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Friday 31 May 2024 LOCAL

            Alto Vista chapel and its link to Aruba’s origins

            According  to  Etnia  Nativa,  tion passed into the hands  the  black  fever  epidemic  place. The entire surround-  of  an  old  house,  where
            in the 18th century most of  of  Antonio  Silvester’s  son-  and since people believed  ing  area  was  empty  and  Antonio  and  Bernardino
            the  inhabitants  of  Aruba  in-law, Miguel Álvarez, who  that the Alto Vista area was  desolated,  making  it  hard  Silvester  would  have  lived.
            were indigenous who lived  continued to guide the pa-     the most infected, they be-  to  imagine  that  Alto  Vista  About 200 meters from the
            on  the  north  coast,  one  of  rishioners in their prayers.  gan  to  build  their  homes  was  a  town  at  all.  A  hun-  chapel  there  is  a  water
            the  largest  communities                                 further  south  within  the  dred  years  later,  people  tank  which  the  locals  call
            lived in Alto Vista.         According  to  the  book,  Noord area, so the town of  can  see  the  remains  of  Tanki Cacique. In the past
                                         The History of Alto Vista by  Noord began to grow into  around      twenty   houses,  this  tank  was  closed.  But
            As they were very religious,  R.H. Nooyen, it is not known  a  community  till  getting  its  some  made  of  stone  and  mostly  water  was  brought
            they  had  a  chief  with  the  when Domingo Antonio Sil-  own  Church.  However  re-  others  of  clay.  Nowadays,  out from the Poz di Noord,
            name  of  Antonio  Silvester  vester came to Aruba from  ligious  festivals  continued  only  around  six  of  these  a well dug in the sand.
            who  guided  them  in  the  Venezuela.  The  elders  be-  to be celebrated at this sa-  houses remain.
            Christian life and it was he  lieve  Antonio  was  a  Span-  cred native place, with the                            The chapel can be viewed
            who  decided  to  build  a  iard. In 1780, father Joseph  custom  of  arriving  in  pro-  South of the chapel in the  from basically any point in
            stone  chapel  with  a  roof  Antonio de la Vegal called  cession to Alto Vista.       yard  two  graves  can  be  the  north  side,  even  from
            of  corn  rods,  which  would  Bernardino Silvester,  one of  Two-hundred  years  after  observed,  there  was  the  Paradera  and  Sero  Plat.
            serve as a place of prayer.  Antonio’s sons with his wife  the  beautiful  time  of  Alto  cemetery   which   father  All  the  historical  remains
            In 1750 it was blessed by Fa-  Anna  Cathalina  Tromp,  Vista,  people  can  no  lon-  Pablo de Algemesi blessed.  around the chapel provide
            ther  Algamesi  who  came  “neighbors and naturals of  ger see much of the town  It is not certain, but it is be-   us with an idea on how the
            from  Coro-Venezuela  and  the island Aruba” and thus  of Alto Vista from 1750. With  lieved that the two graves  old  people  of  Alto  Vista
            appointed  Domingo  Anto-    they became natives.         a  lot  of  work  they  found  belong to Antonio Silvester  used to live.  Don’t miss the
            nio  Silvester  as  the  island’s                         the  old  foundations  of  the  and  Miguel  Alvares,  ac-  opportunity to visit a place
            first prosecutor in the name  At the end of the eighteen  Church  of  the  Queen  of  cording  to  Nooyen.  About  of  historical  significance
            of  the  Spanish  crown  and  century  many  inhabitants  the  Holiest  Rosary  to  build  50 meters near the chapel  with  a  window  to  Aruba’s
            Rome. In 1752 the prosecu-   the island died as a result of  a new chapel on the same  there  are  still  the  markings  past.q

            Episode CXXX-130  Amulets and rituals

            NOORD — Mangroves form  storms, hurricanes and tsu-       during  the  early  stages  of  Recent studies have shown   of  fresh  and  salt  water  to
            transition  vegetation  from  namis.                      life.                        that  mangroves  can  be     thrive.
            land  to  sea  which  offers  According to experts, man-                               used  for  biotechnology.
            great  protection  to  tropi-  groves  capture  and  store  Mangrove  forests  provide  And  due  to  its  tolerance   The  rise  in  sea  level  as  a
            cal islands and continental  34  million  tons  of  carbon  many  of  the  resources  to  salinity,  the  possibility  of   consequence  of  climate
            shorelines,  estuaries  and  globally.  A  great  contribu-  upon which coastal people  transferring  genes  taken   change  causes  a  saline
            lagoons of tropical latitudes  tion to the fight against cli-  depend  for  their  survival  from  mangrove  species  to   imbalance  in  the  man-
            areas, trees and shrubs that  mate  change  and  global  and livelihood. At low tide,  certain foods, such as rice,   grove  habitat  that  makes
            can grow below the maxi-     heat!                        people  can  walk  across  has been studied to devel-     their survival difficult in ad-
            mum level of tides and are                                the  tidal  flats  to  collect  op  new  varieties  of  crops,   dition  to  pollution  caused
            very tolerant to high salinity  They  promote  biodiversity  clams, shellfish, and shrimp.  generating new opportuni-  by  man  and  the  overex-
            of sea water. Mangrove for-  as  they  serve  as  a  habitat  At high tide, fish move in to  ties for coastal farmers.  ploitation  of  resources.  All
            ests  forms  a  separate  and  in its entirety. Many types of  feed among the protection  However  we  must  also   this  endangers  these  spe-
            unique  echo  system  on  its  fish, crabs, shrimp and mol-  of mangrove roots, turning  know  keep  in  mind  that   cies, which are among the
            own right.                   lusks  inhabit  its  roots;  birds  the  marshy  land  into  rich  mangroves  are  very  sus-  most  diverse  and  produc-
                                         also find a favorable habi-  fishing  grounds.  The  man-  ceptible to drastic change,   tive  in  the  world  offering
            Mangroves  protect  both  tat in the mangroves. They  grove trees themselves pro-      delicate   because    they   so many benefits that they
            the saltwater and the fresh-  also   provide   spawning  vide  fuel,  medicines,  tan-  require  an  environment    undoubtedly deserve gov-
            water    ecosystems   they  grounds  for  fish  and  crus-  nins, and wood for building  in  balance  to  survive.  This   ernmental   commitment
            straddle.  The  mangroves'  taceans  on  nearby  coral  houses and boats.              means that they require an   and our protection.
            complex  root  systems  filter  reefs and offer them shelter                           appropriate concentration
            nitrates  and  phosphates                                                                                           Fishermen of Southern Thai-
            that  rivers  and  streams                                                                                          land  Trang  Province  have
            carry to the sea. They also                                                                                         a saying that goes like this
            keep  seawater  from  en-                                                                                           "If there are no mangrove
            croaching on inland water-                                                                                          forests, the sea will have no
            ways.                                                                                                               meaning. It is like having a
                                                                                                                                tree  with  no  roots,  for  the
            They  act  as  a  protective                                                                                        mangroves are the roots of
            barrier between water and                                                                                           the sea."—
            land,  preventing  coastal
            erosion  and  reducing  the                                                                                         To get to know more about
            effect of waves and swells,                                                                                         Aruba's origins, flora, fauna
            especially  during  extreme                                                                                         and  cultural  heritage,  we
            weather  events,  being  a                                                                                          recommend  this  private
            powerful   shield   against                                                                                         cultural  encounter  session
                                                                                                                                that  has  been  educating
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                                  participants  for  decades.
                                                                                                                                Mail  us  at  etnianativa03@
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                               or Whatsapp +
                                                               your Aruban exprerience                                          297 592 2702 for an amaz-
                                                                                                                                ing native hour.q
                                                        Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels
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