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                                                                                                           local Thursday 23 February 2023

            In commemoration of International Mother Language Day:

            Multilingual education, a necessity for transforming education

            (Oranjestad)—Multilingual-                                                                                          longer  speak  their  native
            ism is an essential factor of                                                                                       tongue.
            communication  between
            the  public  and  a  multilat-                                                                                      However, one cannot deny
            eral  diplomatic  facilitator;                                                                                      their native language; one
            something  extremely  im-                                                                                           will always think in their na-
            portant  for  the  United  Na-                                                                                      tive tongue. This is why it is
            tions  who  favors  dialogue,                                                                                       very important that the lan-
            tolerance and understand-                                                                                           guage  is  celebrated  and
            ing. Multilingualism ensures                                                                                        preserved, so that we can
            effective  participation  and                                                                                       promote, respect and take
            mayor  transparency  with                                                                                           our  language  with  us  ev-
            efficiency in better results.                                                                                       erywhere we go.

            On February 21st, the world                                                                                         Aruba is a small island and
            celebrated     International                                                                                        its  dependence  on  tour-
            Mother Language Day. For                                                                                            ism  is  very  important.  This
            this day, Unesco celebrates                                                                                         is  a  perfect  opportunity  to
            each  year  with  a  different                                                                                      promote  Papiamento  to
            theme  as  to  highlight  the                                                                                       foreign visitors, so that they
            importance  of  a  mother                                                                                           may  appreciate  the  rich-
            tongue within communities.                                                                                          ness and complexity of the
            According  to  the  organi-                                                                                         language.
            zation,  40%  of  the  world’s
            population  does  not  re-                                                                                          According  to  the  Central
            ceive  an  education  in  a                                                                                         Bureau  for  Statistics  Aruba
            language  they  speak  and  guage  at  home  are  30%  highlighted.                    The Decade of Indigenous  (CBS)  in  preparations  for
            understand.  Nevertheless,  more  likely  to  understand  Unesco  also  believes  in  Languages        2022-2032,  Census  2020,  they  have
            thanks to the efforts made  what they read at the end  the  importance  of  cultural  which includes an 10-year-    organized   a    prototypi-
            for  the  importance  of  of  their  primary  education  and  linguistic  diversity  for  long initiative to garner at-  cal  Census  survey  in  2019,
            mother  languages,  prog-    compared  to  those  who  sustainable  societies.  In  tention  around  the  world  where      they   discovered
            ress is being made in terms  do not use their mother lan-  regards  to  its  mandate  to  on  the  loss  of  indigenous  that  Papiamento  is  the
            of  multilingual  education,  guage as the language of  promote peace, the orga-       languages  and  the  urgen-  dominant language on the
            especially for children. Fur-  instruction.               nization  works  to  preserve  cy  to  preserve,  revitalize  island, followed by Spanish,
            thermore, the commitment                                  cultural  and  language  dif-  and celebrate them.        English and lastly Dutch.
            to  further  develop  multilin-  Audrey  Azoulay,  general  ferences,  which  can  lead                             Aruba  should  be  thankful
            gualism in the public sector  director  at  Unesco  points  to  tolerance  and  respect  On Aruba, for example, the  to  the  pioneers  that  have
            is becoming more popular.    out  that  “to  help  fight  the  for each other.         Papiamento  language  is  maintained  their  mission
            Language     and    multilin-  current  crisis  of  misunder-                          very  valuable.  It  has  been  to  preserve  Papiamento
            gualism  can  promote  in-   standing, diversity in linguis-  The  multilingual  and  mul-  noted  a  few  times  that  where  many  people  say
            clusion. This correlates with  tics must also be preserved,  ticultural  society  exists  be-  people within the commu-  that the language disturbs
            one of the Sustainable De-   because this is an essential  cause  of  their  languages,  nity underestimate the val-  the  children’s  education.
            velopment  Goals  from  the  cultural  aspect.  Unesco  which is transmits and pre-    ue of the language, espe-    Seeing  as  Papiamento  is
            UN,  which  states  that  no  are  asking  governments  serve  awareness  and  cul-    cially when a young person  considered  an  official  lan-
            one  must  be  left  behind.  to  adopt  plurilingual  edu-  tural  tradition  in  a  sustain-  moves to a foreign country  guage nowadays, we must
            Unesco  promotes  multilin-  cation  based  on  mother  able  way.  On  average,  a  to pursue a higher educa-      value  this  as  a  symbol  of
            gual  education  based  on  languages  for  the  first  few  language goes extinct ev-  tion  for  which  they  will  no  the Aruban identity.q
            mother  languages.  This  is  years a child’s educational  ery  2  weeks,  taking  with  it
            a  type  of  education  that  career.  We  know  it  works;  the cultural and intellectual
            begins in the native tongue  there is empirical evidence  patrimony.
            of the student. Later, other  that  shows  that  this  does  The  idea  to  celebrate  In-
            languages  are  gradually  indeed help kids learn bet-    ternational  Mother  Lan-
            introduced.  This  method  ter.”                          guage Day was started by
            ensures  that  students  can                              Bangladesh  in  1999  during
            fill  the  gap  that  foreign  Multilingualism  contributes  the  Unesco  General  Con-
            languages  may  leave  be-   to  the  development  of  in-  ference.  By  the  year  2000,
            hind in the home. Students  clusive  societies,  which  al-  this  day  was  celebrated
            would be able to discover  low different cultures to ex-  around the world.
            the  school’s  atmosphere  ist side by side. The theme
            in a familiar language and  for  this  year’s  International  For this day, Unesco also re-
            therefore learn better.      Mother  Language  Day  is  minds the world the impor-
                                         “Multilingual  Education,  a  tance  of  preserving  indig-
            It is for this reason that Unes-  necessity  for  transforming  enous  languages.  At  least
            co calls on other countries  education”  and  this  ad-   40% of over 6700 languages
            to apply an multilingual ed-  heres  to  the  recommen-   that are spoken around the
            ucation  policy.  The  global  dations  made  during  the  world  are  at  risk  of  extinc-
            database  on  Inequality  in  Transforming    Education  tion, because of the lack of
            Education  shows  that  on  Summit,  where  education  preservation.
            a  global  scale,  children  for  and  languages  of  in-  For  this  reason,  Unesco
            who learn their mother lan-  digenous populations were  leads  the  project  called
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