Visi- the “Goodwill Ambassa-
weather and good restau- tor Certificate” dor Certificate” Leigh and
rants. The ceremony was The honorary title is pre- Linda Surkis 40 consecutive
held at the Trop Casino in sented in the name of Aru- years were presented with
the presence of the Hotel ba Tourism Authority and the ‘Emerald Ambassador
GM Richard, Casino GM the Ministry of Tourism to Certificate” Both honor-
Wilfred and GM Executive visitors with 10+ consecu- ary titles are presented in
Assistant Jacky. tive years visits. The Girard’s the name of Aruba Tourism
hail from Pennsylvania and Authority and the Ministry
(attached pictures Ocean the Nugent’s from Mas- of Tourism to ambassadors
Club 1) sachusetts. The honorees who have converted Aru-
Group of loyal visitors hon- love Aruba especially for ba into their “home away
from home” The ceremony
was conducted by Jona- Both couples hail from New
than Boekhoudt in front York and consider Aruba
of the honorees families, to be their favorite vaca-
friends and Marriott staff. tion destination period!q