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P. 11
LOCAL Saturday 4 March 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at
the Caribbean Palm Village
The greatest award we provide is the Em- tion destination and as her home-away-
erald Ambassador certificate, which is from-home.
granted to travelers who have visited Aru-
ba continuously for 35 years or more. The Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provid-
ceremony was significant to us because ed by the honoree was:
it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to
celebrate guests who had been coming Mrs. Anne Connie Benson
to Aruba for more than 35 years.
• Aruba’s safety
Ms. Kimberley Richardson representing the • The friendliness of the locals
Aruba Tourism Authority, and members of • The timeshare resort she always
the Caribbean Palm Village bestowed the stayed at – Caribbean Palm Village
honor certification to the honoree, pre- • Aruba’s year-round sunny weather
sented her with gifts, and also thanked her • Aruba’s nice sandy beaches and
for choosing Aruba as her favorite vaca- picturesque sunsetsq
The Aruba Tourism Author- to guests whom have vis-
ity recently had the great ited Aruba for over 35 years
pleasure to recognize an consecutively.
Emerald Ambassador of
Aruba with an honor cer- Honoree was:
tificate. The honor certifica- Emerald Ambassador (35>
tion is presented on behalf years consecutively visiting
of the Minister of Tourism Aruba)
as a token of appreciation Mrs. Anne Connie Benson
and to say “Masha Danki”