Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220405
P. 30
A30 world news
Diamars 5 aPriL 2022
Russia faces global outrage over bodies in Ukraine’s streets
of private vehicles available sweeping sanctions but fear
to get out, Ukrainian Deputy further harm to the global
Prime Minister Iryna Veresh- economy, which is still re-
chuk said. covering from the pandemic.
Europe is in a particular bind,
But amid the fighting, a Red since it gets 40% of its gas and
Cross-accompanied con- 25% of its oil from Russia.
voy of buses that has been
thwarted for days on end in Poland’s prime minister, Ma-
a bid to deliver supplies and teusz Morawiecki, described
evacuate residents was again Russia under Putin as a “to-
unable to get inside the city, talitarian-fascist state” and
Vereshchuk said. called for strong actions “that
will finally break Putin’s war
European leaders and the machine.” “Would you nego-
United Nations human tiate with Hitler, with Stalin,
rights chief joined the Ukrai- with Pol Pot?” Morawiecki
nians in condemning the asked of Macron.
bloodshed that was exposed
after Russian troops with- Russia withdrew many of its
drew from the capital area. forces from the capital area
in recent days after being
At the same time, many thwarted in its bid to swiftly
warned that the full extent of capture Kyiv.
the horrors has yet to emerge.
It has instead poured troops
“I can tell you without exag- and mercenaries into the
geration but with great sorrow country’s east in a stepped-
that the situation in Mariupol up bid to gain control of the
(AP) — Moscow faced atrocities have happened. the cemetery impossible to is much worse compared to Donbas, the largely Rus-
global revulsion and ac- reach, it was the only place to what we’ve seen in Bucha sian-speaking industrial re-
cusations of war crimes “The military tortured peo- keep the dead, Father Andrii and other cities, towns, and gion that includes Mariupol,
Monday after the Russian ple, and we have every reason Galavin said. villages nearby Kyiv,” Ukrai- which has seen some of the
pullout from the outskirts to believe that there are many nian Foreign Minister Dmy- heaviest fighting and worst
of Kyiv revealed streets more people killed,” he said. Tanya Nedashkivs’ka said tro Kuleba said. suffering of the war.
strewn with corpses of “Much more than we know she buried her husband in a
what appeared to be civil- now.” garden outside their apart- Western and Ukrainian About two-thirds of the Rus-
ians, some of whom had ment building after he was leaders have accused Rus- sian troops around Kyiv have
seemingly been killed at Russian Foreign Minister detained by Russian troops sia of war crimes before, and left and are either in Belarus
close range. Sergey Lavrov dismissed and was found dead with two the International Criminal or on their way there, prob-
the scenes outside Kyiv as a others in a stairwell. Court’s prosecutor has al- ably getting more supplies
The grisly images of bat- “stage-managed anti-Rus- ready opened an investiga- and reinforcements, said a
tered bodies left out in the sian provocation.” Kremlin “Please, I am begging you, tion. But the latest reports senior U.S. defense official
open or hastily buried led to spokesperson Dmitry Peskov do something!” she said. ratcheted up the condemna- who spoke on condition of
calls for tougher sanctions said the images contained “It’s me talking, a Ukrainian tion. anonymity to discuss an in-
against the Kremlin, namely “signs of video forgery and woman, a Ukrainian woman, telligence assessment.
a cutoff of fuel imports from various fakes.” a mother of two kids and one German Foreign Minister
Russia. Germany and France grandchild. For all the wives Annalena Baerbock said the Russian forces also appear to
reacted by expelling dozens Russia has similarly reject- and mothers, make peace on images from Bucha reveal be repositioning artillery and
of Russian diplomats, sug- ed previous allegations of Earth so no one ever grieves the “unbelievable brutality troops to try to take the city
gesting they were spies, and atrocities as fabrications on again.” of the Russian leadership and of Izyum, which lies on a key
U.S. President Joe Biden said Ukraine’s part. those who follow its propa- route to the Donbas, the of-
Russian leader Vladimir Pu- Another Bucha resident, ganda.” And French Presi- ficial said.
tin should be tried for war Ukrainian officials said the Volodymyr Pilhutskyi, said dent Emmanuel Macron
crimes. bodies of at least 410 civilians his neighbor Pavlo Vlasenko said there is “clear evidence Dmytro Zhyvystskyy, gov-
have been found in towns was taken away by Russian of war crimes” in Bucha that ernor of Ukraine’s northern
“This guy is brutal, and what’s around Kyiv that were recap- soldiers because the mili- demand new punitive mea- Sumy Region, said Russian
happening in Bucha is outra- tured from Russian forces in tary-style pants he was wear- sures. troops who took over the area
geous,” Biden said, referring recent days. ing and the uniforms that on the way toward Kyiv have
to the town northwest of the Vlasenko said belonged to his “I’m in favor of a new round also retreated back to Russia,
capital that was the scene of The Ukrainian Prosecutor- security guard son appeared of sanctions and in particular with Ukrainian forces cap-
some of the horrors. General’s Office described suspicious. When Vlasenko’s on coal and gasoline. We need turing small groups left be-
one room discovered in Bu- body was later found, it had to act,” he said on France-In- hind.
Ukrainian President Volody- cha as a “torture chamber.” In burn marks from a flame- ter radio.
myr Zelenskyy left the capi- a statement, it said the bodies thrower, his neighbor said. Putin’s Feb. 24 invasion has
tal, Kyiv, for his first report- of five men with their hands Though united in outrage, left thousands of people dead
ed trip since the war began bound were found in the “I came closer and saw that the European allies appeared and forced more than 4 mil-
nearly six weeks ago to see basement of a children’s san- his body was burnt,” Pil- split on how to respond. lion Ukrainians to flee their
for himself what he called the atorium where civilians were hutskyi said. “They didn’t While Poland urged Europe country.
“genocide” and “war crimes” tortured and killed. just shoot him. They also to quickly wean itself off
in Bucha. He said dead peo- used that weapon which Russian energy, Germany “This is a war of murders, a
ple had been “found in bar- Bodies wrapped in black sends out fire.” said it would stick with a lot of blood. A lot of civilians
rels, basements, strangled, plastic were also seen piled gradual approach of phasing are dying,” said Natalia Svit-
tortured.” on one end of a mass grave in In other developments, more out coal and oil imports over lova, a refugee from Dnipro
a Bucha churchyard. Many than 1,500 civilians were the next several months. in eastern Ukraine who fled
Later, in a video address to of the victims had been shot evacuated Monday from the to Poland. “I don’t under-
the Romanian parliament, in cars or killed in explo- besieged and devastated port The U.S. and its allies have stand why this is possible in
Zelenskyy said he fears there sions trying to flee the city, city of Mariupol in the south, sought to punish Russia for the 21st century and why no
are places where even worse and with the morgue full and using the dwindling number the invasion by imposing one can stop it.”