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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 25 augustus 2021

                        Women soccer players leave Afghanistan on evacuation flight

            (AP)  —  Players  from  Af-  and on behalf of their peers  extremely stressful but today
            ghanistan  women’s  na-      around  the  world  we  thank  we have achieved an impor-
            tional soccer team had an  the international community  tant  victory,”  former  team
            “important  victory”  on  for coming to their aid,” the  captain Khalida Popal said.
            Tuesday  when  they  were  union said in a statement.
            among  a  group  of  more                                 Popal  is  among  a  team  of
            than  75  people  evacuated  The Afghan team was created  FIFPRO  lawyers  and  advi-
            on a flight from Kabul.      in  2007  in  a  country  where  sors  who  have  worked  with
                                         women  playing  sport  was  authorities  in  six  countries,
            Global soccer players’ union  seen as a political act of defi-  including Australia, the U.S.
            FIFPRO  thanked  the  Aus-   ance against the Taliban.    and United Kingdom, to get
            tralian government for mak-                               athletes and their families on
            ing  the  evacuation  of  play-  Players had been advised this  to evacuation lists and flights
            ers, team officials and family  month  to  delete  social  me-  to safety.
            members possible, with work  dia  posts  and  photographs
            continuing  to  help  more  of  them  with  the  team  to  “The  women  footballers
            leave Afghanistan.           help avoid reprisals since the  have  been  brave  and  strong
                                         United  States-backed  Af-   in a moment of crisis and we  FIFPRO  general  secretary  “Our hearts go out to all the
            “These  young  women,  both  ghanistan government fell.   hope they will have a better  Jonas  Baer-Hoffmann  said  others  who  remain  stranded
            as athletes and activists, have                           life outside Afghanistan,” Po-  evacuations had been “an in-  in  the  country  against  their
            been in a position of danger  “The last few days have been  pal said.                  credibly complex process.”   will,” he said.

                               Delle Donne, Ogwumike return after long injury layoffs

            (AP)  —  Elena  Delle  Donne  and  is going to take over again, so that’s                                   ing  44%  from  behind  the  3-point
            Chiney  Ogwumike  will  have  a  the concern.”                          2.  Seattle  (18-7):  The  Storm  head  arc. She’s also been averaging 5.6 re-
            major impact on the Washington                                          home  after  finishing  off  long  five-  bounds and 3.0 assists.
            Mystics  and  Los  Angeles  Sparks  The  Mystics  weren’t  the  only  team  game road trip to start the second half
            playoff chances now that they’re  to finally get healthy this week. Los  of the season. Had a stop at the White  9. Washington (8-14): While the Mys-
            back on the basketball court.       Angeles welcomed back Ogwumike,  House  on  Monday  to  celebrate  the  tics welcomed Delle Donne back, the
                                                who had been sidelined with a knee  team’s 2020 championship.           team will be missing Olympic gold-
            The  two  finally  returned  after  long  issue  since  May  28.  She  returned                             medalist  Tina  Charles  because  of  a
            layoffs due to injuries.            against New York on Sunday.         3. Connecticut (17-6): Jonquel Jones  strained left gluteal.
                                                                                    is leading the Sun’s playoff push and
            Delle Donne missed nearly two years  “When  I  got  the  green  light,  I  was  is  one  of  the  front-runners  for  the  10.  Dallas  (10-13):  The  Wings
            with  a  back  injury  and  COVID-19  like, ‘Thank you, Lord.’ I think that’s  league’s MVP award. She’s averaging  dropped five of their last six games to
            precautions.  The  Washington  Mys-  the  best  feeling,  when  something’s  a career-best 20.6 points this season.  fall behind in the playoff chase, but
            tics  star  played  in  her  first  game  in  gone, you miss it more. I’ve missed it                        Dallas  has  a  friendly  schedule  that
            682  days  this  past  Sunday.  The  for-  a lot,” she said.            4.  Minnesota  (14-9):  A  favorable  could help the team reach the post-
            mer MVP last played in the decisive                                     schedule has the Lynx home for six  season.
            Game 5 of the WNBA Finals in 2019  Ogwumike expects to be on a min-     of their next seven games. Minnesota
            that gave the Mystics their first cham-  utes limit for a few games.    is 10-3 over its last 13 games with 10  11t. Atlanta (6-17): The Dream have
            pionship.                                                               of  those  games  being  played  on  the  lost  eight  consecutive  games.  Their
                                                “My knee felt really great out there,”  road. The Lynx also welcomed back  last  win  was  June  29.  With  Chey-
            “It was an amazing day just to be out  she said. “My teammates give me so  Aerial Powers this past weekend after  enne  Parker  missing  the  rest  of  the
            there and competing with my team-   much  confidence.  They  know  my  she missed two months while recov-   season because of pregnancy, Atlanta
            mates. It’s been quite a whirlwind,”  journey has been a long journey. But  ering from a torn UCL in her right  brought  back  guard  Blake  Dietrick
            said  Delle  Donne,  who  scored  16  this is a special group, and to be out  thumb.                        for the remainder of the year.
            points in her return. “You know I’m  there  with  my  sis  again  and  to  do
            running out and I was like, a little bit  some of the things we’ve always talk-  5. Phoenix (13-10): Five of the Mer-  11t. Indiana (5-18): The Fever have
            emotional. I was like, I can’t add cry-  ed about ... today was a great day.”  cury’s next six games are on the road,  a  short  roster  right  now  because  of
            ing right now (because) I’m nervous.                                    but  none  of  their  opponents  have  a  injuries  and  players  taking  personal
            I  certainly  felt  it  welling  up  in  my  POWER POLL                 winning record.                     leave. Still, the team has been playing
            eyes for a second.”                                                                                         much better recently with four victo-
                                                This week’s WNBA poll:              6. Chicago (11-12): Candace Parker  ries in its past six games.
            Delle Donne said that her back and                                      re-injured  her  left  ankle  last  week
            body  felt  good  and  that  she  will  do  1  Las  Vegas  (17-6):  The  Aces  play  and her health will have an impact on  PLAYER OF THE WEEK
            treatment and see how she feels for  three  games  on  the  road  this  week  where the team finishes in the stand-
            the rest of the week. The 31-year-old  with huge contest against Connecti-  ings.                           Brittney Griner of Phoenix was voted
            forward  said  the  most  difficult  part  cut followed by a trip to Atlanta and                            as the Player of the Week after averag-
            was “being so unsure if the nerve pain  Indiana.                        7.  Los  Angeles  (10-13):  The  Sparks  ing 20,5 points 10.3 rebounds and 4.3
                                                                                    are one of the hottest teams coming  assists  in  the  Mercury’s  three  wins.
                                                                                    out of the Olympic break with four  Other  players  receiving  votes  in-
                                                                                    victories since play resumed. It’s no  cluded Jonquel Jones and DeWanna
                                                                                    coincidence  that  the  main  reason  is  Bonner  of  Connecticut  and  Nneka
                                                                                    they are healthy now and playing stel-  Ogwumike of Los Angeles.
                                                                                    lar defense. Los Angeles is holding its
                                                                                    opponents  to  just  over  74  points  a  GAME OF THE WEEK:
                                                                                    game in the four wins.
                                                                                                                        Aces at Sun, Tuesday. The top spot in
                                                                                    8.  New  York  (11-14):  The  Liberty  the league will be on the line when
                                                                                    will be without Sami Whitcomb for  Las Vegas visits Connecticut. It’s the
                                                                                    the  next  two  weeks  as  she  recovers  last  meeting  in  the  regular  season
                                                                                    from  a  left  ankle  sprain.  Whitcomb  between the two teams and the Sun
                                                                                    has been one of the most consistent  have already clinched the season se-
                                                                                    players  for  New  York  this  season,  ries winning the first two meetings.
                                                                                    averaging  12.8  points  while  shoot-
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