Page 40 - MIN VOS 1 DEC 2015
P. 40
Tuesday 1 December 2015
FURY - the sporting world by beat- ing, because you haven’t credit my performance is ahead. Klitschko has sug-
TITLE WIN ing Klitschko. Does respon- seen anything like this be- pure jealousy.” gested he wants to trigger
sibility come with being in fore.” The heavyweight division, the clause.
Continued from Page 17 the lofty position of heavy- Tyson Fury, sitting two plac- stagnant for a decade be- Peter Fury said he wants Ty-
weight champion of the es away from his father on cause of the dominance son to dispose of Klitschko
“Anybody who can be world? Not according to the top table, laughed out of Klitschko and his older again, maybe in front of
changed by money, and Fury. “If people don’t like it, loud. brother Vitali, is suddenly 80,000 fans at Wembley
by achievements, is not a change the channel,” said “I’m not surprised, I’m not in flux. And the presence Stadium — England’s na-
realist,” he said. “I don’t Fury, still sporting a bruise overwhelmed, I’ve always of the erratic Fury makes it tional soccer stadium — in
feel different today than above his right eye from
I was the day before, the Saturday’s fight. “I won’t said it would happen,” said lively and unmissable. May, before turning his at-
day before.” be dictated to by anyone. Fury, who has won all of his There is a rematch in the tention to a world title uni-
Many say he needs to Do I care? Not really.” 25 professional fights. “I’ve fight contract between fication fight with Deontay
change. The 27-year-old Asked if he thought he was been preaching this for I Fury and Klitschko, and Pe- Wilder, an American who
Fury has blurted out, or a role model to kids, Fury don’t know how long. For ter Fury — the new cham- holds the WBC belt.
tweeted, some controver- replied: “I’m not bothered, me to go there and bust pion’s trainer and uncle “We’re on top of the hill
sial comments in recent it’s up to them.” him like I’ve done, it shows — says a decision will be now,” Peter Fury said. “And
times. He said before the Fury polarizes opinion out what type of talent I am. made by the end of Jan- we’ll get better and stron-
Klitschko fight that dop- of the ring, but there’s gen- Anyone who wants to dis- uary on whether it goes ger all the time.”q
ing should be legalized in eral agreement — espe-
all sportsto make it “fully cially after Saturday’s fight
fair.” He was fined 3,000 — that the guy can box.
pounds (around $4,500) in Klitschko hadn’t been
2012 for a foul-mouthed beaten in nearly 10 years
rant that included brand- before he was outsmarted
ing two fellow English by Fury and lost his WBA,
boxers “gay lovers.” In a IBF and WBO belts in a
recent newspaper inter- unanimous decision. The
view, the fiercely religious fight wasn’t a classic, but
Fury was quoted as say- Fury picked holes in Klitsch-
ing that among the “things ko and made the long-
that need to be accom- reigning champion look
plished (changed) before his 39 years. Fury called it a
the devil comes home ... “masterclass.”
is homosexuality being le- “Put your hands together
gal in countries.” All that for the eighth wonder of
was said when he was the world,” barked Fury’s
largely unknown outside father, John, to reporters
boxing circles. Before he and photographers at the
stunned not just boxing but news conference. “Get
up. Get up and bow. Ap-
preciate what you are see-
Columbus Crew,
Portland Timbers
advance to MLS final
HARRISON, New Jersey MLS championship game New York Red Bulls forward Bradley Wright-Phillips, second from left, heads the ball as Columbus
(AP) — The Columbus Crew for the second straight
earned only their second year. The Crew will look Crew goalkeeper Steve Clark, second from right, Michael Parkhurst, left, and Gaston Sauro
trip to final in the 20-year to win their second MLS
history of Major League championship. They beat defend during the second half of the second leg of the MLS soccer Eastern Conference
Soccer and their first since New York in Carson, Cali-
2008 on Sunday, losing 1-0 fornia, seven years ago. championship, Sunday, Nov. 29, 2015, in Harrison, N.J. Associated Press
to the New York Red Bulls Fanendo Adi and Lucas
but advancing with a two- Melano scored to help
leg 2-1 aggregate victory. Portland advance. Port-
The Crew will face Port- land won the first leg 3-1 at
land at home in the Dec. home en route to a 5-3 ag-
6 final after the Timbers gregate victory in the two-
advanced to their first fi- game series. Dallas rallied
nal with a 2-2 draw against for a 2-1 lead with goals
Dallas in the second leg of by Ryan Hollingshead and
the Western Conference Blas Perez in a 5-minute
finals. span, but couldn’t over-
Anatole Abang scored 3 come the three-goal ag-
minutes into second-half gregate deficit created by
injury time and Bradley Adi’s goal in the 54th min-
Wright-Phillips hit the post ute. Mauro Diaz assisted on
with a header 1 1/2 minutes both FC Dallas goals. Mela-
later for the Red Bulls, who no scored Portland’s tying
fell one step short of the goal in stoppage time.q