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                                                                                         world news Diamars 5 aPriL 2022

                         Ex-finance minister wins runoff to be Costa Rica’s president

            (AP) — A former finance  celebrating  supporters.  His  While  working  at  the  bank,
            minister  who  surprised  inauguration is scheduled for  he was accused of sexual ha-
            many  by  making  it  into  May 8.                        rassment  by  multiple  wom-
            Costa  Rica’s  presidential                               en,  was  eventually  demoted
            runoff has easily won the  Figueres conceded defeat less  and  then  resigned.  He  has
            election and is to become  than an hour after results be-  denied the accusations.
            the  Central  American  gan to come in. He had led
            country’s new leader next  the first round of voting Feb.  The  World  Bank’s  adminis-
            month while still fending  6, with Chaves in second that  trative tribunal last year criti-
            off  accusations  of  sexu-  day. Neither had come close  cized  the  way  the  case  was
            al  harassment  when  he  to the 40% of the vote needed  initially handled internally.
            worked at the World Bank.    to avoid a runoff.
                                                                      The  tribunal  noted  that  an
            With  nearly  all  polling  sta-  Figueres   congratulated  internal  investigation  found
            tions  reporting  late  Sunday,  Chaves  and  wished  him  the  that  from  2008  to  2013
            conservative  economist  Ro-  best, adding that continues to  Chaves  leered  at,  made  un-
            drigo Chaves had 53% of the  believe that Costa Rica is in a  welcome  comments  about
            vote,  compared  to  47%  for  “deep crisis” and he is willing  physical appearance, repeated  Barahona  said  Costa  Ricans’  ing  fee  he  received  after  his
            former President José Figue-  to help it recover.         sexual innuendo and unwel-   lack of enthusiasm, as shown  presidency  from  the  tele-
            res Ferrer, the Supreme Elec-                             come sexual advances toward  by the low turnout, was the  communication     company
            toral Tribunal said.         Figueres, who was Costa Ri-  multiple  bank  employees.  result  of  the  many  personal  Alcatel while it competed for
                                         ca’s  president  from  1994  to  Those  details  were  repeated  attacks that characterized the  a  contract  with  the  national
            More  than  42%  of  eligible  1998, represents the National  by  the  bank’s  human  re-  campaign.                electricity  company.  He  was
            voters did not participate, an  Liberation  Party  like  his  fa-  sources department in a letter                   never charged with any crime
            unusually low turnout for the  ther,  three-time  president  to Chaves, but it decided to  “In  the  debates  they  only  and denied any wrongdoing.
            country, reflecting the lack of  José Figueres Ferrer. Chaves  sanction him for misconduct  heated things up in personal
            enthusiasm Costa Ricans had  served briefly in the adminis-  rather  than  sexual  harass-  confrontations, mistreatment  While Costa Rica has enjoyed
            for the candidates.          tration of outgoing President  ment.                      of each other,” he said. “They  relative  democratic  stability
                                         Carlos  Alvarado  and  repre-                             didn’t add depth to their pro-  compared  with  other  coun-
            In his victory speech, Chaves  sents  the  Social  Democratic  “The facts of the present case  posals  to  resolve  the  coun-  tries in the region, the pub-
            called  for  unity  to  address  Progress Party.          indicate  that  (Chaves’)  con-  try’s  problems.  The  debates  lic has grown frustrated with
            problems  like  unemploy-                                 duct was sexual in nature and  didn’t  help  to  motivate  the  public  corruption  scandals
            ment  and  a  soaring  budget  Both  men  waged  a  bruising  that he knew or should have  electorate.”             and high unemployment.
            deficit.                     campaign.                    known that his conduct was
                                                                      unwelcome,”  the  tribunal  “For a lot of people it’s em-  In  the  February  vote,  Al-
            “For  me  this  is  not  a  medal  Chaves’  campaign  is  under  wrote. The tribunal also not-  barrassing  to  say  they  voted  varado’s party was practically
            nor  a  trophy,  but  rather  an  investigation by electoral au-  ed that in the proceedings, the  for  one  or  the  other,  and  erased from the political land-
            enormous      responsibility,  thorities  for  allegedly  run-  bank’s current vice president  many prefer to say they won’t  scape,  receiving  no  seats  in
            heaped  with  challenges  and  ning an illegal parallel financ-  for human resources said in  vote for either of the candi-  the new congress. At the time
            difficulties that we will all re-  ing  structure.  He  also  has  testimony  “that  the  undis-  dates  or  simply  won’t  go  to  of that vote, the country was
            solve,” he said.             been dogged by a sexual ha-  puted facts legally amount to  vote,” Barahona added.     riding a wave of COVID-19
                                         rassment  scandal  that  drove  sexual harassment.”                                    infections, but infections and
            “Costa  Rica,  the  best  is  to  him out of the World Bank.                           Figueres has been questioned  hospitalizations  have  fallen
            come!”  Chaves  said  before                              Political  analyst  Francisco  over  a  $900,000  consult-  considerably since.

                          UN warns Earth ‘firmly on track toward an unlivable world’

            (AP)  —  Temperatures  on  Earth  U.N.  Secretary-General  Antonio  is accord to keep global warming well
            will shoot past a key danger point  Guterres  said  the  report  by  the  In-  below  2  degrees  Celsius  (3.6  Fahr-  The rate of growth has slowed from
            unless  greenhouse  gas  emissions  tergovernmental  Panel  on  Climate  enheit) this century, ideally no more  2.1% per year in the early part of this
            fall  faster  than  countries  have  Change revealed “a litany of broken  than 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahren-  century  to  1.3%  per  year  between
            committed, the world’s top body  climate  promises”  by  governments  heit).  Yet  temperatures  have  already  2010  and  2019,  the  report’s  authors
            of climate scientists said Monday,  and  corporations,  accusing  them  of  increased by over 1.1C (2F) since pre-  said.  But  they  voiced  “high  confi-
            warning  of  the  consequences  of  stoking  global  warming  by  clinging  industrial times, resulting in measur-  dence” that unless countries step up
            inaction but also noting hopeful  to harmful fossil fuels.              able increases in disasters such flash  their  efforts  to  cut  greenhouse  gas
            signs of progress.                                                      floods,  extreme  heat,  more  intense  emissions, the planet will on average
                                                Governments agreed in the 2015 Par-  hurricanes and longer-burning wild-  be 2.4C to 3.5C (4.3 to 6.3F) warmer
                                                                                    fires, putting human lives in danger  by the end of the century — a level
                                                                                    and  costing  governments  hundreds  experts say is sure to cause severe im-
                                                                                    of billions of dollars to confront.  pacts for much of the world’s popula-
                                                                                    In other words, the report’s co-chair,
                                                                                    James Skea of Imperial College Lon-  Such cuts would be hard to achieve
                                                                                    don, told The Associated Press: “If we  without  without  drastic,  economy-
                                                                                    continue acting as we are now, we’re  wide  measures,  the  panel  acknowl-
                                                                                    not even going to limit warming to 2  edged. It’s more likely that the world
                                                                                    degrees, never mind 1.5 degrees.”   will  pass  1.5C  and  efforts  will  then
                                                                                                                        need  to  be  made  to  bring  tempera-
                                                                                    Ongoing  investments  in  fossil  fuel  tures back down again, including by
                                                                                    infrastructure  and  clearing  large  removing vast amounts of carbon di-
                                                                                    swaths  of  forest  for  agriculture  un-  oxide — the main greenhouse gas —
                                                                                    dermine the massive curbs in emis-  from the atmosphere.
                                                                                    sions needed to meet the Paris goal,
                                                                                    the report found.                   Many  experts  say  this  is  unfeasible
                                                                                                                        with current technologies, and even
                                                                                    Emissions  in  2019  were  about  12%  if  it  could  be  done  it  would  be  far
                                                                                    higher  than  they  were  in  2010  and  costlier  than  preventing  the  emis-
                                                                                    54% higher than in 1990, said Skea.  sions in the first place.
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