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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 3 February 2020
            China reports 361 dead from

            new virus, total of 17,205 cases

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  on  to  handle  coronavirus  pa-  but  not  to  New  Zealand
            Monday reported 361 have  tients in Wuhan is expected     residents.  New  Zealand
            died on the mainland from  to open on Monday, just 10     also raised its travel advice
            the new virus, with an addi-  days after construction be-  for China to "Do not travel,"
            tional 2,829 new cases over  gan.                         the highest level.
            the  last  24  hours  bringing  A second hospital is set to   Qatar  Airways  joined  the
            the Chinese total to 17,205.  open soon after.            growing number of airlines
            The  latest  figures  Monday  Also, six officials in the city   suspending flights to main-
            come  a  day  after  the  first  of  Huanggang,  next  to   land China. Indonesia and
            death  from  the  illness  was  Wuhan  in  Hubei  province,   Oman also halted flights, as
            recorded outside China, in  were  fired  over  "poor  per-  did  Saudi  Arabia's  flagship
            the Philippines, as countries  formance"   in   handling   national carrier, Saudia.   A  family  wearing  protective  masks  crosses  a  street  in
                                                                                                   Mandaluyong,  east  of  Manila,  Philippines  on  Sunday,  Feb.  2,
            around  the  world  evacu-   the  outbreak,  the  official   Saudi  Arabia's  state-run   2020.
            ated  hundreds  of  their  Xinhua  News  Agency  re-      media  reported  that  10                                             Associated Press
            citizens  from  the  infection  ported.  It  cited  the  mayor   Saudi students were evac-
            zone.                        as  saying  the  city's  "capa-  uated  from  Wuhan  on  a  tary  transport  plane  car-  flew  home  167  of  its  peo-
            Chinese  authorities  com-   bilities to treat the patients   special flight. It said the stu-  rying  42  people  arrived  in  ple, mostly students.
            pleted a new, rapidly con-   remained inadequate and      dents  would  be  screened  Ankara  on  Saturday  night.  Indonesia  flew  back  241
            structed 1,000-bed hospital  there  is  a  severe  shortage   on arrival and quarantined  A  French-chartered  plane  citizens  from  Wuhan  on
            for victims of the outbreak  in medical supplies such as   for 14 days.                made  its  way  toward  Sunday  and  quarantined
            and  delayed  the  reopen-   protective  suits  and  medi-  Over  the  weekend,  South  France on Sunday with 300  them  on  the  remote  Na-
            ing  of schools  in  the hard-  cal masks."               Korea  and  India  flew  hun-  evacuees from a multitude  tuna Islands for two weeks.
            est-hit  province.  Restric-  The  trading  and  manu-    dreds  of  their  citizens  out  of  European  and  African  Several  hundred  residents
            tions were tightened still fur-  facturing  center  of  Wen-  of  Wuhan.  A  Turkish  mili-  countries.  And  Morocco  protested the move.q
            ther in one city by allowing  zhou, with nearly 10 million
            only one family member to  people in coastal Zhejiang
            venture out to buy supplies  province, confined people
            every other day.             to  their  homes,  allowing
            The  Philippine  Health  De-  only  one  family  member
            partment  said  a  44-year-  to venture out every other
            old Chinese man from Wu-     day to buy necessary sup-
            han, the city at the center  plies. Huanggang, home to
            of  the  crisis,  was  hospital-  7  million  people,  imposed
            ized  Jan.  25  with  a  fever,  similar  measures  on  Satur-
            cough  and  sore  throat  day.
            and  died  after  develop-   With no end in sight to the
            ing severe pneumonia. The  outbreak, authorities in Hu-
            man's  38-year-old  female  bei  and  elsewhere  have
            companion, also from Wu-     extended  the  Lunar  New
            han, tested positive for the  Year holiday break, due to
            virus as well and remained  end this week, well into Feb-
            hospitalized  in  isolation  in  ruary to try to keep people
            Manila.                      at  home  and  reduce  the
            Philippine  President  Ro-   spread of the virus. All Hu-
            drigo  Duterte  approved  a  bei schools are postponing
            ban on the entry of all non-  the start of the new semes-
            citizens  from  China.  The  ter until further notice.
            U.S., Japan, Singapore and  The  crisis  is  the  latest  to
            Australia  have  imposed  confront  Chinese  leader
            similar  restrictions  despite  Xi  Jinping,  who  has  been
            criticism  from  China  and  beset  by  months  of  anti-
            an  assessment  from  the  government       protests   in
            World  Health  Organization  Hong Kong, the re-election
            that  such  measures  were  of  Taiwan's  pro-indepen-
            unnecessarily hurting trade  dence  president  and  criti-
            and travel.                  cism over human rights vio-
            The vast majority of those in-  lations  in  the  traditionally
            fected are in China; about  Muslim territory of Xinjiang.
            150  cases  have  been  re-  Meanwhile,  the  domes-
            ported in two dozen other  tic  economy  continues  to
            countries.                   slow,  weighed  down  by
            The U.S. on Sunday report-   slowing  demand  and  the
            ed  its  ninth  case,  this  one  trade war with Washington.
            involving  a  woman  in  the  New  Zealand  announced
            San  Francisco  Bay  Area's  Sunday it is temporarily bar-
            Santa  Clara  County  who  ring travelers from China to
            arrived  in  the  U.S.  to  visit  protect  the  South  Pacific
            family after recently travel-  region from the virus.
            ing to Wuhan.                The 14-day ban applies to
            A  hospital  specially  built  foreigners  leaving  China
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