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                    Saturday 4 March 2023

                                                                      We are Double Down Sports Bar & Grill!!

             Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal
             visitors at Renaissance Ocean Suits

            The  Aruba  Tourism Author-  Ambassador      Certificate
            ity recently recognized the  and memorable gifts.          Unbelievable sport and next-level food     For more information call (297) 587 9000
            Emerald  Ambassadors  of                                   are what it’s all about. But  that’s not all   or  visit  our    Facebook  page  Double
            Aruba. Presenting the Am-    On  behalf  of  the  Aruba    we do. We’re here to bring you the at-     Down Sports Bar & Grill or Instagram  @
            bassadors with the Emerald  Government,  we  would         mosphere,  passion  and  team  spirit    of   DoubleDownSportBarGrill.
            certification  as  a  token  of  like to express our gratitude   live sports.
            appreciation.  The  Emer-    and  appreciation  to  Mr.                                               DOUBLE DOWN SPORTS BAR & GRILL
            ald  certification  is  granted  Passenaut and Mr. Sorsaia,   We’ve  got  everything  it  takes  for  the   Hassle  Free  Parking  -  All  your  favorite
            to  ambassadors  to  recog-  both  of  whom  are  Carni-   ultimate    experience  when  it  comes    sports on 32 big  screens - Amazing Food
            nize, the loyalty, friendship,  val  enthusiasts.  Thank  you   to all major sporting events with 32 HD   & Drinks Your home for all  NFL games in
            and  visits  to  the  island  of  for  making  Aruba  your  fa-  big screens, tv’s at every seating booth   Arubaq
            Aruba.  Emerald  Honorees  vored vacation destination      &  large  projector  screens    showing
            has  been  choosing  Aruba  for so many years. We are      live  sporting  events  from  every  angle.
            as  her  preferred  vacation  so  honored  to  have  had   Whether  it's    Football,  Baseball,  Bas-
            destination  for  more  than  such wonderful visitors over   ketball,  Boxing,  Hockey  or  F1,  Double
            35 years consecutively.      the years! Aruba is without   Down has it all and then some.
                                         a  doubt  your  home  away
            Honorees  were:    Emerald  from home!                     Our  legendary  grills  like  our  beef  short
            Ambassadors 35> years:                                     ribs, maple bourbon glazed  pork belly,
            Francis  Passenaut  resident  Top  reason  for  returning   whiskey baby back ribs and not to men-
            of New York, United States   to Aruba, provided by the     tion the big  game burgers, super shar-
            Robert  Sorsaia  resident  of  honorees were:              ers that are sure to hit the spot. We  even
            New York, United States      Mr. Passenaut & Mr. Sorsaia   host  an  amazing  comedy  show  in  our
                                         reasons:                      theatre  to  share  the    good  times  with
            Ms. Olga Ruiz representing  Great  people:  the  locals    your whole group of family or friends.
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  and the hotel staff
            ity,  and  members  of  Re-  Great  national  infrastruc-  Double Down Sports Bar & Grill is locat-
            naissance Ocean Suits be-    ture                          ed at the Eagle Aruba  Resort. Open 7
            stowed the certification of  Great  water:  drinking  and   days a week for Breakfast, Lunch, Din-
            the Emerald Ambassadors.  recreational                     ner or late night  cravings from 7am to
            The  honorees  were  pre-    Great beaches                 11pm or later when any major sporting
            sented  with  the  Emerald  Great safetyq                  event is on.
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