Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200519
P. 28

                       Tuesday 19 May 2020
            Unemployed Puerto Ricans fume as claims pile up in pandemic

                                                                      largely  at  self-employed  in all this time. We're in the  distributed  so  far  to  those
                                                                      people stung by COVID-19  middle  of  a  crisis.  We  are  seeking  pandemic  unem-
                                                                      restrictions.  The  U.S.  terri-  people who fulfill all our ob-  ployment  assistance,  with
                                                                      tory's  government  said  it  ligations  with  the  govern-  beneficiaries  getting  $600
                                                                      has  processed  only  about  ment. Now we need them."     a week or more. He said he
                                                                      3,000  of  of  87,000  requests  Puerto  Rico  Labor  Secre-  did not have data on how
                                                                      it  has  received  since  the  tary Briseida Torres said the  many   people   received
                                                                      online  application  plat-   drive-up  center  in  front  of  payments or when the first
                                                                      form launched on April 28,  the  department's  head-      payment  was  made.  The
                                                                      and  officials  have  feuded  quarters in San Juan would  lockdown has hit especially
                                                                      with a technology provider  help speed up claims.         hard in Puerto Rico, whose
                                                                      about  who  is  to  blame  for  "The  high  volume  of  cases  economy is still reeling from
                                                                      the delays.                  and  inquiries  we  receive  Hurricanes  Irma  and  Ma-
                                                                      Among  those  who  have  daily  has  caused  a  delay  ria  and  a  recent  string  of
                                                                      tried to apply multiple times  in  addressing  these  claims  strong earthquakes, as well
            In this Aug. 16, 2019 file photo, Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vazquez   online  and  via  phone  but  and processing payments,"  as a debt crisis that led the
            speaks  during  an  interview  with  the  Associated  Press  at  the   received no answer is Olga  she said Sunday.  island  to  declare  a  sort  of
            official residence La Fortaleza, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.   Cortés, who owns kiosks of-  Torres  said  other  drive-up  bankruptcy.   Economists
                                                     Associated Press   fereing  cellphone  service  centers  might  open  else-  have  warned  the  unem-
            By DÁNICA COTO               dle applications from thou-  and maintenance.             where on the island in up-   ployment rate could reach
            Associated Press             sands  of  people  seeing  "This  is  incredibly  frustrat-  coming  days.  Labor  De-  more  than  30%  on  the  is-
            SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)  pandemic  unemployment  ing,"  she  said.  "I  don't  un-  partment spokesman Chris-    land  of  3.2  million  people
            —  Puerto  Rico's  govern-   assistance   after   weeks  derstand  how  someone  topher Domenech told The  that  has  a  more  than  40%
            ment  opened  a  drive-up  of  delays  and  confusion  has not made the platform  Associated Press that a to-       poverty  rate,  higher  than
            service on Monday to han-    over  the  program  aimed  work  like  it's  supposed  to  tal of $5.3 million has been  any U.S. state.q

            “Get Out! Move!” Belgium relaxes lockdown for lazier nation

            By RAF CASERT                laptops  remains  the  order  a sedentary lifestyle as two
            Associated Press             of the day.  "It is a bit weird  years  ago.  A  total  of  56.1
            BRUSSELS (AP) — Belgium is  feeling, but it is ok, I can see  percent said they were sit-
            taking the next step in its re-  that the school is well-orga-  ting or at rest for more than
            laxation of the coronavirus  nized,  well-equipped  for  8 of their waking hours. On
            lockdown on Monday and  the safety of our children,"  average,  adults  are  now
            is  also  telling  people:  get  said  Eliana  Luboko,  moth-  sitting  or  resting  8.6  hours
            up! Schools are opening up  er  of  12-year-old  Diego  at  during  their  waking  day
            to  more  students,  markets  the  Les  Magnolias  primary  compared  with  5.8  hours
            are  setting  up  again  and  school in Brussels. Across the  two years ago.
            museums  are  the  reopen-   country, kids were gingerly  A  quarter  of  respondents
            ing their doors. And the snip  taking steps in school play-  said  they  had  gained
            of a barber's scissors fills the  grounds,  running  around  weight while locked inside,
            air again.                   even as teachers sought to  with  the  oven  churning
            Schools went through a dry  ensure social distancing.     out  homemade  pastries
            run  on  Friday,  but  primary  That  is  the  kind  of  activity  breads  and  other  recipes   Students stand next to cones to mark social distancing as they
            and secondary classes are  that the government wants  from  long-forgotten  cook-      wait  in  line  before  entering  the  classroom  at  Les  Magnolias
            resuming  for  real  on  Mon-  to see among adults now.   books.                       primary school during the partial lifting of COVID-19, lockdown
            day, though with a limited  A major study by the public  "These are unusual circum-    regulations in Brussels, Monday, May 18, 2020.
            number  of  pupils  to  make  science institute Sciensano  stances,  but  better  times                                         Associated Press
            sure  that  social  distancing  involving over 40,000 partic-  are ahead for your weight,"  measures  "there  are  more  out!  Move!"  Van  Gucht
            can  be  fully  respected.  In  ipants  said  that  during  the  said  Prof.  Steven  Van  Gu-  possibilities  to  move  about  said,  adding  that  people
            many  cases,  though,  dis-  lockdown,  twice  as  many  cht, of Sciensano. With the  and do sports outside."       should heed social distanc-
            tance    learning   through  adults  had  succumbed  to  relaxation   of   lockdown  "Take  your  chance.  Get  ing advice.q
                                                                      Austrian minister thanks elephant that

                                                                      aided virus guidance

                                                                      phant, in a nod of thanks  trians envision keeping the  Now  one  year  old,  Kibali
                                                                      after the government used  recommended one-meter  has  grown  past  the  Aus-
                                                                      a  cartoon  of  the  large  (3.28 feet) apart, Schram-   trian  coronavirus  distance
                                                                      mammal as a reference to  boeck said authorities had  guidance  to  1.4  meters
                                                                      help people put pandem-      spread the message it was  (4.6  feet)  long,  but  zoo
                                                                      ic  distancing  recommen-    “the  length  of  a  baby  el-  director  Stephan  Hering-
                                                                      dations into perspective.    ephant.”  A  government  Hagenbeck        noted   her
              Elephant  baby  Kibali  enjoys  her  birthday  cake  besides  her   Margarete  Schramboeck  video had showed a car-  trunk is now exactly a half-
              mother  Numbi  at  the  Schoenbrunn  Zoo  in  Vienna,  Austria,   was  named  godmother  toon  of  a  baby  elephant  meter (1.64 feet) long.
              Monday, May 18, 2020.                                   to  Kibali  the  elephant  in  to drive the point home.  He says: “maybe from now
                                                     Associated Press   a  ceremony  at  Vienna’s  Schramboeck  said  “most  on  we  can  say  you  have
              VIENNA  (AP)  —  Austria’s  come  the  symbolic  god-   Schoenbrunn Zoo on Mon-      people, and certainly my-   to keep as much distance
              economy minister has be-    mother  of  a  young  ele-  day. In order to help Aus-   self, thought of Kibali.”   as two Kibali trunks.”q
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