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A30    world news
               Diaranson 13 october 2021

                            Kim vows to build ‘invincible’ military while slamming US

                                                                      weapons,  including  inter-  analyzing  the  North  Korean  diplomacy   between   the
                                                                      continental  ballistic  missiles  weapons displayed but didn’t  countries  fell  apart  in  early
                                                                      North Korea has already test-  elaborate.                 2019 after the Americans re-
                                                                      launched  or  displayed  dur-                             jected  North  Korea’s  calls
                                                                      ing military parades in recent  In recent weeks North Korea  for extensive sanctions relief
                                                                      years, experts say.          has sent mixed signals toward  in return for partial disarma-
                                                                                                   its  rivals,  as  it  resumed  its  ment steps.
                                                                      Yang  Wook,  a  military  ex-  missile tests after a six-month
                                                                      pert  who  teaches  at  South  hiatus but offered condition-  The  United  States  has  re-
                                                                      Korea’s  Hannam  University,  al talks with South Korea.  cently repeatedly offered talks
                                                                      said the weapons in the pho-  During his exhibition speech,  with North Korea “anywhere
                                                                      tos  include  what  appears  to  Kim accused South Korea of  and at any time” without pre-
                                                                      be a new ICBM that North  hypocrisy because it criticizes  conditions.  Kim  has  called
                                                                      Korea  disclosed  during  a  North  Korea’s  weapons  de-  such  an  offer  “cunning”  at-
                                                                      military  parade  last  year  but  velopment  as  provocations  tempt to conceal U.S. hostil-
                                                                      hasn’t  test-fired,  Yang  said.  while  spending  heavily  to  ity against North Korea, as he
            (AP)  —  North  Korean  U.S.  is  continuing  to  create  That missile mounted on an  increase its own military ca-  wants Washington to ease the
            leader  Kim  Jong  Un  re-   tensions  in  the  region  with  11-axel  launch  vehicle  dur-  pabilities. But he still said his  sanctions or suspend its regu-
            viewed  powerful  missiles  its wrong judgments and ac-   ing  the  parade  is  considered  military doesn’t target South  lar military drills with Seoul
            developed  to  launch  nu-   tions.”                      to be the North’s biggest-yet  Korea.                     first  before  the  talks  can  re-
            clear  strikes  on  the  U.S.                             ICBM.                                                     sume.
            mainland, as he vowed to  Calling  the  United  States  a                              “I say once again that South
            build an “invincible” mili-  “source” of instability on the  Other  weapons  on  display  Korea  isn’t  the  one  that  our  Despite  its  recent  missile
            tary to cope with what he  Korean  Peninsula,  Kim  said  were  another  ICBM  that  military  forces  have  to  fight  tests,  Kim  still  maintains  a
            called persistent U.S. hos-  his  country’s  most  impor-  North Korea tested in 2017;  against,”  Kim  said.  “Surely,  2018  self-imposed  morato-
            tility, state media reported  tant  objective  is  possessing  ballistic  missiles  that  can  be  we  aren’t  strengthening  our  rium  on  long-range  missile
            Tuesday.                     an “invincible military capa-  fired  from  submarines  or  a  defense capability because of  tests  directly  targeting  the
                                         bility”  that  no  one  can  dare  train;  solid-fueled,  short-  South  Korea.  We  shouldn’t  American  homeland,  a  sign
            In an apparent continued ef-  challenge.                  range  missiles;  and  a  devel-  repeat  a  horrible  history  that  he  still  wants  to  keep
            fort to drive a wedge between                             opmental hypersonic missile  of  compatriots  using  force  alive chances for future talks
            Washington  and  Seoul,  Kim  The    exhibition,   which  that  had  its  first  test-flight  against each other.”  with Washington.
            also used his speech at a rare  KCNA  says  was  meant  to  last  month,  said  Lee  Choon
            exhibition  of  weapons  sys-  mark  the  76th  birthday  of  Geun,  a  missile  expert  at  Some experts say North Ko-  In  2017,  North  Korea  con-
            tems  Monday  to  stress  that  the ruling Workers’ Party on  South  Korea’s  Science  and  rea is attempting to use South  ducted  three  ICBM  tests
            his  military  might  isn’t  tar-  Sunday,  was  the  first  of  its  Technology Policy Institute.  Korea’s desire to improve ties  and claimed to have acquired
            geted at South Korea and that  kind  since  Kim  took  power                           to pressure it to convince the  an  ability  to  attack  the  U.S.
            there  shouldn’t  be  another  in  late  2011,  according  to  “Basically,   North   Korea  United  States  to  relax  pun-  mainland  with  nuclear  mis-
            war  pitting  Korean  people  Seoul officials. North Korean  wants  to  send  this  message:  ishing  economic  sanctions  siles.  Lee,  the  expert,  ques-
            against each other.          photos showed Kim, clad in  ‘We’ll  continue  to  develop  on the North and make other  tioned  the  North’s  claim,
                                         a dark suit, walking on a red  new  weapons  and  arm  our-  concessions.              saying  it  needs  to  conduct
            “The U.S. has frequently sig-  carpet lined with big missiles  selves  with  nuclear  force,                        several  more  flight-tests  to
            naled  it’s  not  hostile  to  our  mounted  on  trucks,  passing  so  don’t  slap  sanctions  with  North Korea has long sought  prove  it  has  overcome  the
            state, but there is no action-  by  a  multiple  rocket  launch  these as we can’t agree on the  improved ties with the Unit-  last  remaining  technological
            based  evidence  to  make  us  system and watching jets fly-  double standards,’” Yang said.  ed  States  because  it  wants  hurdles such as one on pro-
            believe that they are not hos-  ing in a formation.                                    sanctions  relief  and  a  better  tecting  a  warhead  from  the
            tile,”  Kim  said  Monday,  ac-                           Seoul’s  Defense  Ministry  security  environment  to  fo-  extreme  heat  and  pressure
            cording to the official Korean  The  exhibition  featured  an  said South Korean and U.S.  cus on reviving its moribund  after  re-entering  the  Earth’s
            Central News Agency. “The  array  of  newly  developed  intelligence  authorities  were  economy.  The  high-stakes  atmosphere.

                       Qatar diplomat emphasizes engagement with Taliban at forum

            (AP) — Qatar’s diplomat-     zations.  The  sides  have  also  certain responsibility, obliga-  face talks between the Taliban  Al-Qahtani  explained  why
            ic point man on Afghani-     discussed pressing issues re-  tions to discharge.”       and the United States.       Qatar  encourages  engage-
            stan  said  Tuesday  coun-   lated to the role of women in                                                          ment  with  the  Taliban,  who
            tries  should  engage  the  society, girls’ access to educa-  The current Afghan govern-  Just this week, the U.S. and  for  years  carried  out  suicide
            country’s new Taliban rul-   tion and the importance of an  ment, which the Taliban say  Taliban held more direct talks  bombings  and  killings  of
            ers, warning that isolation  inclusive government.        is only interim, is comprised  in  Qatar’s  capital,  Doha,  in  troops and civilians. Although
            could  lead  to  instability                              solely of Taliban figures, in-  their first such meeting since  the group wants international
            and  a  wide-reaching  se-   Qatar’s  policies  and  insights  cluding several blacklisted by  the  American  troop  with-  recognition  and  agreed  on  a
            curity threat, as happened  on  Afghanistan  are  watched  the United Nations.         drawal  Aug.  31.  Representa-  peace  deal  with  the  U.S.,  it
            when  al-Qaida  used  the  closely because the tiny gas-                               tives of the European Union  has resorted to public hang-
            country  as  a  base  to  plot  rich  nation  has  played  an  “They need more collabora-  and  Taliban  were  holding  ings  and  other  brutal  tactics
            the 9/11 attacks.            outsized role in the war-torn  tion  and  more  cooperation  similar  talks  in  Doha  on  since taking power.
                                         country  in  the  wake  of  the  and  more  assistance  from  Tuesday.
            Mutlaq  bin  Majed  al-Qa-   U.S. withdrawal.             other  countries,”  al-Qahtani
            htani,  Qatar’s  special  envoy                           said, adding that engagement
            for  counterterrorism  and  “What  we  are  saying  to  the  with  the  world  is  the  only
            mediation in conflict resolu-  Taliban,  which  is  the  care-  way forward to stave off a hu-
            tion, said he’s held conversa-  taker  government,  the  de  manitarian catastrophe in the
            tions with the Taliban about  facto  authorities  in  Kabul,  impoverished nation.
            combating  terrorism.  The  (is  that)  discrimination  and
            Taliban, he said, are commit-  exclusion... this is not a good  Qatar was crucial to the cha-
            ted  to  fighting  the  Islamic  policy,”  al-Qahtani  said  in  a  otic U.S. airlift of more than
            State group, which is increas-  speech at the Global Security  100,000  people  from  Kabul
            ingly  active  in  Afghanistan,  Forum  in  Doha  organized  after  the  Taliban’s  surprise
            and  ensuring  the  country  is  by The Soufan Center. “As a  takeover  of  the  capital  Aug.
            not used by terrorist organi-  de  facto  authority,  you  have  15,  and  has  hosted  face-to-
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