Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
local Thursday 9 November 2023
The district of Savaneta
A quick history guide to the island’s first capital
( O r a n j e s t a d ) — B e f o r e
Oranjestad became the
island nation’s capital,
Aruba’s first capital was the
district of Savaneta. Here
is where the cultural iden-
tity of Aruba was born, and
from where the rest of the
island developed into what
it is today.
Savaneta is said to have
been the first place where
the Caquetio inhabitants the Spanish era on Aruba ing through Savaneta, and
first stepped foot on the (1499-1636). so the first road between
island. Though there isn’t Savaneta and Santa Cruz
hard evidence to back this Alonso usually didn’t stop was made.
up, but considering the leg- at every island or land he
end of the Cacique Arua, it saw, especially not in the The Dutch colonial era
is believed that there were Caribbean. He would often (1636-1805) The Dutch administration called Yara, they saw that
already movements on take notice of land from During the 80-year war appointed the island’s the area was mostly open
Aruba—and Savaneta— afar and continue sailing. between The Netherlands first commander, an Irish and had no big trees. In
around 88 AD. However, Aruba was an ex- and Spain, Dutch explor- man named N. Williams. Spanish, such a land area is
ception. He had heard that ers and merchants began Because the Dutch were called a “sabana”.
The Caquetios probably there were “quebracho” to travel to the ABC is- interested in other Carib-
made their way to the is- trees on the island, which lands. Once they landed in bean islands and countries Because of its land surface,
land either from Venezuela, were commonly used to Aruba, they deported the in South America, they im- Savaneta was a great
Colombia or other Carib- produce dye or paint. But small Arawakan and Span- ported Dutch merchants place to construct cattle
bean islands in the region, since these trees could not ish community that was liv- and business men, all of farms. From here, the farm-
but with good weather it be found in Savaneta, he ing on the island. This was whom resided in Savaneta. er culture on Aruba was
was relatively easy for them continued to search in the the beginning of coloniza- This way, Savaneta official- born. Before the Aruban
to travel back and forth in area of what is now known tion of the ABC islands by ly became the island’s first Gold Rush and the con-
their canoes. So, since the as Santa Cruz. The best the Dutch empire. Around capital. struction of the Refinery in
Caquetios discovered the way to transport the tree the same, the West Indian San Nicolas, most residents
island, Aruba found her first barks was via a route pass- Company (WIC) was born. However, at the end of were farmers, and Sava-
form of civilization. Bonaire and Curacao were the 18th century, the com- neta had many inhabit-
mostly used for plantations, mander at the time, J.R. ants that farmed fruits and
It wasn’t until 1499 when where the Dutch had trans- Lauffer, moved his office to vegetables. They also con-
Aruba met another group ported slaves from Africa. what is now “Horse Bay” in tinued the tradition of rais-
of people who set foot on Aruba, on the other hand, Oranjestad. Because the ing cattle, like goat, sheep,
the island: the Spanish ex- was mostly used to raise highest office on the island pigs and horses. Savaneta
plorer Alonso de Ojeda. De cattle and to house the moved away from Sava- was one of the first places
Ojeda first took notice of haring factory. The Dutch neta, the capital lost its title on the island to have a
Aruba off the coast of Ven- had often forced the indig- to what was called then general farming culture.
ezuela, during his explora- enous community to work Playa. From this culture, many oth-
tion of the Latin American for them. er traditions were born, like
country. This was on Au- In 1636, when the Nether- How Savaneta got its the Dera Gay Holiday that
gust 9th, 1499. However, lands won the war against name we celebrate every year
de Ojeda didn’t actually Spain, the country surren- The name Savaneta prob- on June 24th.
sail to the island till 4 days dered the islands to the ably has a Spanish ori-
later, on August 23rd, 1499. Dutch. gin. It was said that when Source: Historia di Savaneta
This was the beginning of the Spanish climbed a hill (History of Savaneta) by Adolf
“Dufi” Kock.