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P. 32

A32     sports
                        Dialuna 12 Juli 2021

                             20 Slams! Djokovic wins Wimbledon to tie Federer, Nadal

            (AP)  —  The  Wimbledon                                                                No.  1  and  has  spent  more  tive championship at the All
            final was locked up at a set                                                           weeks  in  that  top  spot  than  England Club and sixth over-
            apiece  after  nearly  2  1/2                                                          any other man. “But whether  all. Those go alongside nine
            hours, and Novak Djokov-                                                               I’m  the  greatest  of  all  time  at the Australian Open, three
            ic’s bid for a record-tying                                                            or not, I leave that debate to  at the U.S. Open and two at
            20th  Grand  Slam  title                                                               other people.”               the French Open.
            was at a critical juncture,
            when  he  faced  two  break                                                            It is a popular topic, certainly.  “I  have  to  pay  a  great  trib-
            points while thousands in                                                              And every member of the so-  ute to Rafa and Roger. They
            the full-capacity crowd at                                                             called Big Three has his sup-  are  legends.  Legends  of  our
            Centre Court chanted his                                                               porters.  This  season  might  sport. They are the two most
            opponent’s first name.                                                                 tilt the balance in Djokovic’s  important players that I ever
                                                                                                   favor  in  the  minds  of  those  faced in my career,” Djokov-
            Bothered,  perhaps,  by  the                                                           yet to be convinced.         ic  said.  “They  are,  I  think,
            challenge  he  was  facing  be-                                                                                     the  reason  that  I  am  where
            tween the lines Sunday, and,                                                           Already  the  first  man  since  I  am  today.  They’ve  helped
            perhaps,  by  the  support  be-                                                        Rod Laver in 1969 to win the  me realize what I need to do
            ing  thrown  behind  Matteo                                                            first three major tournaments  in  order  to  improve,  to  get
            Berrettini,  and,  perhaps,  by                                                        in a year, Djokovic will take  stronger mentally, physically,
            the  weight  of  the  milestone  got  what  he  wanted;  a  cho-  derer  (who  reached  20  in  aim at a true calendar Grand  tactically.”
            he  was  pursuing,  Djokovic  rus  of  his  nickname  broke  2018) and Rafael Nadal (who  Slam at the U.S. Open, which
            shrugged  all  of  that  off  and  out:  “No-le!  No-le!”  Two  did  it  last  year).  No  other  starts Aug. 30. Only two men  Federer tweeted his congrat-
            steeled himself, as he’s done  points later, when he grabbed  male tennis player has more  —  Don  Budge  in  the  1930s  ulations, writing, “Wonderful
            so  many  times  at  so  many  the  game  with  a  118  mph  than 14.                  and Laver twice in the 1960s  performance, well done!”
            moments on so many stages.   ace,  Djokovic  put  his  racket                          — have gone 4-for-4.
                                         behind  an  ear,  heard  more  Djokovic,  of  course,  wants                           This was Djokovic’s 30th ma-
            On  each  of  the  next  two  noise, nodded and smiled.   more.                        “I’m going to definitely give  jor final — among men, only
            points,  Djokovic,  known                                                              it a shot,” Djokovic told the  Federer has played more, 31
            for  his  baseline  supremacy,  An hour later, the match was  “I consider myself best, and I  Centre  Court  crowd  during  — and the first for Berrettini,
            charged  forward.  On  each,  finished  —  Djokovic  won  believe that I am the best, oth-  the trophy presentation. “I’m  a 25-year-old from Italy who
            Berrettini’s  passing  attempt  6-7 (4), 6-4, 6-4, 6-3 — and  erwise I wouldn’t be talking  in a great form and obviously  was seeded No. 7.
            found the net. After the sec-  so, too, was his stated desire  confidently  about  winning  playing well. ... So let’s keep
            ond, Djokovic stared into the  to  equal  the  total  of  major  Slams  and  making  history,”  it going.”          “Hopefully,”  Berrettini  said,
            stands and pointed to his ear,  championships  collected  by  said  Djokovic,  a  34-year-old                       “it’s  not  going  be  my  last
            then  waved  his  racket.  He  his  biggest  rivals,  Roger  Fe-  from  Serbia  who  is  ranked  He  earned  a  third  consecu-  one.”
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