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A4   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 26 February 2020

                                                                      Dems thwart Senate Republicans

                                                                      on 2 abortion-related bills

                                                                      Mitch McConnell accused      said the GOP bills would, in  she  said.  Sen.  Ben  Sasse,
                                                                      Democrats  of  bowing  to    effect,  "criminalize"  wom-  R-Neb.,  said  the  bill  he
                                                                      "the  radical  demands  of   en's reproductive care and  sponsored  was  not  about
                                                                      the  far  left"  to  "drown  out   intimidate health care pro-  limiting access to abortion
                                                                      common  sense"  and  the     viders.                      at all. Instead, the bill is in-
                                                                      views  of  millions  of  Ameri-  "Putting  these  already  de-  tended  to  make  sure  that
                                                                      cans.                        feated  bills  up  for  a  show  every newborn baby "has a
                                                                      "It almost defies belief that   vote is not a good faith at-  fighting chance — whether
                                                                      an  entire  political  party   tempt to improve the lives  she's  born  in  a  labor  and
                                                                      could find cause to object   of  ...  American  women,''  delivery  ward  or  whether
            Senate  Minority  Leader  Sen.  Chuck  Schumer  of  N.Y.,  listens   to this basic protection for   the  New  York  Democrat  she's  born  in  an  abortion
            during  a  news  conference  on  Capitol  Hill  in  Washington,   babies,''  the  Kentucky  Re-  said.  "Every  single  Senate  clinic."
            Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press  publican said.              Republican    knows   that  Sasse's  bill  would  make  it
                                                                      Senate Democratic Leader     these  bills  cannot  and  will  a  crime  to  deny  care  to
            By MATTHEW DALY              alive during abortions.      Chuck  Schumer  blasted      not  pass.  But  they're  put-  a  baby  that's  survived  an
            Associated Press             The  measures  have  been  McConnell  for  taking  up     ting them on the floor any-  abortion.  "Are  we  a  coun-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sen-    defeated  multiple  times  the Senate's time on what      way to pander to the hard  try  that  protects  babies
            ate Democrats on Tuesday  in  recent  years,  but  Sen-   he  called  "fake,  dishonest   right. And to cover up the  that are alive, born outside
            blocked  a  pair  of  Repub-  ate  Republicans  pushed  and  extreme  legislation      fact  that  they  won't  pro-  the  womb  after  having
            lican  bills  that  would  ban  for renewed votes to allow  that has nothing to do with   vide  good  health  care  for  survived  a  botched  abor-
            most  late-term  abortions  GOP  lawmakers  to  make  improving the lives of ordi-     women.''    Senators  voted  tion?'' he asked.
            and  threaten  prison  for  an election-year appeal to  nary Americans.''              56-41 for the born-alive bill,  A  separate  bill  sponsored
            doctors  who  don't  try  sav-  conservative voters.      Noting  that  existing  laws   and  53-44  for  a  separate  by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-
            ing  the  life  of  infants  born  Senate  Majority  Leader  protect  infants,  Schumer   measure  banning  most  S.C., would essentially ban
                                                                                                   abortions  after  20  weeks.  abortion  after  20  weeks,
                                                                                                   Both  tallies  were  short  of  the  point  at  which  many
                                                                                                   the  60  votes  needed  to  scientists  say  an  unborn
                                                                                                   end  Democratic  delaying  child can feel pain.
                                                                                                   tactics  and  force  a  Sen-  Graham  said  he  believe
                                                                                                   ate vote. Democratic Sens.  a  majority  of  Americans
                                                                                                   Bob Casey of Pennsylvania,  oppose  allowing  abortion
                                                                                                   Doug  Jones  of  Alabama  in  the  fifth  month  of  preg-
                                                                                                   and  Joe  Manchin  from  nancy.  The  United  States
                                                                                                   West Virginia were the only  is  currently  one  of  seven
                                                                                                   lawmakers  to  cross  party  countries in the world that
                                                                                                   lines  on  the  born-alive  bill.  permit elective abortion af-
                                                                                                   Jones  and  GOP  Sens.  Su-  ter 20 weeks.
                                                                                                   san  Collins  of  Maine  and  "The  United  States  should
                                                                                                   Lisa  Murkowski  of  Alaska  not  be  in  that  club,''  Gra-
                                                                                                   opposed     the   late-term  ham said.
                                                                                                   abortion ban.                The two votes marked the
                                                                                                   Three senators seeking the  latest instance in which Re-
                                                                                                   Democratic nomination for  publicans have tried to go
                                                                                                   president — Bernie Sanders  on  offense  on  the  issue  of
                                                                                                   of Vermont, Elizabeth War-   abortion  and  put  Demo-
                                                                                                   ren  of  Massachusetts  and  cratic lawmakers who sup-
                                                                                                   Amy  Klobuchar  of  Minne-   port  abortion  rights  in  an
                                                                                                   sota - did not cast votes.   uncomfortable     position.
                                                                                                   Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.,  "It's hard to believe that, in
                                                                                                   said  the  Senate  debate  21st  century  America,  the
                                                                                                   was not about passing laws  life  of  a  baby  more  than
                                                                                                   or  even  health  care.  "It  is  halfway   through   preg-
                                                                                                   really  about  Republicans'  nancy  is  considered  up
                                                                                                   crass  political  calculation  for  debate,  but  it's  true,''
                                                                                                   that  they  can  fire  up  their  said Marjorie Dannenfelser,
                                                                                                   far-right  base  with  an  all-  president  of  the  Susan  B.
                                                                                                   out  war  against  the  con-  Anthony  List,  a  group  that
                                                                                                   stitutionally protected right  works to elect anti-abortion
                                                                                                   to  safe,  legal  abortion,''  candidates.q
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