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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 25 augustus 2021

                           Iran official acknowledges videos of Evin prison abuse real

                                                                      as  bargaining  chips  in  inter-
                                                                      national negotiations.       After  Iran  cracked  down  on  Four  former  prisoners  at
                                                                                                   protesters  following  the  dis-  Evin,  as  well  as  an  Iranian
                                                                      Writing  on  Twitter,  Hajmo-  puted  2009  re-election  of  human rights activist abroad,
                                                                      hammadi  vowed  to  “avoid  hard-line  President  Mah-    told the AP that the videos re-
                                                                      the repeat of such bitter inci-  moud Ahmadinejad, many of  semble areas from the facility
                                                                      dents as well as confront the  the arrested protesters ended  in northern Tehran. Some of
                                                                      perpetrators.”               up in Evin. Lawmakers later  the scenes also matched pho-
                                                                                                   pushed  for  reforms  at  Evin,  tographs of the facility previ-
                                                                      “My  apologies  to  the  Al-  following  reports  of  abuses  ously taken by journalists, as
                                                                      mighty  God,  the  dear  Su-  at the prison — which led to  well as images of the prison
                                                                      preme  Leader,  our  great  na-  the installation of the closed-  as seen in satellite photos ac-
                                                                      tion  and  the  noble  prison  circuit cameras.           cessed by the AP.
                                                                      officers  whose  efforts  will
                                                                      not be ignored because of the  In  one  part  of  the  footage,  An online account that shared
            (AP) — The head of Iran’s                                 wrongdoings”  of  others,  he  a  man  smashes  a  bathroom  the videos with the AP calls
            prison  system  acknowl-     The  comment  by  Moham-     wrote.                       mirror to try to cut open his  itself  “The  Justice  of  Ali,”  a
            edged  Tuesday  that  vid-   mad Mehdi Hajmohammadi                                    arm.  Prisoners  —  and  even  reference to the Prophet Mu-
            eos  purportedly  obtained  came the day after The Asso-  Hajmohammadi,     however,  guards  —  beat  each  other  hammad’s  son-in-law  who
            by a self-described hacker  ciated  Press  published  parts  offered  no  plan  on  how  to  in  scenes  captured  by  sur-  is  revered  by  Shiites.  It  also
            group  that  show  abuses  of  the  videos  and  a  report  address  the  abuses  at  Evin.  veillance  cameras.  Inmates  mocks Iran’s Supreme Lead-
            at  the  Islamic  Republic’s  about the abuse at the facil-  Since its construction in 1971  sleeping in single rooms with  er  Ali  Khamenei.  However,
            notorious Evin prison are  ity in northern Tehran, long  under Iran’s shah, the prison  bunk beds stacked three high  the account did not respond
            real,  saying  he  took  re-  known  for  holding  political  has  seen  a  series  of  abuses  against  the  walls,  wrapping  to  AP  questions  about  its
            sponsibility for the “unac-  prisoners and those with ties  that  continued  into  the  Is-  themselves in blankets to stay  membership  or  how  it  con-
            ceptable behaviors.”         to the West whom Iran uses  lamic Republic.               warm.                        ducted the hack.

                        Possible Havana syndrome case delays Harris trip to Vietnam

            (AP)  —  U.S.  Vice  Presi-  delay was because Harris’ of-  Singapore,  castigating  China  mation that a U.S. adversary  And a declassified 2018 State
            dent  Kamala  Harris’  trip  fice learned about a report of  for  its  incursions  into  the  has been conducting damag-  Department  report  cited  “a
            from  Singapore  to  Viet-   a “recent possible anomalous  South China Sea, and a dis-  ing  attacks  against  U.S.  per-  lack of senior leadership, in-
            nam  was  delayed  several  health incident” in the Viet-  cussion of supply chain issues  sonnel  would  unleash  calls  effective   communications,
            hours  Tuesday  by  an  in-  namese capital. The embassy  with business leaders.       for a forceful response by the  and  systemic  disorganiza-
            vestigation  into  two  pos-  provided no details, but said                            United States.               tion”  in  responding  to  the
            sible cases of the so-called  Harris’ office decided to trav-  But  the  flight  was  delayed                       Havana cases. The report says
            Havana Syndrome in Ha-       el to Hanoi “after careful as-  for  more  than  three  hours  For  now,  the  administration  the cause of the injuries was
            noi,  administration  offi-  sessment.”                   and Symone Sanders, Harris’  is providing assurances that it  “currently  unknown.”  The
            cials said.                                               chief  spokesperson,  refused  takes  the matter seriously,  is  document  was  published  by
                                         The  U.S.  government  uses  to  explain.  Unprompted,  investigating aggressively and  George  Washington  Univer-
            The  investigation  was  in  “anomalous  health  incident”  Sanders  volunteered  that  will make sure those affected  sity’s  National  Security  Ar-
            its  early  stages  and  officials  to  describe  the  syndrome.  Harris  was  “well”  although  have good medical care.  chive.
            deemed it  safe for  Harris  to  Some  of  those  impacted  re-  reporters  had  seen  the  vice
            make  her  scheduled  stop  in  port  hearing  a  loud  piercing  president several times Tues-  One  key  analysis  identified  Chris  Miller,  the  acting  de-
            Vietnam, which is part of her  sound  and  feeling  intense  day and had no reason to be  “directed,  pulsed  radio  fre-  fense secretary during the last
            trip across Asia meant to re-  pressure  in  the  face.  Pain,  concerned about her health.  quency  energy”  as  the  most  months of the Trump admin-
            assure allies about American  nausea,  and  dizziness  some-                           plausible  culprit.  Published  istration,  created  a  Pentagon
            foreign  policy  amid  the  tu-  times followed.          Congress  has  raised  alarms  in December by the National  team  to  investigate  the  sus-
            multuous evacuation of U.S.                               over  such  attacks,  finding  Academy of Sciences, the re-  pected attacks. That was after
            forces from Afghanistan. The  Similar,  unexplained  health  rare  bipartisan  support  in  port  said  a  radio  frequency  he met a soldier late last year
            Havana  Syndrome  is  the  ailments have since been re-   House and Senate for contin-  attack could alter brain func-  who  described  how,  while
            name for a rash of mysterious  ported by Americans serving  ued government-wide inves-  tion  without  causing  “gross  serving  in  a  country  Miller
            health incidents first reported  in other countries, including  tigation  into  the  syndrome,  structural  damage.”  But  the  wouldn’t  identify,  he  had
            by  American  diplomats  and  Germany, Austria, Russia and  response  as  well  as  millions  panel  could  not  make  a  de-  heard  a  “shrieking”  sound
            other government employees  China.  A  variety  of  theories  in support for American per-  finitive finding on how U.S.  and then had a splitting head-
            in the Cuba capital beginning  have  been  floated  to  explain  sonnel  medical  monitoring  personnel may have been hit.  ache.
            in 2016.                     the  incidents,  including  tar-  and treatment.
                                         geted  microwaves  or  sonic
            There have been two separate  attack,  perhaps  as  part  of  an  The  Biden  administration
            cases  of  unexplained  health  espionage or hacking effort.  is  facing  new  pressure  to
            incidents  reported  by  U.S.                             resolve  the  mystery  as  the
            personnel in Vietnam within  Particularly alarming are rev-  number of reported cases of
            the  past  week,  the  officials  elations  of  at  least  two  pos-  possible  attack  has  sharply
            said. It was not immediately  sible  incidents  in  the  Wash-  grown.  But  scientists  and
            clear  who  was  impacted  by  ington  area,  including  one  government  officials  aren’t
            the  syndrome,  though  offi-  case  near  the  White  House  yet certain about who might
            cials said it was not someone  in  November  in  which  an  have been behind any attacks,
            who worked for the vice pres-  official  reported  dizziness.  if  the  symptoms  could  have
            ident or the White House, ac-  Administration officials have  been caused inadvertently by
            cording to the officials, who  speculated that Russia may be  surveillance equipment — or
            were not authorized to speak  involved,  a  suggestion  Mos-  if the incidents were actually
            publicly about an ongoing in-  cow has denied.            attacks.
                                         Harris  was  set  to  depart  for  Whatever  an  official  review
            The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi  Hanoi  on  Tuesday  evening  concludes  could  have  enor-
            issued a statement saying the  after  delivering  a  speech  in  mous consequences. Confir-
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