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P. 9

                                                                                                           local Saturday 4 March 2023

            Minister Ursell Arends attends the Our Ocean Conference in Panama

            (Oranjestad)—The       Our                                                             rine life. Synergy and ambi-  earth,  provides  food  for
            Ocean  Conference  is  a                                                               tion  for  efforts  that  create  more than 3 billion people
            space created for dialogue                                                             resilience for resources and  on earth and is a medium
            about  collaborations  be-                                                             marine biodiversity will ben-  for  global  trading.  How-
            tween  chiefs  of  states,  the                                                        efit  communities  around  ever,  the  ocean  is  at  risk
            private sector, civil society                                                          the world.                   due  to  global  warming,
            and  academic  institutions                                                            Our Ocean Conference fo-     non-sustainable  practices,
            to discuss how to preserve                                                             cuses on 6 areas of action  illegal  fishing,  imprudent
            marine resources, promote                                                              to protect and revitalize the  contamination  and  loss  of
            sustainability  and  educate                                                           oceans, for example areas  marine life.
            the  general  public  about                                                            of  marine  protections,  sus-  Panama is the first country
            the oceans.                                                                            tainable  Blue  Economy,  in Central America to host
                                                                                                   climate  change,  marine  this  event,  which  has  em-
            The    conferences    took                                                             security, sustainable fishing  phasized  the  importance
            place  on  March  2nd  to                                                              and marine pollution.        for  contribution  by  Latin
            March 3rd in Panama. The                                                               The  ocean  is  one  of  the  America  in  marine  preser-
            minister  of  Environment  is                                                          most  valuable  resources  vation  and  world  leading
            a  participant  in  the  event  which  is  designed  to  pro-  and  productivity,  which  is  for  humanity.  The  ocean  related  to  the  oceans  in
            Blue  Leaders,  which  was  tects  marine  life  and  re-  vital for maintaining life on  houses  80%  of  all  life  on  the last few years. q
            organized  by  Belgium  to  sources  across  internation-  earth. The goal is to protect
            open the Our Ocean Con-      al waters.                   at least 30% of the world’s
            ference  with  this  year’s  Blue  Leaders  called  for  all  oceans.
            slogan:  “Our  Oceans,  Our  countries  to  seal  the  deal  As  a  participant  at  the
            Connection.”                 on  BBNJ,  with  is  set  to  be  event,  Minister  Ursell  Ar-
            The goal of the event was  finalized  this  year.  Imple-  ends  presented  a  promise
            to  encourage  support  for  mentation of the jurisdiction  of  Aruba  and  the  Dutch
            the Biodiversity Beyond Na-  is essential for the preserva-  Kingdom  to  preserve  our
            tional  Jurisdiction  (BBNJ),  tion  of  the  ocean’s  health  oceans  and  protect  ma-

            Minister Geoffrey Wever met with the new president of the

            Chamber of Commerce

                                                                      (Oranjestad)—The  Cham-      of  Commerce.  The  top-     of Commerce and Minister
                                                                      ber  of  Commerce  and  ics  discussed  included  the  Wever  discussed  plans  for
                                                                      Minister  Geoffrey  Wever  of  progress  of  the  UBO  regis-  developing  the  city  cen-
                                                                      Economic  Relations  met  try,  which  is  advancing  as  ters of Oranjestad and San
                                                                      several  times  to  discuss  planned.  Furthermore,  the  Nicolas.
                                                                      topics  relating  to  Aruba’s  Chamber  of  Commerce
                                                                      economy.                     brought forth various points  “It  is  always  a  pleasure  to
                                                                                                   related  to  the  prosecution  interchange ideas with the
                                                                      Yesterday, Mr. Gavril Mans-  reform  and  the  introduc-  Chamber  of  Commerce;
                                                                      ure met with Minister Wever  tion of tax at the border.   they always provide a posi-
                                                                      for the first time as the new                             tive  contribution,”  Minister
                                                                      president  of  the  Chamber  To  finalize,  the  Chamber  Wever stated.q

            Energy security is an urgent priority to Minister Glenbert Croes

            (Oranjestad)—During      a  ter further explained:        explained  that  all  good
            press  conference  held  by                               parts of the refinery will be
            the  government,  Minister  “Gasoline  supply  cannot  reactivated with clean en-
            Glenbert  Croes  elaborat-   fail,  diesel  supply  cannot  ergy  and  technology.  All
            ed  on  the  work  for  recov-  fail. Everything that is impor-  those  that  are  no  longer
            ering  the  infrastructure  of  tant  and  indispensable  for  functional, will be a part of
            the  local  refinery,  which  our local economy cannot  the  Aruba  Hydrogen  Val-
            has been closed for many  fail, as well as the infrastruc-  ley. Even though some may
            years now.                   tures needed to ensure the  think that this is a dream for
                                         importation and distribution  the future and that this will
            One of the aspects that the  of  essential  combustibles  take a long time to realize,
            minister of Energy is putting  for our economy. So, there  but the minister shared the
            pressure on is the security for  needs to be investments to  news  that  4  Nordic  coun-
            energy, which is something  ensure this.”                 tries in Europe are investing
            that always concerned the                                 in Green Hydrogen which is
            minister as he sees it as ur-  While  answering  questions  already ready to be distrib-  a  reality,  bringing  with  it  a  ity that our island deserves.
            gent and in need of atten-   from the press related to the  uted this year.            new  economic  outlet  that
            tion.  In  terms  of  what  he  refinery, the minister further                         Aruba needs and creating  Minister    Glenbert  Croes
            means  with  “the  essential  explained that a closed re-  This shows how fast the proj-  a  second  economic  pillar  took  on  his  task  to  ensure
            infrastructure  for  ensuring  finery cannot generate rev-  ect  for  the  Aruba  Hydro-  that  can  push  the  country  that Aruba is the first region
            energy security”, the minis-  enue. Minister Croes further  gen  Valley  could  become  in the direction of prosper-  with a hydrogen valley.q
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