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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 26 February 2020

            Study begins in U.S. to test possible coronavirus treatment

                                                                      search  plan  published  last  But the WHO cited labora-  man  in  Washington  state
                                                                      month,  the  World  Health  tory studies that suggested  who fell ill after a trip to Wu-
                                                                      Organization  said  remde-   it  might  be  able  to  target  han, the Chinese city at the
                                                                      sivir  was  considered  "the  SARS and MERS, which are  center of the outbreak. He
                                                                      most promising candidate."  cousins of the new virus.     is  no  longer  hospitalized,
                                                                      It was used briefly in some  Gilead  has  provided  the  but  it  is  not  clear  wheth-
                                                                      Ebola  patients  in  Congo  drug for use in a small num-  er  the  remdesivir  helped
                                                                      before that study stopped.  ber of patients, including a  him.q

            Dr. Andre Kalil, of the University of Nebraska Medical Center,
            speaks in Omaha, Neb., Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press
            By JOSH FUNK                 Fourteen people who were
            Associated Press             evacuated  from  a  cruise
            OMAHA,  Neb.  (AP)  —  The  ship  in  Japan  are  being
            first  clinical  trial  in  the  U.S.  treated at the University of
            of  a  possible  coronavirus  Nebraska  Medical  Center.
            treatment  is  underway  in  Twelve  of  them  have  test-
            Nebraska  and  is  eventu-   ed positive for COVID-19.
            ally  expected  to  include  There are no proven treat-
            400 patients at 50 locations  ments  or  vaccines  for  the
            around  the  world,  officials  new  and  mysterious  virus,
            said Tuesday.                which  has  infected  more
            Half  of  the  patients  in  the  than  80,000  people  world-
            international  study  will  re-  wide and killed more than
            ceive  the  antiviral  medi-  2,700, with the overwhelm-
            cine  remdesivir  while  the  ing majority of cases in Chi-
            other  half  will  receive  a  na.
            placebo.    Several   other  Doctors give patients fluids
            studies, including one look-  and pain relievers to try to
            ing  at  the  same  drug,  are  ease the symptoms, which
            already underway interna-    can  include  fever,  cough
            tionally.                    and  shortness  of  breath.
            Dr.  Andre  Kalil,  who  will  In  the  case  of  those  who
            oversee  the  study  at  the  are severely ill, doctors use
            University   of   Nebraska  ventilators  to  help  them
            Medical  Center,  said  the  breathe  or  a  machine
            clinical trial was developed  that  pumps  and  oxygen-
            quickly  in  response  to  the  ates their blood outside the
            virus  outbreak  that  origi-  body,  easing  the  burden
            nated  in  China.  Patients  on the heart and lungs.
            who  are  hospitalized  with  At least two patient studies
            the COVID-19, the disease  are  already  underway  in
            caused  by  the  virus,  will  China,  including  the  other
            be eligible to join the trial if  study  involving  remdesivir,
            they have at least moder-    which  is  made  by  Gilead
            ate symptoms.                Sciences, and another that
            "The  goal  here  is  to  help  tests  a  combination  HIV
            the people that need it the  drug  containing  lopinavir
            most," Kalil said.           and ritonavir. In a draft re-
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