Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11
LOCAL Monday 3 February 2020
Full laughter at Aruba Ray Ellin's phenomenal show
Top American standup comics give fantastic performance
Continued from Page 14 is a great host, welcoming Ray Ellin is considered by his
the audience personally at peers to be the best host in
The setting is great in which the entrance and shaking NYC, and Ray is also known
you are seated close to hands after the show. He is as "Aruba Ray" because of
the stage thus being able the considered to be one his passion for Aruba. Ray
to see the faces of the of the best comedians of has been coming to Aruba
comedians, in the case of improvisation, and you will every month for the past
Dunbar a must because understand why, he was seven years, where he pro-
she makes the funniest outstanding. We felt truly duces and hosts these in-
faces. The dry humor of relaxed and happy after credible comedy shows. Al-
Marcus, the brash jokes of nearly two hours of gut- ready popular in New York,
Dunbar, and the hilarious busting laughter and for- the comedian has brought
characters and voices of getting everything else. his talent and some of his
McFadden all rocked. Ellin colleagues to Aruba. He is
also an executive producer 8:30pm until February 13th
of the television show “This in Holiday Inn Resort Aruba.
Week at the Comedy Cel- Doors open at 8pm. Check
lar” on Comedy Central, out Aruba Today newspa-
which is about to begin it’s per to keep track of the
third season. schedule. You may also
find updates at www.Aru-
Catch the show nightly at q