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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 8 July 2020
            Continued from Front         education and community
            They  minimized  the  risk  of  leaders," DeVos told gover-
            the  spread  of  COVID-19  nors.
            among  children  but  ac-    It  followed  earlier  com-
            knowledged that it was im-   ments  from  Trump  insisting
            portant to protect the vul-  that  schools  return  to  in-
            nerable.                     person  instruction  as  soon
            In  making  its  case,  the  as possible.
            Trump  administration  has  But  some  are  calling  for
            argued  that  keeping  stu-  greater caution as schools
            dents  at  home  carries  plan for the fall. Arne Dun-
            greater  risks  than  any  tied  can, who served as Educa-
            to  the  coronavirus.  Health  tion Secretary under former
            officials  say  students  need  President  Barack  Obama,
            to  be  in  schools  this  fall  to  has  said  the  focus  should
            continue their educational  be on making sure students
            development  and  to  ac-    can return safely.
            cess  meal  programs  and  "We all want children to go
            services for mental and be-  back  to  school,"  Duncan
            havioral health.             said  on  Twitter.  "The  ques-
            "Children's  mental  health  tion  is  whether  we  care
            and  social  development  enough about our children
            must  be  as  much  of  a  pri-  to  ALLOW  them  to  go  to
            ority as physical health," first  school safely. Our behavior,
            lady Melania Trump said at  our commitment to shared      Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, right, speaks with others before a meeting with President Don-
                                                                      ald  Trump  and  the  American Workforce  Policy  Advisory Board,  in  the  East  Room  of  the  White
            the roundtable. "The same  sacrifice  —  or  our  selfish-  House, Friday, June 26, 2020, in Washington.
            is true for parents. Many will  ness — will determine what                                                                      Associated Press
            be forced to make stressful  happens this fall for kids."
            choices  between  caring  The  Centers  for  Disease  said,  contending  that  the  sure  that  they  catch  up,"  vulnerable populations.
            for their children and going  Control and Prevention put  district's  distance  learning  DeVos  said.  "It's  expected  "It's  clear  that  the  greater
            back to work."               out  guidance  for  schools  last spring was a "disaster."  that  it  will  look  different  risk to our society is to have
            Trump  made  his  remarks  last  month,  including  stag-  Her criticism of schools' dis-  depending  on  where  you  these  schools  close,"  Red-
            hours after Education Sec-   gering  schedules,  spread-  tance  education  efforts  are, but what's clear is that  field  said.  "The  CDC  en-
            retary Betsy DeVos assailed  ing out desks, having meals  extended across the coun-    students  and  their  families  courages all schools to do
            plans by some local districts  in classrooms instead of the  try. DeVos said she was dis-  need more options."      what they need to reopen,
            to offer in-person instruction  cafeteria,  adding  physical  appointed  in  schools  that  At a later panel discussion  and  to  have  plans  that
            only  a  few  days  a  week  barriers between bathroom  "didn't  figure  out  how  to  Tuesday,  DeVos  acknowl-    anticipate  that  COVID-19
            and  said  schools  must  be  sinks and cleaning and dis-  serve  students  or  who  just  edged that outbreaks may  cases will in fact occur."
            "fully operational."         infecting surfaces.          gave up and didn't try." She  temporarily  disrupt  in-per-  The   Trump   administra-
            Anything  less,  she  says,  In  the  call  with  governors,  said  more  than  one  state  son instruction, but she said  tion  has  drawn  on  recent
            would fail students and tax-  DeVos  slammed  districts  education  chief  told  her  schools  should  be  expect-  recommendations       from
            payers.                      that plan to offer in-person  that  they  also  were  disap-  ed  to  provide  five  days  the  American  Academy
            DeVos  made  the  com-       instruction only a few days  pointed in districts that did  of  classroom  instruction  a  of  Pediatrics,  which  says
            ments  during  a  call  with  a week. She called out Fair-  "next  to  nothing  to  serve  week.                    schools should aim to start
            governors. Audio of the call  fax  County  Public  Schools,  their students."          Dr. Robert Redfield, head of  the  school  year  with  stu-
            was obtained by The Asso-    which  is  asking  families  to  The same thing can't hap-  the CDC. said schools can  dents "physically present in
            ciated Press.                decide  between  fully  re-  pen again this fall, she said,  operate  safely  by  taking  school."  Keeping  students
            "Ultimately, it's not a matter  mote  instruction  or  two  urging governors to play a  basic  safety  precautions.  at home can lead to social
            of if schools need to open,  days  a  week  in  the  class-  role in getting schools to re-  He  noted  that  COVID-19  isolation,  the  organization
            it's a matter of how. School  room.                       open.                        cases tend to be milder in  said,  and  prevent  schools
            must reopen, they must be  "A choice of two days per  "Students across the coun-       young people, adding that  from  identifying  learning
            fully  operational.  And  how  week  in  the  classroom  is  try have already fallen be-  the greatest risk is transmis-  deficits,  abuse,  depression
            that happens is best left to  not a choice at all," DeVos  hind.  We  need  to  make  sion  from  children  to  more  and other issues.q
              Immigrant advocates say U.S. policy change endangers workers

             By KEVIN McGILL                     Labor's  Wage  and  Hour  division  when to do so, and required con-   It asks a federal judge to declare
             Associated Press                    began requiring that applications  sideration  of  the  petitioners'  safe-  the  new  policy  was  adopted  in
             NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  Immigrant  for such visas, known as "U" and "T"  ty," according to the lawsuit.     violation  of  the  federal  Adminis-
             advocates  in  New  Orleans  claim  visas, be referred to law enforce-  The suit says the changes were il-  trative Procedures Act and to va-
             in  a  federal  lawsuit  that  federal  ment  agencies  before  they  are  legally  adopted  without  proper  cate it.
             rule  changes  made  last  year  by  approved.                         public  notice  and  comment.  It  Federal lawyers had not filed a re-
             the  U.S.  Department  of  Labor  will  "Conditioning   certification   on  said the labor Department's Wage  sponse  as  of  Tuesday  afternoon.
             make  foreign  workers  fearful  of  criminal  law  enforcement  referral  and  Hour  Division  also  "failed  to  The  Wage  and  Hour  Division  did
             reporting workplace abuses or hu-   and  approval  has  a  chilling  ef-  provide  a  rational  reason  for  the  not  immediately  respond  to  an
             man  trafficking  for  fear  of  being  fect on fearful workers who are al-  policy change."               emailed request for comment.q
             deported.                           ready reluctant to come forward
             The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in Wash-  and  speak  publicly  about  crimes
             ington by the New Orleans Work-     occurring in their workplaces," the
             ers' Center for Racial Justice, deals  suit,  filed  in  U.S.  District  Court  for
             with visas issued to protect workers  the District of Columbia, says.
             from deportation when they report  "Previously,  WHD  required  refer-
             workplace crimes. The lawsuit says  ral  of  the  underlying  crime,  but
             that last year, the Department of  provided  discretion  to  determine
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