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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 12 Juli 2021
                          12 killed as bus carrying migrants overturns in east Turkey

            (AP) — A minibus carry-      The  vehicle  tumbled  into  a  emergency   workers   sift-  before  being  ferried  west  to  tainous  route,  according  to
            ing  migrants  overturned  ditch  while  traveling  over-  ed  through  the  burnt-out  cities  such  as  Istanbul  and  Metin Corabatir, president of
            and caught fire in eastern  night  near  Yumakli  in  Van  wreckage.                   Ankara.                     the Ankara-based Center for
            Turkey,  killing  12  people  province, which borders Iran.                                                        Asylum and Migration Stud-
            and injuring 20 others, the                               Migrants,  mostly  from  Iran,  The  planned  U.S.  with-  ies.
            state-run  Anadolu  news  Television broadcasts showed  Afghanistan  and  Pakistan,  drawal  from  Afghanistan  n  June  2020,  more  than  60
            agency reported Sunday.      groaning  survivors  being  regularly  cross  the  Iranian  has  given  added  impetus  to  migrants  drowned  in  Lake
                                         treated  by  the  roadside  as  border  into  Turkey  on  foot  young men trying the moun-  Van when their boat sank.

                           EU border agency to “significantly” step up Lithuania help

            (AP)  —  The  European                                                                 gal border crossings from Be-  thorities.
            Union’s  border  agency  is                                                            larus into Lithuania rose six-
            pledging  to  “significant-                                                            fold,  increasing  the  pressure  In addition, Lithuania has set
            ly”  step  up  its  support  to                                                        on  national  border  control  up tent camps to accommo-
            Lithuania  in  the  coming                                                             authorities, Frontex said. The  date the growing number of
            days  “due  to  the  grow-                                                             phenomenon  has  acceler-    migrants.
            ing  migratory  pressure  at                                                           ated in July. More than 1,500
            Lithuania’s  border  with                                                              people  have  crossed  into  Nauseda, on a visit to Poland
            Belarus”  that  the  Baltic                                                            Lithuania from Belarus in the  on  Sunday,  said  that  “tech-
            nation is trying to contain.                                                           past two months — 20 times  nical  steps  are  necessary  to
                                                                                                   more than in all of 2020.    make the border work and be
            The  decision  by  Frontex,                                                                                         a real barrier, because now it
            the  agency  responsible  for                                                          Tensions between the EU and  can be easily crossed.”
            coordinating  border  control                                                          Belarus  escalated  even  more
            between  EU  member  states                                                            after  Belarus  diverted  a  pas-  Nauseda  said  Lithuania  was
            and  third  countries,  was  an-                                                       senger jet on May 23 to arrest  talking  to  the  governments
            nounced  late  Saturday  fol-                                                          an opposition journalist. Be-  of  the  countries  where  the
            lowing  a  video  call  between   started  earlier  this  month  office said.          larus’ authoritarian President  migrants come from and also
            Frontex’s Executive Director   with  the  deployment  of  a                            Alexander  Lukashenko  has  with  transit  countries  like
            Fabrice  Leggeri  and  Lithu-  dozen officers and patrol cars,  In a tweet, Nauseda thanked   said his country will halt co-  Turkey in order to “curb the
            anian President Gitanas Nau-  will  more  than  double  next  Frontex  for  its  support  “to   operation with the 27-nation  (illegal  migration)  process
            seda.                        week, the agency said.       manage  flows  of  illegal  mi-  bloc on stemming migration  that is being supported by the
                                                                      grants  through  eastern  bor-  in  retaliation  for  bruising  Belarusian regime.”
            “Lithuania’s  border  is  our   Nauseda’s  office  said  rein-  der”  with  Belarus,  another   economic  sanctions  the  EU
            common  external  border     forcements pledged by Fron-  former Soviet republic that is   slapped  on  Belarus  over  the  “It  is  a  kind  of  revenge  for
            and  Frontex  stands  ready  to   tex  were  expected  to  reach  not in the EU.       passenger jet diversion.     EU sanctions,” Nauseda said
            help where needed,” Leggeri   Lithuania by July 15 and that                                                         in  Krakow,  following  talks
            said  in  a  statement.  “We  are   some  armed  border  patrols  Lithuania, which has granted   On  Friday,  Lithuania  started  with  Poland’s  President  An-
            ready to strengthen our level   and additional translators ar-  refuge to Belarus opposition   building a double barbed wire  drzej Duda.
            of  support  and  deploy  more   rived  over  the  weekend.  In  figures,  accuses  its  neigh-  fence on the Belarus border.
            European  standing  corps  of-  addition,  a  patrol  helicopter  bor of organizing the border   It will run for 550 kilometers  Duda  said  Poland  will  “ex-
            ficers  and  equipment”  to   will be sent to Lithuania from  crossings  by  people  mainly   (342  miles),  covering  most  tend the necessary assistance”
            Lithuania, an EU and NATO    neighboring Poland and dis-  from  Iraq,  the  Mideast  and   of  the  nearly  680-kilometer  to Lithuania and was talking
            member of 2.8 million.       cussions  were  under  way  to  Africa.                   (423-mile) border and cost 41  about the best way to do that
                                         dispatch  another  helicopter                             million  euros  ($48  million),  with Frontex.
            Frontex’s  operation,  which   from  Germany,  Nauseda’s  In June, the number of ille-  according  to  Lithuanian  au-
                             South Africa faces rioting over jailing of ex-leader Zuma

            (AP) — Violent rioting has                                                                                         Africa’s largest city.
            erupted in two South Afri-
            can  provinces  against  the                                                                                       Several   hundred    people
            imprisonment  of  former                                                                                           looted  and  burned  stores  in
            President  Jacob  Zuma,                                                                                            the  Alexandra  and  Bramley
            with  supporters  blocking                                                                                         neighborhoods of Johannes-
            roads  and  looting  shops.                                                                                        burg,  according  to  a  state-
            At  least  62  people  were                                                                                        ment  by  police  Maj.  Gen.
            arrested, South Africa po-                                                                                         Mathapelo Peters.
            lice said Sunday.
                                                                                                                               The  body  of  a  40-year-old
            Zuma  started  serving  a                                                                                          man  was  recovered  from  a
            15-month sentence for con-                                                                                         shop  that  had  been  burned
            tempt  of  court  last  week.                                                                                      and  police  are  investigating
            Zuma  has  been  imprisoned                                                                                        the circumstances, he said. In
            for  defying  a  court  order  to                                                                                  addition, at least three police
            testify  before  a  state-backed                                                                                   officers  were  injured  when
            inquiry probing allegations of                                                                                     trying  to  arrest  looters  and
            corruption during his term as                                                                                      one was hospitalized, accord-
            president from 2009 to 2018.                                                                                       ing to the statement.

            His  bid  to  be  released  from                                                                                   Police  said  they  are  increas-
            the  Estcourt  Correctional                                                                                        ing capacity in both provinc-
            Center was rejected by a re-                                                                                       es  and  warned  Zuma’s  sup-
            gional court on Friday. He is                                                                                      porters  against  inciting  vio-
            set to make another attempt   highest court.              porters  began  in  his  home  over  the  weekend  spread  to   lence on social media, saying
                                                                                                   Gauteng province, which in-
            Monday  with  the  Constitu-                                                                                       they could become liable for
            tional  Court,  the  country’s   The rioting by Zuma’s sup-  tal  province  last  week  and  cludes  Johannesburg,  South   criminal charges.
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