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                                                                                         world news Diamars 31 augustus 2021

                             EU takes US off safe travel list; backs travel restrictions

            (AP)  —  The  European  the temporary restriction on  the beginning of the year and
            Union       recommended  nonessential travel to the EU  opened  its  borders  to  fully
            Monday that its 27 nations  for  fully  vaccinated  travel-  vaccinated travelers from the
            reinstate  restrictions  on  ers.”                        U.S. earlier this month.
            tourists from the U.S. be-                                The  United  States  remains
            cause  of  rising  coronavi-  The EU also removed Israel,  on  Britain’s  “amber”  travel
            rus infections there.        Kosovo, Lebanon, Montene-    list, meaning that fully vacci-
                                         gro  and  North  Macedonia  nated adults arriving from the
            The  decision  by  the  Euro-  from the list.             U.S. to the U.K. don’t have
            pean Council to remove the                                to self-isolate. A COVID-19
            U.S. from a safe list of coun-  The EU has no unified CO-  test is required three days be-
            tries  for  nonessential  travel  VID-19  tourism  policy  and  fore  arrival  in  the  U.K.  and
            reverses advice that it gave in  national  EU  governments  another  test  is  needed  two
            June, when the bloc recom-   have the authority to decide  days after arriving.
            mended  lifting  restrictions  whether they keep their bor-
            on  U.S.  travelers  before  the  ders  open  to  U.S.  tourists.  Meanwhile,   the   United
            summer tourism season.       Possible  restrictions  could  States  has  yet  to  reopen  its  mine the countries for which  over the last 14 days.
                                         include  quarantines,  further  own borders to EU tourists,  restrictions  should  be  lifted,
            The guidance is nonbinding,  testing  requirements  upon  despite  calls  from  the  bloc  the  European  Council  said  Last  week  in  the  U.S.  new
            however,  and  U.S.  travelers  arrival or even a total ban on  for the Biden administration  that  “reciprocity  should  also  coronavirus  cases  averaged
            should expect a mishmash of  all  nonessential  travel  from  to lift its ban. Adalbert Jahnz,  be  taken  into  account  on  a  over  152,000  a  day,  turning
            travel rules across the conti-  the U.S.                  the  European  Commission  case by case basis.”           the clock back to the end of
            nent.                                                     spokesperson  for  home  af-                              January,  and  the  number  of
                                         More than 15 million Ameri-  fairs,  said  Monday  that  the  The  European  Council  up-  hospitalized  COVID-19  pa-
            “Nonessential  travel  to  the  cans  a  year  visited  Europe  EU’s executive arm remained  dates the safe travel list based  tients  was  around  85,000,  a
            EU  from  countries  or  enti-  before the coronavirus crisis,  in discussions with the U.S.  on criteria relating to corona-  number not seen since early
            ties  not  listed  (...)  is  subject  and  new  travel  restrictions  administration  as  both  sides  virus infection levels. It gets  February.
            to  temporary  travel  restric-  could cost Europe billions.  have so far failed to find a re-  reviewed  every  two  weeks.
            tion,”  the  council  said  in  a                         ciprocal approach.           The  threshold  for  being  on  U.S. coronavirus deaths have
            statement.  “This  is  without  The     recommendation                                 the EU list is having not more  been over 1,200 a day for sev-
            prejudice  to  the  possibil-  doesn’t  apply  to  Britain,  In addition to the epidemio-  than 75 new COVID-19 cas-  eral days, seven times higher
            ity  for  member  states  to  lift  which formally left the EU at  logical criteria used to deter-  es  per  100,000  inhabitants  than they were in early July.

                         Rockets fired at Kabul airport in waning hours of US pullout

            (AP)  —  Islamic  State                                   abuses in areas under Taliban                             witnesses  said.  That  neigh-
            militants fired a volley of  All day Monday, U.S. military  control despite pledges to re-  The  extremist  group  is  far  borhood  is  about  3  kilome-
            rockets at Kabul’s rapidly  cargo jets came and went de-  store peace and security.    more  radical  than  the  Tal-  ters (under 2 miles) from the
            emptying      international  spite the rocket attack, which                            iban,  who  captured  most  of  airport. No injuries were re-
            airport  on  Monday,  with  did  not  hurt  anyone.  The  In  the  last  24  hours,  the  Afghanistan  in  a  matter  of  ported.
            just  hours  left  before  a  Taliban released a video shot  American  military  evacuated  days.  The  two  groups  have
            deadline  for  U.S.  forces  from  the  airport’s  grounds,  about  1,200  people  on  26  fought each other before, and  Five rockets targeted the air-
            to withdraw at the end of  saying  the  Americans  had  C-17 flights, while two coali-  the  Taliban  have  pledged  to  port, said Navy Capt. Bill Ur-
            America’s longest war.       removed  or  destroyed  most  tion flights flew out 50 oth-  not harbor terrorist groups.  ban,  a  U.S.  military  spokes-
                                         of  their  equipment  and  that  ers, the White House said.                            man.  A  defensive  weapon
            The Pentagon is tight-lipped  troop numbers were far low-                              The  Taliban  tightened  their  known  as  a  C-RAM  —  a
            about  final  operations  and  er. “It looks like today will be  The  two-week  airlift  has  security  cordon  around  the  Counter-Rocket,   Artillery
            has  not  specified  when  the  the last day,” one of the un-  brought  scenes  of  despera-  airport after the attack, clear-  and Mortar System — target-
            withdrawal will be complet-  identified fighters said.    tion and horror. In the early  ing  away  massive  crowds  of  ed  the  rockets  in  a  whirling
            ed ahead of Tuesday’s dead-                               days, people desperate to flee  Afghans  who  were  desper-  hail of ammunition, he said.
            line.  But  spokesman  John  With  the  departure  of  the  Taliban rule flooded onto the  ate to flee the country in the  The  system  has  a  distinct,
            Kirby told reporters “there is  last of its troops, the U.S. is  tarmac and some fell to their  waning days of the U.S.-led  drill-like  sound  that  echoed
            still  time”  for  Americans  to  ending  its  20-year  war  with  deaths after clinging to a de-  airlift.  Taliban  fighters  are  through  the  city  at  the  time
            join a massive airlift that has  the  Taliban  back  in  power.  parting  aircraft.  On  Thurs-  now  stationed  along  a  fence  of the attack.
            allowed  more  than  116,000  Many Afghans remain fearful  day,  an  Islamic  State  suicide  near the main runway.
            people to leave since the Tal-  of them or further instability,  attack at an airport gate killed                   An  IS  statement,  carried  by
            iban  swept  back  into  power  and there have been sporadic  at  least  169  Afghans  and  13  A  crowd  quickly  gathered  the  group’s  Amaq  media
            two weeks ago.               reports  of  killings  and  other  U.S. service members.  Monday around the remains  outlet,  claimed  the  militants
                                                                                                   of  a  four-door  sedan  used  fired six rockets.
                                                                                                   in  the  rocket  attack.  The
                                                                                                   car had what appeared to be  The White House said Presi-
                                                                                                   six  homemade  rocket  tubes  dent  Joe  Biden  was  briefed
                                                                                                   mounted in place of its back  on the rocket attack.
                                                                                                                                “The president was informed
                                                                                                   “I was inside the house with  that operations continue un-
                                                                                                   my  children  and  other  fam-  interrupted  at  HKIA,  and
                                                                                                   ily members. Suddenly there  has  reconfirmed  his  order
                                                                                                   were some blasts,” said Jaiud-  that  commanders  redouble
                                                                                                   din  Khan,  who  lives  nearby.  their efforts to prioritize do-
                                                                                                   “We  jumped  into  the  house  ing  whatever  is  necessary
                                                                                                   compound  and  lay  on  the  to  protect  our  forces  on  the
                                                                                                   ground.”                     ground,”  the  statement  said,
                                                                                                                                using an acronym for Kabul’s
                                                                                                   Some  of  the  rockets  landed  airport.
                                                                                                   across  town,  striking  resi-
                                                                                                   dential  apartment  blocks,
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