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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 13 october 2021

                        G20 pledges money, demands humanitarian access to Afghans

            (AP)  —  The  European  he  said.  “Women’s  rights,
            Union  pledged  1  billion  so far as far as we can see, it
            euros  ($1.15  billion)  in  seems like they’re going back
            support  for  the  Afghan  20 years.”
            people, and the Group of
            20 countries vowed to ac-    G-20  leaders  —  Russian
            celerate aid Tuesday amid  President Vladimir Putin and
            concerns  that  an  already  Chinese  leader  Xi  Jinping
            precarious     humanitar-    were  represented  by  minis-
            ian and financial situation  ters while U.S. President Joe
            will  grow  catastrophic  Biden addressed the summit
            over the winter.             —  tasked  the  United  Na-
                                         tions  with  coordinating  the
            G-20  leaders  demanded  at  humanitarian  response  and
            a  virtual  summit  hosted  by  asked  international  financial
            Italy that the Taliban govern-  institutions  to  ensure  the
            ment allow humanitarian ac-  functioning  of  Afghanistan’s
            cess across Afghanistan, keep  financial system.
            Kabul Airport and the coun-
            try’s borders open and ensure  The  United  Nations  has
            security  for  U.N.,  humani-  warned  that  the  Afghan
            tarian  and  diplomatic  staff.  economy  is  on  the  verge  of
            They  also  repeated  previous  collapse.  Afghanistan,  which
            demands that women’s rights  before  the  Taliban  takeover
            be respected.                was  dependent  on  interna-  euros ($346 million) that had  U.S. “remains committed to  ghanistan,  warning  that  Eu-
                                         tional  aid  that  accounted  been  committed  earlier.  It  working closely with the in-  ropean  nations  would  also
            Italian Premier Mario Draghi  for 75% of state spending, is  will be targeted at the Afghan  ternational  community  and  be affected by a new wave of
            said the meeting represented  grappling with a liquidity cri-  population  only  and  neigh-  using  diplomatic,  humani-  migrants.
            the first multilateral response  sis as assets remain frozen in  boring countries, which have  tarian,  and  economic  means
            to  the  crisis  sparked  by  the  the U.S. and other countries,  been the first to provide im-  to  address  the  situation  in  “It is inevitable that European
            August  withdrawal  of  U.S.  and  disbursements  from  in-  mediate aid.              Afghanistan and support the  countries will also be affected
            forces from Afghanistan and  ternational    organizations                              Afghan people.”              by  the  migration  pressure
            the  takeover  of  the  country  have been put on hold.   The EU remains careful not                                that  Turkey  will  be  exposed
            by the Taliban.                                           to  legitimize  the  Taliban  in-  Turkish  President  Recep  to on its southern and eastern
                                         “We all have nothing to gain if  terim government.        Tayyip  Erdogan  said  in  a  borders,” he said.
            Draghi  told  reporters  that  the entire monetary or finan-                           video  address  to  the  online
            negotiations would be neces-  cial system in Afghanistan is  “But  the  Afghan  people  summit that the international  Erdogan  proposed  the  cre-
            sary  with  the  Taliban  to  get  collapsing, because then hu-  should  not  pay  the  price  of  community should keep the  ation of a working group on
            humanitarian aid distributed.  manitarian aid can no longer  the Taliban’s actions,” Euro-  channels of dialogue with the  Afghanistan within the G-20
            But  he  said  such  contact  by  be provided either,” German  pean  Commission  President  Taliban open in order to “pa-  and  said  Turkey  was  will-
            no  means  constituted  a  po-  Chancellor  Angela  Merkel  Ursula  von  der  Leyen  said.  tiently and gradually steer” it  ing to head such a grouping.
            litical recognition of the Tal-  told reporters in Berlin after  “This is why the Afghan sup-  toward  establishing  a  more  Draghi said the proposal was
            iban,  who  he  said  would  be  the summit.              port package is for the Afghan  inclusive administration.  interesting  —  Italy  has  long
            “judged for what their deeds                              people  and  the  country´s                               complained  it  has  been  left
            are, not their words.”       During the meeting, the Eu-  neighbors who have been the  He  repeated  that  Turkey,  on its own to deal with Eu-
                                         ropean  Union  announced  first in providing them with  which  already  hosts  more  rope’s migration problems —
            “The  government  as  we  a  support  package  worth  1  help.”                        than  3.6  million  Syrians,  but said the rest of the G-20
            know, it’s not really inclusive,  billion  euros  ($1.15  billion),                    can’t  be  burdened  with  an  would have to agree.
            it’s not really representative,”  which  includes  300  million  The  White  House  said  the  influx  of  migrants  from  Af-

                                   EU’s first green bond issuance raises $13.8 billion

            (AP)  —  The  European  augural green bonds Tues-         ros  ($13.8  billion)  from  a  in Europe, but in the world.”  tainable  investments,”  Hahn
            Commission issued its in-    day,  raising  12  billion  eu-  sale  that  attracted  strong  To finance the recovery stim-  said.
                                                                      demand from investors.       ulus, the EU’s executive arm
                                                                                                   said it will raise from capital  As  part  of  its  “Green  Deal”
                                                                      The  EU’s  executive  branch  markets  up  to  an  estimated  ambition, the EU has pledged
                                                                      is planning to issue up to 250  800 billion euros by the end  to cut emissions of the gases
                                                                      billion euros in green bonds  of 2026, of which 30% are to  that cause global warming by
                                                                      by the end of 2026 as part of  be raised via green bonds. In  55% over this decade and has
                                                                      its plans to finance the 27-na-  total,  the  bloc’s  27  nations  set the target of being carbon-
                                                                      tion bloc’s recovery from the  have agreed on a 1.8 trillion  neutral by 2050.
                                                                      coronavirus crisis.          euro  budget  and  pandemic
                                                                                                   recovery package.            To receive their share of the
                                                                      The EU commission said the                                recovery  aid,  EU  countries
                                                                      15-year bond was more than  The EU has the ambition to  have  accepted  that  their  na-
                                                                      11  times  oversubscribed,  become a leader in the mar-   tional plans must dedicate at
                                                                      with  books  exceeding  135  ket of green bonds, which are  least  37%  of  the  budgets  to
                                                                      billion euros.               reserved  for  sustainable  in-  climate-related projects.
                                                                      Johannes Hahn, the commis-                                “Our  future  is  green  and  it
                                                                      sioner  in  charge  of  budget    “It  will  allow  investors  to  is  extremely  important  that
                                                                      and administration, said “this  diversify  their  portfolio  of  we  seize  the  opportunity  to
                                                                      marks the largest green bond  green  investments  with  a  clearly show to investors that
                                                                      order book ever in global cap-  highly  rated  liquid  asset,  their funds will be used to fi-
                                                                      ital  markets,  and  the  largest  thereby potentially accelerat-  nance a sustainable European
                                                                      green  bond  ever  issued,  not  ing  a  virtuous  circle  of  sus-  recovery,” Hahn said.
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