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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 3 February 2020

            DHS: New screening to begin

             amid coronavirus concerns

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  As  Airport  will  be  added  to     over  the  outbreak,  Presi-
            the  U.S.  steps  up  its  re-  the  list.  U.S.  citizens  who   dent  Donald  Trump  said
            sponse  to  the  coronavirus  have  been  in  Hubei  prov-  that "we pretty much shut it
            outbreak,  the  Department  ince within 14 days of their   down coming in from Chi-
            of  Homeland  Security  is  return will be subject to up   na."  "We've  offered  China
            warning airline passengers  to  14  days  of  mandatory   help,  but  we  can't  have
            that  their  flights  may  wind  quarantine.  The  outbreak   thousands of people com-
            up  rerouted  if  officials  dis-  originated in that province.  ing  in  who  may  have  this
            cover mid-flight that some-  U.S.  citizens  who  have    problem,  the  coronavirus,"
            one  onboard  has  been  in  been in other areas of Chi-  Trump said. "So we're gon-   A  pedestrian  wears  a  protective  mask  in  Alhambra,  Calif.,
            China in the last 14 days.   na  within  the  last  14  days   na see what happens, but   Friday, Jan. 31, 2020.
                                         will undergo "proactive en-  we did shut it down, yes."q                                           Associated Press
            That guidance was includ-    try  health  screening"  and
            ed in a notice released by  up to 14 days of "self-quar-
            the  department  Sunday  antine."  Meanwhile,  most
            as  new  travel  restrictions  non-U.S. citizens who have
            officially  go  into  effect  for  traveled in China within the
            flights  commencing  after  last 14 days will be denied
            5 p.m. EDT. Under the new  entry into the United States,
            rules, U.S. citizens who have  except for immediate fam-
            traveled in China within the  ily members of U.S. citizens,
            last 14 days will be re-rout-  permanent  residents  and
            ed  to  one  of  eight  desig-  flight crew. "While the over-
            nated airports, where they  all risk to the American pub-
            will  undergo  enhanced  lic  remains  low,  funneling
            health  screening  proce-    all  flights  with  passengers
            dures.  The  eight  are:  John  who  have  recently  been
            F.  Kennedy  International  in China is the most impor-
            Airport  in  New  York;  Chi-  tant  and  prudent  step  we
            cago  O'Hare  International  can take at this time to de-
            Airport;  San  Francisco  In-  crease the strain on public
            ternational  Airport;  Seat-  health  officials  screening
            tle-Tacoma    International  incoming  travelers,"  said
            Airport;  Daniel  K.  Inouye  Chad Wolf, the acting DHS
            International  Airport  in  Ho-  secretary.  "We  realize  this
            nolulu; Los Angeles Interna-  could provide added stress
            tional  Airport  in  California;  and  prolong  travel  times
            Hartsfield-Jackson  Atlanta  for  some  individuals,  how-
            International  Airport;  and  ever public health and se-
            Washington-Dulles  Interna-  curity  experts  agree  these
            tional Airport in Virginia.   measures are necessary to
            Starting  Monday,  Newark  contain  the  virus  and  pro-
            Liberty International Airport  tect the American people,"
            in  New  Jersey,  Dallas/Fort  Wolf said. Asked in an inter-
            Worth  International  Airport  view  aired  Sunday  on  Fox
            and  Detroit  Metropolitan  how  concerned  he  was
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