Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200708
P. 26
Wednesday 8 July 2020
U.S. notifies UN of withdrawal from World Health Organization
By MATTHEW LEE won't protect American
AP Diplomatic Writer lives or interests — it leaves
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Americans sick and Ameri-
Trump administration has ca alone."
formally notified the United Sen. Patty Murray, the top
Nations of its withdrawal Democrat on the health
from the World Health Or- committee, called Trump's
ganization, although the decision to withdraw an
pullout won't take effect "abdication of America's
until next year, meaning it role as a global leader."
could be rescinded under "It is the opposite of put-
a new administration or if ting America first — it will
circumstances change. put America at risk," Murray
The withdrawal notifica- said in a statement. "Refus-
tion makes good on Presi- ing to work with our partners
dent Donald Trump's vow in across the world to fight this
late May to terminate U.S. pandemic will only prolong
participation in the WHO, the crisis, further undermine
which he has harshly criti- our international standing,
cized for its response to the and leave us less prepared
coronavirus pandemic and for future crises."
accused of bowing to Chi- UN Foundation President
nese influence. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, speaks during a news conference at the State Department, Elizabeth Cousens called
The move was immediately Wednesday, July 1, 2020, in Washington. the move "short-sighted,
assailed by health officials Associated Press unnecessary, and unequiv-
and critics of the adminis- ocally dangerous. WHO is
tration, including numer- the U.S. would continue to than $400 million per year, "We have detailed the re- the only body capable of
ous Democrats who said seek reform of the WHO, currently owes the WHO forms that it must make leading and coordinating
it would cost the U.S. influ- but referred to Trump's June some $200 million in current and engaged with them the global response to CO-
ence in the global arena. 15 response when asked and past dues. directly, but they have re- VID-19. Terminating the U.S.
Former Vice President Joe if the administration might On May 29, less than two fused to act," Trump said relationship would under-
Biden has said he supports change its mind. "I'm not weeks after warning the at the time. "Because they mine the global effort to
the WHO and Democrats reconsidering, unless they WHO that it had 30 days to have failed to make the beat this virus — putting all
suggested he would re- get their act together, and reform or lose U.S. support, requested and greatly of us at risk."
verse the decision if he I'm not sure they can at this Trump announced his ad- needed reforms, we will be The ONE Campaign, which
defeats Trump in Novem- point," Trump said. ministration was leaving the today terminating the rela- supports international
ber. Trump is trailing Biden Guterres, in his capacity organization due to what tionship." health projects, called it
in multiple polls and has as depositary of the 1946 he said was its inadequate The withdrawal notification an "astounding action" that
sought to deflect criticism WHO constitution, "is in the response to the initial out- was widely denounced as jeopardizes global health.
of his administration's han- process of verifying with the break of the coronavirus misguided, certain to un- "Withdrawing from the
dling of the virus by aggres- World Health Organization in China's Wuhan province dermine an important insti- World Health Organization
sively attacking China and whether all the conditions late last year. tution that is leading vac- amidst an unprecedented
the WHO. for such withdrawal are The president said in a cine development efforts global pandemic is an as-
The withdrawal notice was met," his spokesman, Ste- White House announce- and drug trials to address tounding action that puts
sent to U.N. Secretary- phane Dujarric, said. ment that Chinese officials the COVID-19 outbreak. the safety of all Americans
General Antonio Guterres Under the terms of the with- "ignored" their reporting "To call Trump's response to and the world at risk. The
on Monday and will take drawal, the U.S. must meet obligations to the WHO COVID chaotic and inco- U.S. should use its influence
effect in a year, on July 6, its financial obligations to and pressured the organi- herent doesn't do it justice," to strengthen and reform
2021, the State Department the WHO before it can be zation to mislead the pub- said New Jersey Sen. Bob the WHO, not abandon it
and the United Nations said finalized. The U.S., which is lic about an outbreak that Menendez, the top Demo- at a time when the world
on Tuesday. the agency's largest donor has now killed more than crat on the Senate Foreign needs it most," ONE presi-
The State Department said and provides it with more 130,000 Americans. Relations Committee. "This dent Gayle Smith said.q
How risky is dining out during the COVID-19 pandemic?
By The Associated Press unde- seating where tables are at least safety steps the restaurant is tak- able on your mobile device, are
fined 6 feet apart, the agency says. ing. optimal. Otherwise, restaurants
How risky is dining out during the Dining inside a restaurant that For example, servers should be should have procedures for
COVID-19 pandemic? hasn't reduced its capacity or wearing masks and the restau- avoiding hand-to-hand contact
There is some risk, but health of- safely distanced tables poses the rant should have a process to with cash and credit cards.
ficials say there are precautions most risk, it says. ensure people are not congre- If you are gathering at a restau-
you can take to minimize the The coronavirus spreads through gating too closely while waiting rant with a group, Bleasdale sug-
chances you'll be exposed to the droplets that are emitted when for a table, says Dr. Susan Casey gests only dining with people you
virus. people talk, laugh, sing, cough or Bleasdale, an infectious disease know, and checking if they have
Ordering takeout or delivery is still sneeze. expert at the University of Illinois been feeling sick or experiencing
the safest option for getting res- Indoor spaces are more risky than at Chicago. any symptoms.
taurant food, according to the outdoor spaces because it might Digital or disposable menus and People more vulnerable to se-
U.S. Centers for Disease Control be harder to keep people apart throwaway utensils are also pref- vere illness from the virus, such
and Prevention. and there's less ventilation, the erable, according to the CDC. as the elderly, might want to
If you decide to eat at a restau- CDC says. The agency says touchless pay- avoid eating out at restaurants
rant, it's best to opt for outdoor Diners should assess what other ment options, like those avail- altogether.q