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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 19 May 2020
            Thousands defer plans to leave the military during crisis

            Continued from Front                                                                                                only  be  temporary,  if  the
                                                                                                                                economic downturn conti-
            Gozikowski,  who  is  from                                                                                          nued.  “I need stability in my
            Cherry  Hill,  New  Jersey,                                                                                         life. There’s no steady inco-
            and is serving at Fort Hood,                                                                                        me  on  the  outside,  or  gu-
            Texas, is one of hundreds of                                                                                        aranteed  income  either,”
            service  members  who  are                                                                                          said  the  pilot,  adding  that
            taking advantage of newly                                                                                           in the military, he’s guaran-
            developed,  short-term  ex-                                                                                         teed  a  job.  “While  other
            tensions  being  offered  by                                                                                        people are getting laid off
            the military.                                                                                                       and not working, we’re still
            As  of  last  week,  the  Army                                                                                      collecting a paycheck and
            had  already  exceeded                                                                                              going to work.”
            its  retention goal of 50,000                                                                                       Retention is also on the rise
            soldiers  for  the  fiscal  year                                                                                    in the Marine Corps.
            ending  in  September,  re-                                                                                         Currently  there  are  about
            enlisting  more  than  52,000                                                                                       183,000  Marines,  and  the
            so far. And the other servi-                                                                                        goal for the end of the fiscal
            ces  have  also  met  or  are                                                                                       year  is  about  184,600.  The
            closer  than  planned  to                                                                                           Corps  has  nearly  reached
            their  target  numbers.  The                                                                                        its  retention  goal  of  about
            influx of people re-enlisting                                                                                       12,600  for  the  fiscal  year,
            will  offset  any  shortfalls  in                                                                                   with  only  about  100  or  so
            recruiting, which has been   In this April 5, 2020, file photo soldiers work next to an isolation tent at a military field hospital at the   to  get  by  the  end  of  Sep-
            hampered  by  the  out-      CenturyLink Field Event Center in Seattle.                                             tember. The Navy was not
            break.  And  that  will  help                                                                      Associated Press  able  to  provide  retention
            the services meet their total  navirus period. By early last  vice members who decide  next career. For months, he  numbers. In addition, Mari-
            required troop levels for the  week, he said, 745 soldiers  to  re-enlist  or  extend  their  and his fellow pilots at Scott  nes  who  were  planning  to
            end of the year.             had signed up.               service.  So  far,  the  num-  Air Force Base in Illinois had  leave the service are being
            “We’re  hiring,”  said  Army  “What  we’re  seeing  this  ber  of  Air  Force  personnel  been  talking  about  which  allowed to extend their en-
            Secretary  Ryan  McCarthy.  year,  which  is  directly  re-  who  have  withdrawn  their  airlines were hiring.     listments by a few months,
            “Like  anything,  market  dy-  lated  to  COVID,  is  we  do  requests  to  leave  the  ser-  “Everybody  was  getting  to get past the initial COVID
            namics  come  into  effect  have  a  population  of  sol-  vice  or  have  asked  to  ex-  out,”  the  10-year  transport  crisis, or by a year or two.
            and people will see where  diers  that  what  they  were  tend their enlistment is 700  aircraft pilot said in an inter-  Maj.  Craig  Thomas,  a  Ma-
            the opportunities lie.”      expecting  at  the  end  of  more than last year at this  view from the air base. “The  rine Corps spokesman, said
            Sgt. Maj. Stuart Morgan, the  transition   has   suddenly  time,  including  230  pilots  conversations were like, oh,  virus-related   restrictions
            senior  Army  career  coun-  disappeared,”      Morgan  and medical staff.             who got picked up by Sou-    on  recruiting  and  shipping
            selor,  said  Gozikowski  was  said.  “And  now  you  have  For one pilot, the opportu-  thwest, who got picked up  new  Marines  to  initial  trai-
            able to take advantage of  a soldier that is trying to go  nity  to  make  that  sudden  by American, who got pic-  ning  will  likely  mean  the
            a  new  program  designed  through a transition period  change  of  course  was  a  ked up by Delta. And then  service won’t meet its goal
            to  help  soldiers  who  were  that  is  now  facing  uncer-  relief. In discussing his plans,  the whole coronavirus thing  for total force size this year.
            planning to leave this year  tainty on the outside.”      he asked that his name not  started to play its course.”  He  added,  however,  that
            but  are  now  worried  and  The Air Force is already ex-  be used to preserve any fu-  Suddenly, he said, “the dis-  while  it  is  too  early  to  tell
            reconsidering their options.  pecting to fall short of its re-  ture employment options.  cussions are more like, what  if  the  bad  economy  will
            The  program  allows  them  cruiting goal by as much as  Nearly  two  months  ago,  are we gonna do now?”           further boost retention, the
            to  delay  their  departure  5,800 as a result of the virus.  he was in Miami taking an  The  pilot  said  he  was  wor-  enlistment extensions could
            for up to 11 months to get  And that gap, the Air Force  airline  certification  course  ried about the uncertainty.  make  up  for  the  recruiting
            them  past  the  peak  coro-  said, could be filled by ser-  and  getting  ready  for  his  Even if he got a job, it might  shortfalls.q

            ATF joins probe of LA blast that injured 12 firefighters

            By  STEFANIE  DAZIO  and  identify where the fire start-  the  roof,  normal  proce-
            JOHN ANTCZAK                 ed  and  determine  what  dures to try to quickly knock
            Associated Press             caused it.                   down  any  flames,  officials
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Inves-    Capt.  Robert  Long,  com-   said.
            tigators on Monday began  manding officer of the Los  One  of  the  firefighters  no-
            combing  the  wreckage  Angeles         Police   Depart-  ticed that the pressure from
            of  a  fire  and  explosion  at  ment's  major  crimes  unit,  the smoke and heat com-
            a  downtown  Los  Angeles  said  his  detectives  will  be  ing  from  the  rear  of  the
            hash  oil  manufacturer  as  working  with  the  ATF  and  building  were  increasing.
            six  burned  firefighters  re-  "looking  at  all  aspects  of  He  ordered  everyone  to
            mained in the hospital and  the business to see if all ap-  get  out  but  a  thunderous
            two more went home.          plicable  safety  rules  were  explosion rocked the build-
            The  Bureau  of  Alcohol,  To-  followed."                ing. Firefighters on the roof
            bacco,  Firearms  and  Ex-   The  blaze  began  late  Sat-  scrambled  down  ladders
            plosives  is  sending  in  spe-  urday afternoon at a one-  through a fireball, with their
            cial  agents  from  around  story  commercial  building  protective  coats  aflame.    Los Angeles Fire Department firefighters push ambulance cots
            the  country  to  help  with  in the city's Toy District.   The wall of flames shot out   at the scene of a structure fire that injured multiple firefighters,
            the  criminal  investigation.  Firefighters   entered   the  the  building  and  burned   according to a fire department spokesman, Saturday, May 16,
            They are expected to help  building amid light to mod-    seats  inside  a  fire  truck   2020, in Los Angeles.
            reconstruct   the   scene,  erate  smoke  and  went  on  across the street. q                                                  Associated Press
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