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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 19 May 2020
            WHO bows to calls from countries for independent virus probe

            By JAMEY KEATEN and MA-                                                                                             might  need  to  "reassess"
            RIA CHENG                                                                                                           WHO's  role  in  providing
            Associated Press                                                                                                    travel advice to countries.
            GENEVA (AP) — The World                                                                                             In  his  opening  remarks  at
            Health        Organization                                                                                          the  WHO  meeting,  Tedros
            bowed  to  calls  Monday                                                                                            held firm and sought to fo-
            from  most  of  its  member                                                                                         cus on the bigger troubles
            states  to  launch  an  inde-                                                                                       posed  by  the  outbreak,
            pendent probe into how it                                                                                           saying  "we  have  been
            managed the international                                                                                           humbled by this very small
            response  to  the  coronavi-                                                                                        microbe."
            rus, which has been cloud-                                                                                          "This contagion exposes the
            ed  by  finger-pointing  be-                                                                                        fault lines, inequalities, injus-
            tween  the  U.S.  and  China                                                                                        tices and contradictions of
            over a pandemic that has                                                                                            our  modern  world,"  Tedros
            killed  over  300,000  people                                                                                       said.  "And  geopolitical  di-
            and  leveled  the  global                                                                                           visions  have  been  thrown
            economy.                                                                                                            into sharp relief."
            The "comprehensive evalu-                                                                                           China,  meanwhile,  sought
            ation," sought by a coalition                                                                                       to divert attention to its re-
            of  African,  European  and                                                                                         newed  efforts  to  slow  the
            other countries, is intended                                                                                        coronavirus    pandemic,
            to  review  "lessons  learned"   In this Monday, Feb. 24, 2020 file photo, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the   with  Xi  announcing  the  $2
            from  WHO's  coordination    World Health Organization (WHO), addresses a press conference about the update on COVID-19   billion outlay over two years
            of  the  global  response  to   at the World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.   Associated Press   to fight it. Last year, China
            COVID-19,  but  would  stop                                                                                         donated about $86 million
            short  of  looking  into  con-  nations  and  political  snip-  why  COVID-19  has  "spun  Tedros   said   he   would  to WHO.
            tentious  issues  such  as  the  ing  between  the  U.S.  and  out of control."  "There was  launch  an  independent  U.S. National Security Coun-
            origins of the new corona-   China.  Trump  has  repeat-  a  failure  by  this  organiza-  evaluation  of  WHO's  re-  cil  spokesman  John  Ullyot
            virus. U.S. President Donald  edly attacked WHO, claim-   tion to obtain the informa-  sponse  "at  the  earliest  ap-  characterized China's new-
            Trump has claimed he has  ing  that  it  helped  China  tion that the world needed  propriate  moment"  —  al-      ly  announced  contribution
            proof suggesting the coro-   conceal  the  extent  of  the  and that failure cost many  luding to findings published  as "a token to distract from
            navirus  originated  in  a  lab  coronavirus  pandemic  in  lives,"  Azar  said.  Speaking  Monday in a first report by  calls  from  a  growing  num-
            in China while the scientific  its early stages. Several Re-  hours  after  Chinese  Presi-  an oversight advisory body  ber  of  nations  demanding
            community  has  insisted  all  publican  lawmakers  have  dent Xi Jinping announced  commissioned  to  look  into  accountability  for  the  Chi-
            evidence  to  date  shows  called  on  WHO  Director-     China would provide $2 bil-  WHO's response.              nese  government's  failure
            the virus likely jumped into  General  Tedros  Adhanom  lion to help respond to the  The  11-page  report  raised  to  meet  its  obligations."
            humans from animals.         Ghebreyesus to resign.       outbreak and its economic  questions  such  as  whether  He  said  that  since  China
            WHO's  normally  bureau-     U.S.  Health  and  Human  fallout,  Azar  said  the  U.S.  WHO's  warning  system  for  was  "the  source"  of  the
            cratic annual assembly this  Services   Secretary   Alex  had allocated $9 billion to  alerting  the  world  to  out-  outbreak, it had "a special
            week  has  been  overshad-   Azar  said  Monday  it  was  coronavirus   containment  breaks  is  adequate,  and  responsibility  to  pay  more
            owed  by  mutual  recrimi-   time  to  be  frank  about  efforts around the world.     suggested  member  states  and give more."q

            U.N. envoy calls for Russia-U.S. talks to help end Syrian war

                                                                      sides of the conflict — Rus-  conflict  to  a  political  path  facing  common  threats
                                                                      sia which has been the key  that  were  lost,  and  "those  from  the  COVID-19  pan-
                                                                      backer  of  Syrian  President  missed  moments  were  fol-  demic and Islamic State ex-
                                                                      Bashar Assad and the Unit-   lowed  by  renewed  vio-     tremists,  Pedersen  stressed
                                                                      ed  States  which  supports  lence  and  a  hardening  of  that building trust between
                                                                      the  opposition.  Pedersen  positions  among  regional  key  international  parties
                                                                      told the U.N. Security Coun-  and international actors."  and with Syrians "is essential
                                                                      cil  on  Monday  that  the  "We  must  not  repeat  this  — and could unlock prog-
                                                                      three  countries  that  have  pattern," he said.          ress" toward peace.
                                                                      taken the lead in arranging  Pedersen said there is anxi-  He  then  encouraged  the
                                                                      cease-fires in Syria — Assad  ety that while violence has  U.S.  and  Russia  along  with
                                                                      allies  Russia  and  Iran  and  somewhat  abated  at  the  the  others  to  engage  in
                                                                      opposition  backer  Turkey  moment  it  could  escalate  dialogue.
                                                                      "are key players too."       at any time, and deep dis-   Ultimately,  Pedersen  said,
            A  man  carries  Syrian  Independence  flag  as  Turkish  soldiers   He said members of a com-  appointment that the politi-  "there  is  a  need  to  come
            block a road after a nearby explosion outside the city of Ariha,   mittee from the Syrian gov-  cal process hasn't delivered  together  to  support  a  re-
            in Idlib province, Syria, Tuesday, May 12, 2020.          ernment,  opposition  and  tangible  improvements  for  newed  effort  in  a  Syrian-
                                                     Associated Press  civil  society  who  are  sup-  the Syrian people.       led,  Syrian-owned,  U.N.-fa-
            By EDITH M. LEDERER          year-old  war,  saying  the  posed to draft a new con-    "And there is a widespread  cilitated  political  process"
            Associated Press             two  major  powers  could  stitution for the country and  sense  that  international  toward  a  political  settle-
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  play "a key role." Geir Ped-    the  15  council  nations  are  competition is more promi-  ment  based  on  the  2015
            The  U.N.  special  envoy  for  ersen's  encouragement  to  key players as well.       nent  than  cooperation,  Security  Council  resolution
            Syria  called  Monday  for  Moscow  and  Washington  Pedersen  said  there  have  with  Syrians  paying  the  that endorsed a road map
            talks  between  Russia  and  to take a leading role was  been  too  many  fleeting  price," he told the U.N.'s top  to  peace  including  draft-
            the  United  States  to  help  his first public appeal to the  opportunities  in  the  past  council. With some calm at  ing a new constitution and
            end  the  more  than  nine-  rival  powers  on  opposing  decades  to  move  from  the moment and the world  U.N.-supervised elections.q
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