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a8    local
                         Friday 31 May 2024

            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use

                                                                      When the fruit is unripe and
                                                                      green, this can be used to
                                                                      stimulate menstruation flow
                                                                      in women. This also stimulates
                                                                      the  passing  kidney  stones.
                                                                      When ripe, the fruit can be
                                                                      used for poisoning in the gut
                                                                      and can help treat rheumat-
                                                                      ic diseases, like arthritis.

                                                                      However,     breastfeeding
                                                                      women  who  cannot  pro-
                                                                      duce much milk are advised
                                                                      not to consume too pineap-   To make arrowroot shalup,  and drinking it. You can also
                                                                      ple,  and  people  with  acid   boil a bit of water and add  make eggplant juice to help
                                                                      reflux are recommended to    one tablespoon of arrowroot  purify your blood. However,
                                                                      not consume any pineapple    powder and stir continuous-  do make sure to drink slowly;
                                                                      at all.                      ly until you reach porridge  let it mix with your spit and
                                                                                                   consistency. If you make a  then swallow.
                                                                              Arrowroot            shalup with milk, add a pinch
                                                                      Arrowroot is native to tropical   of salt. Raw arrowroot pow-  Eggplant kataplan* can also
            (Oranjestad)—Though west-            Pineapple            America and can be sold as   der can be used to powder  be used to treat skin tumors,
            ern medicine is now widely  Pineapple  has  more  uses    a powder or whole. It is said   babies.                   abscesses and hemorrhoids.
            used  for  common  illnesses  than  topping  it  on  your   that you can take arrowroot                             Eggplant kataplan can also
            and  to  keep  our  bodies  Christmas  ham.  According    powder and make a “sha-         Eggplant/Aubergine        be used externally to treat
            healthy  and  happy,  it  is  to elders, the skin of a pine-  lup” (porridge) for stomach   Eggplants, or aubergines, are  arthritis.q
            still very common in every  apple is great to use to re-  pain or when you’re feeling   easy to find in supermarkets
            household  in  Aruba  (and  fresh your body. Clean the    weak. You can make it with   around the world and can  *warapa:  term  referring  to
            around  the  world)  to  have  skin  thoroughly  and  make   milk too, but it is advised to   be grown all year round on  a water and sugar solution,
            staple home remedies that is  tea or warapa* with it. It is   best use just water. You can   the island. Related to pota-  a.k.a simple syrup.
            passed on through genera-    said  that  this  tea  can  also   also add prunes for a bit of   to  and  tomato,  eggplants  *kataplan:   porridge-like
            tions. Here are some tips that  be drank after an operation   sweetness. Arrowroot shalup   are good to calm nerves. It  mixture  used  externally  for
            our elders have passed on to  on the ovaries or uterus. This   is also good to treat an un-  can also be used to lower  wounds or parts of the body
            us over the years.           gets rid of irritation and in-  healthy gut or for diarrhea.    blood  pressure,  by  steep-  that are painful or swollen.
                                         flammation.                                               ing its leaves in boiled water

            Aruban legends:

            Frenchman’s Pass

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  ever  to  smoke  them  out  of  the  he  noticed  that  the  there
            plan  on  taking  a  group  caves,  but  the  indigenous  was  no  driver  in  the  front.
            tour of the island, you may  settlers  ended  up  inhal-  Paralyzed  with  fear,  he
            pass  through  the  French-  ing  too  much  smoke  and  didn’t dare to get out, and
            man’s  Pass  in  Balashi.  The  most  died  in  those  caves.  the car started to move.
            Frenchman’s  pass  (known  From then on, this passage
            to  locals  as  “Franse  Pas”)  was known as Frenchman’s  When     approaching     a
            remains a mysterious—and  Pass, and there have been  sharp  turn,  the  hitch  hiker
            spooky—road  of  which  its  many  accounts  of  spirits  braced for impact, but just
            legend is told from genera-  roaming the area of Span-    when  he  though  the  car
            tion to generation.          ish Lagoon.                  might drive straight off the
                                                                      road  and  crash,  he  saw  a
            The  history  of  the  French-  There  are  many  ghost  sto-  hand  appear  out  the  win-
            man’s pass—and how it got  ries  surrounding  this  area,  dow  and  turn  the  wheel.
            its  name—dates  back  to  but one of the most famous  For  the  next  few  turns,  the
            the colonization era, when  one involves a lonely hitch-  hand appeared again. Af-
            the  French  tried  to  colo-  hiker,  trying  to  find  a  ride  ter having had enough, the                        of  the  few  sites  on  the  is-
            nize  the  island,  but  were  back  home  in  the  dark  man  decided  to  jump  out  Sometime  later,  two  men  land  that  keeps  the  locals
            met with an angry mob of  rainy night.                    and he ran to Santa Cruz.    walked  into  the  bar  and  on  their  toes.  While  most
            indigenous settlers, refusing  Sometime  after  trying  to  Arriving  at  a  nearby  bar,  one  of  them  noticed  the  ghost stories may not have
            to give up their land. How-  hitchhike,  the  man  saw  a  he ordered a drink and be-  hitchhiker. He called out to  real grounds—or some may
            ever,  as  the  French  were  car  approaching,  appear-  gan to tell everyone about  his buddy and said: “Look,  even be a set up story for a
            heavily  equipped  with  fire  ing almost ghost-like in the  his  experience.  Everyone  there’s  the  idiot  who  sat  joke, this pass contributes a
            arms,  the  indigenous  set-  rain.  However,  since  he  grew  quiet,  because  they  in  our  car  when  we  were  lot to our culture of folkloric
            tlers began to retreat, and  needed  a  ride  real  bad,  realized  he  wasn’t  some  pushing it!”                  story-telling. q
            hid away in nearby caves.  he  didn’t  think  twice  and  drunk  messing  around;  he
            The  French  colonizers  tried  jumped in. But to his horror,  was telling the truth.   French  man’s  pass  is  one      Source:
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