Page 38 - MIN VOS 1 DEC 2015
P. 38

                                                                                                                               Tuesday 1 December 2015

NFL Capsules 

Broncos beat Patriots on Anderson’s OT run 

DENVER (AP) — Tom Brady          Denver Broncos running back C.J. Anderson (22) breaks free for the game-winning touchdown                                             season.
lost yet another one of his      against the New England Patriots during overtime of an NFL football game, Sunday, Nov. 29, 2015,                                      The last time the Saints
trusted targets and this time    in Denver.                                                                                                                            didn’t score a touchdown
he also lost a game.                                                                                                                                                   was Dec. 24, 2005 against
C.J. Anderson scored on a                                                                                                                            Associated Press  Detroit and Brees’ last
48-yard run with 12:32 left                                                                                                                                            game without a touch-
in overtime, powering the        downs to Baldwin, includ-       SANTA CLARA, California         first 11 games in consecu-                                            down pass came on Nov.
Denver Broncos past the          ing an 80-yard catch-and-                                       tive seasons for the first time                                       29, 2012 against Atlanta.
New England Patriots 30-24       run score with 2:01 left after  (AP) — Carson Palmer ran        in franchise history.
on a snowy Sunday night.         Pittsburgh had trimmed Se-                                                                                                                BENGALS 31, RAMS 7
Watching from the cozy           attle’s lead to 32-30.          for a go-ahead 8-yard                TEXANS 24, SAINTS 6                                              CINCINNATI (AP) — Andy
indoors at field level was       Baldwin caught a crossing                                       HOUSTON (AP) — Brian Hoy-                                             Dalton threw three touch-
Peyton Manning as Brock          route on third-and-10 at        touchdown with 2:28 left        er threw for 205 yards and                                            down passes — two of
Osweiler and the Broncos         the 20, broke two tackles                                       two touchdowns and the                                                them to A.J. Green — as
(9-2) overcame an early          and raced for the clinching     and tumbled after spik-         Texans held Drew Breese                                               the Bengals ended their
14-0 deficit and handed          score. Baldwin caught a                                         and New Orleans without a                                             brief losing streak.
the Patriots (10-1) their first  30-yard TD midway through       ing the ball as Arizona         touchdown for the first time                                          After dropping a pair of
loss since 2014.                 the fourth quarter after                                        in 10 years in a win.                                                 prime-time games, the
                                 Pittsburgh had taken a 27-      squeaked by San Francis-        The Texans (6-5) have won                                             Bengals (9-2) were back in
Now, the Carolina Panthers       26 lead.                                                        four games in a row for the                                           sync against a team that
(11-0) are the NFL’s only re-    Wilson also threw two           co.                             first time since winning six                                          struggles to score. The Ben-
maining unbeaten team.           touchdowns to Jermaine                                          straight in 2012.                                                     gals’ 31 points equaled the
Osweiler threw a 3-yard          Kearse and Seattle (6-5)        It was the Cardinals’ fifth                                                                           second-most against St.
touchdown pass to Bubba          picked up a huge victory in                                     New Orleans (4-7) dropped                                             Louis this season.
Caldwell with 1:09 left in       its hopes of getting back to    straight win and first road     its third straight on a day                                           The Rams (4-7) have
regulation to put the Bron-      the postseason.                                                 when the team didn’t                                                  dropped four in a row. Nick
cos up 24-21. But Brady,         Roethlisberger threw for        victory in the series since     score a touchdown and                                                 Foles returned as the starter
playing without injured star     456 yards — the most ever                                       Brees’ streak of games with                                           and threw three intercep-
tight end Rob Gronkowski,        against the Seahawks —          September 2008.                 a touchdown pass was                                                  tions, including one that
needed just five plays to        but was pulled with 2 min-                                      snapped at 45.                                                        Leon Hall returned 19 yards
drive the Patriots 51 yards      utes left and taken to the      Moments earlier, Palmer fell    Hoyer went 7 for 7 on the                                             for a touchdown.
and into range for Stephen       locker room for concussion                                      opening drive, capped by                                              Dalton was 20 of 27 for 233
Gostowski’s 47-yard field        protocol. The Steelers (6-5)    backward as he released         a 10-yard touchdown pass                                              yards with touchdowns of
goal that tied it at the end     had a two-game win streak                                       to Ryan Griffin, to make                                              9 and 18 yards to Green.
of regulation.                   end.                            the ball and completed a        it 7-0 and give Houston a                                             Tyler Eifert also had his NFL-
New England won the                                                                              score on the opening pos-                                             leading 12th touchdown
coin toss and elected to           CARDINALS 19, 49ERS 13        34-yard pass to J.J. Nelson     session for the first time this                                       catch.
receive, but thanks to a
sack by Von Miller, Denver                                       to put Arizona on the 1.                                                                                VIKINGS 20, FALCONS 10
forced a three-and-out                                                                                                                                                 ATLANTA (AP) — Adrian
and, on third-and-1 from                                         Chandler  Catanzaro                                                                                   Peterson ran for 158 yards
the New England 48, An-                                                                                                                                                and a pair of touchdowns,
derson raced around the                                          missed the extra-point try,                                                                           and Matt Ryan threw two
left sideline and into the                                                                                                                                             more interceptions for the
north end zone.                                                  and Blaine Gabbert and                                                                                Vikings.
Gronkowski injured his right                                                                                                                                           Bouncing back from a 30-
knee with 2:49 left in regula-                                   the 49ers (3-8) had one                                                                               13 loss to Green Bay, Min-
tion and was carted off.                                                                                                                                               nesota (8-3) jumped ahead
SEAHAWKS 39, STEELERS 30                                         more chance with 2:21                                                                                 on Peterson’s 1-yard run in
SEATTLE (AP) — Russell Wil-                                                                                                                                            the opening quarter, and
son threw a career-high                                          left. Anquan Boldin caught                                                                            clinched it when he got
five touchdown passes,                                                                                                                                                 loose on a 35-yard scamper
including two TDs to Doug                                        an 18-yard pass on fourth-                                                                            down the sideline with 4:15
Baldwin in the final 8:12 as                                                                                                                                           remaining in the game.
Seattle held on for a wild                                       and-20 to clinch the win for                                                                          Atlanta (6-5) has lost five
victory over Pittsburgh and                                                                                                                                            of its past six, including four
Ben Roethlisberger.                                              Arizona.                                                                                              straight, and is in danger of
Wilson threw three touch-                                                                                                                                              becoming one of the few
                                                                 David Johnson ran for a                                                                               teams in NFL history to start
                                                                                                                                                                       5-0 and miss the playoffs.q
                                                                 1-yard touchdown in the

                                                                 third for the Cardinals (9-2),

                                                                 who have nine wins in their
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