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                                                                                                      SCIENCE Wednesday 8 July 2020
            Heat will stay stuck on extra high for July in most of U.S.

            BY SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  cord  and  that's  a  base  to
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   add natural variable warm
            The  heat  is  on.  And  for                                                                                        weather factors on top of,
            most  of  America  it'll  stay                                                                                      Masters said.
            on  through  the  rest  of  the                                                                                     So what about relief? When
            month and maybe longer,                                                                                             do    long-term   forecast
            meteorologists say.                                                                                                 computer models show be-
            Widespread     and     pro-                                                                                         low-normal   temperatures
            longed extreme heat is bak-                                                                                         for  significant  parts  of  the
            ing  the  contiguous  United                                                                                        country?
            States  and  meteorologists                                                                                         Masters  scrolled  through
            see no relief in sight, except                                                                                      the  simulations.  Not  the
            for a brief time in a corner                                                                                        rest of July. Not August. Not
            of  the  Pacific  Northwest.                                                                                        September.  Not  October.
            Next  week  is  likely  to  be                                                                                      Not November.
            worse than this week. And                                                                                           "It  does  not  give  us  any
            the  entire  Lower  48  states                                                                                      false  hope,"  Masters  said.
            and Alaska are likely to be                                                                                         "False hope or real hope is
            warmer than normal for the                                                                                          hard to come by."q
            last two weeks of July, tra-
            ditionally  the  hottest  time
            of  year,  according  to  the
            National Weather Service's
            Climate Prediction Center.   In this Monday, July 6, 2020 file photo, firefighters douse hot spots along Agua Dulce Canyon road
            "It's  very  widespread  and   in Agua Dulce, Calif.
            it's  going  to  be  very  long                                                                    Associated Press
            lasting,"  said  Jeff  Masters,
            founder  of  Weather  Un-    Friday and then 108 on Sat-  crans  said.  And  the  worst  of  that,  dry  weather  feeds
            derground and now a me-      urday. Little Rock is forecast  prolonged heat looks to be  the heat in a "vicious feed-
            teorologist at Yale Climate  to feel like 107 and 109 on  around  western  Nebraska,  back cycle," he said.
            Connections.  "It's  not  a  re-  Friday and Saturday. Hous-  Oklahoma  and  the  Texas  In Miami, which has experi-
            cord-breaking  heat  wave,  ton  should feel like 109 Fri-  panhandle,  with  tempera-  enced its hottest stretch on
            but it is notable for its per-  day through Sunday. Phoe-  tures approaching 110, but  record, an unusually hot At-
            sistence."                   nix is forecast to feel like 108  without the sticky humidity.   lantic  Ocean  is  adding  to
            This is a dangerous type of  on Friday and 110 on Satur-  The  weather  maps  are  the problem, not allowing it
            heat  where  people  need  day and Sunday.                covered in blood red, dark  to  cool  below  80  at  night,
            to  be  careful  about  heat  Then  it  goes  up  a  notch  brown  and  purple  —  col-  said Ryan Maue, a private
            stroke,  stay  indoors  and  more.                        ors  signifying  much  hotter  meteorologist for BAM fore-
            drink  plenty  of  water,  me-  Next  week,  while  close  to  than normal temperatures.  casts.  Masters  said  there's
            teorologists said.           two-thirds  of  the  country  Rosencrans said he's never  "very  toasty  water  pretty
            The  National  Weather  Ser-  will  be  warmer  than  nor-  seen temperature forecast  much everywhere," except
            vice  warned  of  excessive  mal, about 40% of the Low-   maps  like  that  at  the  hot-  near Greenland.
            heat on Tuesday for 18 mil-  er  48  has  a  moderate  risk  test time of the year.    Without  extensive  statisti-
            lion people, but that's noth-  of extreme and dangerous  A giant ridge of high pres-   cal  and  scientific  analysis,
            ing  compared  to  what's  heat,  said  Climate  Predic-  sure, parking hot air, is stuck  meteorologists  can't  say
            coming up.                   tion  Center  meteorologist  in  the  Southwest  and  ex-  for sure that the heat is due
            At  the  end  of  this  week,  Matthew Rosencrans.        tends farther east that usu-  to  global  warming,  Rosen-
            much of the nation will like-  Next week, Wisconsin could  al, blocking cold fronts from  crans  said.  But  this  is  what
            ly be passing or flirting with  be  battling  it  out  with  the  moving in, Rosencrans said.  scientists  expect  more  of
            temperatures  in  the  90s.  Southeast  for  the  nation's  And the jet stream, a river  with  climate  change,  he
            And  it  will  likely  feel  even  hottest  feels-like  tempera-  of  air  that  keeps  weather  and others said.
            hotter in the South.         ture — which factors in hu-  moving,  has  retreated  to  Going  into  July,  the  world
            Charleston,    South  Caro-  midity — with heat indices  Canada, so nothing is push-   already  was  feeling  the
            lina,  likely  will  feel  105  on  pushing  past  100,  Rosen-  ing the heat along. On top  second hottest year on re-

            Fossils reveal dinosaur                                   researcher  at  the  North
                                                                      Carolina Museum of Natu-
            forerunner smaller than a                                 ral Sciences. Looking like a
                                                                      small  dinosaur  that  could
            cellphone                                                 fit in your hand, Kammerer
                                                                      mused that it "would prob-
                                                                      ably make a great pet."
            BY SETH BORENSTEIN           tall,  according  to  a  study   Of  course,  no  humans
            AP Science Writer            published  Monday  in  the   were around when Kongo-
            Meet  Kongonaphon  kely,  journal Proceedings of the      naphon  was  roaming  the    This  illustration  provided  by
            a  pocket  sized  dinosaur  National  Academy  of  Sci-   wild,  jumping  around  with   the American Museum of Nat-
            forerunner that was smaller  ences.                       its  strong  hind  legs  and   ural  History  in  July  2020  de-
                                                                                                   picts a Kongonaphon kely, a
            than your cellphone.         "Some  of  these  things     feeding  on  bugs  with  its   newly  described  reptile  near
            The  creature,  which  pre-  would  have  been  quite     peg-like  teeth,  Kammerer   the ancestry of dinosaurs and
            dated dinosaurs and flying  cute  animals,"  said  study   said.                       pterosaurs,  shown  to  scale
            pterosaurs,  was  just  shy  of  lead author Christian Kam-  The name means tiny bug   with human hands.
            4  inches  (10  centimeters)  merer,   a   paleontology   slayer.q                                 Associated Press
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