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                                                                                                        sports Dialuna 12 Juli 2021
                           4 arrested, guns seized at hotel near All-Star Game events

            (AP) — Four people have  stages. The official could not
            been  arrested  and  more  discuss  the  matter  publicly
            than  a  dozen  weapons  and spoke to the AP on con-
            and  hundreds  of  rounds  dition of anonymity.
            of ammunition have been
            seized  at  a  downtown  Authorities  were  called  after
            Denver hotel that is close  an employee found the guns
            to  several  events  planned  in  a  hotel  room,  the  official
            in  conjunction  with  the  said.
            upcoming  Major  League  The men who were arrested
            Baseball All-Star Game.      are  being  investigated  for
                                         possession of a weapon by a
            Officers  responding  to  a  tip  previous  offender,  and  the
            searched  two  rooms  at  the  woman,  who  has  a  separate
            Maven  Hotel,  a  block  from  warrant, is being investigated
            Coors Field, on Friday night.  on a drug charge.
            Three  men  and  a  woman  “We have no reason to believe
            in  their  40s  were  arrested,  this  incident  was  connected
            and  two  vehicles  were  im-  to  terrorism  or  a  threat  di-
            pounded  to  be  searched  for  rected at the All-Star Game,”
            evidence.                    the  FBI  said  in  a  statement
                                         released Sunday. “We are not
            The  recovered  weapons  in-  aware of any threat to the All-
            cluded  several  rifles,  a  law  Star  Game  events,  venues,
            enforcement official told The  players or the community at  declined to say what, if any-  why  (the)  individuals  were  park  and  downtown  for  the
            Associated Press.            this time.”                  thing, the suspects were plan-  here  in  the  first  place,  why  past several days.
                                                                      ning to do with the firearms.  (the)  proximity  to  down-
            So far, investigators have not  Meanwhile,  Mayor  Michael                             town.  We  don’t  have  those  Police  said  in  a  statement
            found  any  evidence  to  sug-  Hancock  and  police  Chief  “We  don’t  know  what  we  answers.”                  that visitors should always be
            gest the group was plotting a  Paul Pazen praised the hotel’s  don’t know. That’s what the                          aware  of  their  surroundings
            mass shooting or other simi-  staff  for  alerting  authorities  investigation is all about,” Pa-  Coors Field will host the All-  and report any suspicious or
            lar  attack,  the  official  said,  and sought to ease any con-  zen said during a news con-  Star  Game  on  Tuesday,  but  illegal behavior.
            while cautioning that the in-  cerns  that  the  area  around  ference. “We need to identify  festivities  have  been  under-
            vestigation is still in its early  the  ballpark  is  unsafe.  They  exactly, to the extent possible,  way in and around the ball-

                      UEFA explores expanding European Championship to 32 teams

            (AP)  —  Buoyed  by  the                                                                                            for  men’s  soccer  after  2024,
            success  of  this  year’s  Eu-                                                                                      featuring the slots when do-
            ropean     Championship,                                                                                            mestic  clubs  have  to  release
            UEFA is exploring wheth-                                                                                            players.
            er  to  expand  the  event
            again to create a 32-team                                                                                           While there are sporting rea-
            tournament.                                                                                                         sons  to  make  tournaments
                                                                                                                                bigger, it also helps the gov-
            The  review  of  the  format                                                                                        erning body leaders appeal to
            comes as the bidding process                                                                                        the  nations  who  vote  them
            is being put in place for Euro                                                                                      into  office  and  would  see
            2028  with  a  decision  on  the                                                                                    their  chances  of  qualifying
            hosting  set  to  come  by  the                                                                                     increase.
            end of 2023.
                                         are split into 10 groups.                                 from the six groups and the  There is no clear timeline of
            It was only in 2016 that the                              UEFA  could  build  on  the  four  best  third-place  teams.  when  UEFA  could  decide
            tournament  jumped  from  Even  with  24  teams  now  early  popularity  of  the  new  That has meant Switzerland,  on  expanding  the  European
            16 to 24 teams. But UEFA is  reaching  the  final  tourna-  Nations  League  competition  for  example,  having  to  wait  Championship.  Italy,  which
            starting  to  analyze  the  feasi-  ment,  the  current  pathway  that splits teams into sections  around  after  its  final  group  last  hosted  a  major  tourna-
            bility of 32 of its 55 member  creates  lopsided  games  that  based on their rankings, en-  games  at  Euro  2016  to  dis-  ment in 1990 when the World
            nations  contesting  the  Eu-  lack  appeal  to  elite  sides  suring  more  tightly-contest-  cover if it has advanced.  Cup was there, has been con-
            ropean  Championship  from  whose qualification would be  ed games that would be more                               sidered a potential Euro 2028
            2028, people with knowledge  a  near-certainty  and  are  less  appealing  to  broadcasters.  A 32-team European Cham-  bidder but its stadiums would
            of  the  process  told  The  As-  attractive  commercially  and  Ultimately,  it  could  replace  pionship  would  reduce  that  require  significant  invest-
            sociated  Press.  They  spoke  to fans.                   the European Championship  jeopardy further in the group  ment to be upgraded to cope
            on  condition  of  anonymity                              qualifying system while con-  stage.  It  would  be  unlikely  with even a 24-team event.
            because they were not autho-  Euro  2020  finalist  England  figured to ensure leading na-  France, Germany and Portu-
            rized  to  discuss  private  dis-  scored 12 goals and conceded  tions still have a clear route to  gal would be drawn together  Russia has the infrastructure
            cussions.                    only  one  in  two  qualifiers  the finals.               like at Euro 2020 — they still  in  place  after  investing  vast
                                         against  Montenegro.  Italy,                              all advanced.                amounts  ahead  of  hosting
            There  would  be  a  knock-  England’s opponent in Sun-   A reason to expand from 24                                the 2018 World Cup. Turkey
            on  effect  for  qualifying  if  day’s  final,  played  Liechten-  to 32 teams is also to smooth  Expanding  the  competition  could  return  with  another
            UEFA went ahead with add-    stein  in  qualifying  and  won  out  the  format  at  the  final  would see UEFA follow the  bid after missing out on 2012
            ing eight teams. The format  6-0 and 5-0.                 tournament.                  path  of  FIFA,  which  is  en-  and  2016,  and  proving  ac-
            would have to be overhauled                                                            larging the World Cup from  commodating  with  UEFA’s
            or scrapped since more than  The  option  of  pre-qualify-  With  16  teams  from  1996-  32  to  48  teams  from  2026.  need to take the Champions
            half of the countries making  ing  tournaments  to  weed  2012,  the  top  two  from  the  A  review  of  the  qualifica-  League  final  away  from  Is-
            the  final  cut  would  further  out weaker nations has been  four groups advanced to the  tion process for tournaments  tanbul in 2020 and again this
            diminish the value and inter-  floated, as is used in Asia and  quarterfinals.  The  insertion  comes  as  FIFA  oversees  the  year because of the coronavi-
            est  in  the  existing  structure  North America for their con-  of a round of 16 from Euro  configuration  of  a  new  in-  rus pandemic.
            where  the  continent’s  teams  tinental competitions.    2016  featured  the  top  two  ternational  match  calendar
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