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Tuesday 19 May 2020
Global Running Day June 3rd
organization receives re- June 3rd.
sults by email and through
social media. “It is a great Do they support Charity?
pleasure to see so many Yes! 50% of the revenues
positive reactions in these from the Virtual Aruba Run
uncertain circumstances,” will be donated to the
says Kees van Muiswinkel, charity 'CEDE Aruba'. They
Chairman Foundation Run help to stock the Aruba
ORANJESTAD — Join mil- can. But it also emphasizes Brazil, Canada, Colombia, in the Sun. food bank with food sup-
lions of people around the the importance of leading Curacao, Great Britain, plies and hygiene products
world in celebrating Global a more active lifestyle. The Netherlands, Poland, Is the Virtual Aruba Run to support the most vulner-
Running Day, which takes Spain, Suriname Trinidad Open? able groups, such as the el-
place on the first Wednes- Participate in this unique and Tobago, Czech Re- Yes! You can register and derly and children in vulner-
day in June. It’s a celebra- first Virtual Aruba Run. Al- public, United Arab Emir- run your race every day. able situations.
tion that encourages peo- ready runners and walkers ates and the United States The last race day is on For more info check www.
ple to run as much as they from Aruba, Bangladesh, registered. Every day the Global running day on q
Thank you front liners!
ORANJESTAD — Last Sunday, May 17, all front liners of
the Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospital were honored with
an amazing video mapping on Aruba’s hospital walls.
At 8pm on the live tunes of band Le Groove the island
showed her gratefulness to the health workers during this
COVID-19 crises.q
Share your message from home
ORANJESTAD — In these difficult
times we would like to reach out
to our friends abroad who were
supposed to spend their tropical
vacation on Aruba or who had
to break up their vacation due
to the COVID-19 situation. Aruba
Today invites you to send us your
picture and words expressing
your memory of our island or your
dream vacation for the future.
Send us your picture(s) together
with completing the sentence:
Aruba to me is …….. (Email: Please
do note: By submitting photos,
text or any other materials, you Today we share a wonderful mes-
sage from Roger and Jacqueline
give permission to The Aruba In conjunction with
Today newspaper, Caribbean Meyer, Amstelveen Ascension Day, Aruba
Speed Printers and any of its affili- Netherlands. They wrote: “Aruba is to me: My favorite place to be. We Today will not be
ated companies to use said ma- love our Costa Linda family! We miss them and published on Thursday,
terials, as well as names, likeness, “Aruba to us during this period: wish the best for them. We hope we'll be able May 21st, 2020. We
to stay at our home away from home for our
etc. for promotional purposes ‘Locked in a small bowl’. To all entire three weeks next year!” will resume out regular
without compensation. our dear friends in Aruba: Stay printing schedule on
safe and hope to see in good Jim and Carol Dienhart, Harrisburg, NC. Friday, May, 22nd,
health again next year!”q 2020.